3 research outputs found

    Utilizing Computational Music Analysis and AI for Enhanced Music Composition: Exploring Pre- and Post-Analysis

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    This research paper investigates the transformative potential of computational music analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) in advancing the field of music composition. Specifically, it explores the synergistic roles of pre-analysis and post-analysis techniques in leveraging AI-driven tools to enhance the creative process and quality of musical compositions. The study encompasses a historical overview of music composition, the evolution of computational music analysis, and contemporary AI applications. It delves into pre-analysis, focusing on its role in informing composition, and post-analysis, which evaluates and augments compositions. The paper underscores the significance of these technologies in fostering creativity while addressing challenges and ethical considerations. Through case studies, evaluations, and discussions, this research offers insights into the profound impact of computational music analysis and AI on music composition, paving the way for innovative and inclusive musical expressions.   &nbsp