7 research outputs found

    A Cache Model for Modern Processors

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    Modern processors use high-performance cache replacement policies that outperform traditional alternatives like least-recently used (LRU). Unfortunately, current cache models use stack distances to predict LRU or its variants, and cannot capture these high-performance policies. Accurate predictions of cache performance enable many optimizations in multicore systems. For example, cache partitioning uses these predictions to divide capacity among applications in order to maximize performance, guarantee quality of service, or achieve other system objectives. Without an accurate model for high-performance replacement policies, these optimizations are unavailable to modern processors. We present a new probabilistic cache model designed for high-performance replacement policies. This model uses absolute reuse distances instead of stack distances, which makes it applicable to arbitrary age-based replacement policies. We thoroughly validate our model on several high-performance policies on synthetic and real benchmarks, where its median error is less than 1%. Finally, we present two case studies showing how to use the model to improve shared and single-stream cache performance

    RDGC: A Reuse Distance-Based Approach to GPU Cache Performance Analysis

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    In the present paper, we propose RDGC, a reuse distance-based performance analysis approach for GPU cache hierarchy. RDGC models the thread-level parallelism in GPUs to generate appropriate cache reference sequence. Further, reuse distance analysis is extended to model the multi-partition/multi-port parallel caches and employed by RDGC to analyze GPU cache memories. RDGC can be utilized for architectural space exploration and parallel application development through providing hit ratios and transaction counts. The results of the present study demonstrate that the proposed model has an average error of 3.72 % and 4.5 % (for L1 and L2 hit ratios, respectively). The results also indicate that the slowdown of RDGC is equal to 47 000 times compared to hardware execution, while it is 59 times faster than GPGPU-Sim simulator

    Studying the impact of multicore processor scaling on directory techniques via reuse distance analysis

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    Abstract—Researchers have proposed numerous directory techniques to address multicore scalability whose behavior de-pends on the CPU’s particular configuration, e.g. core count and cache size. As CPUs continue to scale, it is essential to explore the directory’s architecture dependences. However, this is challenging using detailed simulation given the large number of CPU configurations that are possible. This paper proposes to use multicore reuse distance analysis to study coherence directories. We develop a framework to extract the directory access stream from parallel LRU stacks, enabling rapid analysis of the directory’s accesses and contents across both core count and cache size scaling. We also implement our framework in a profiler, and apply it to gain insights into multicore scaling’s impact on the directory. Our profiling results show that directory accesses reduce by 3.5x across data cache size scaling, suggesting techniques that tradeoff access latency for reduced capacity or conflicts become increasingly effective as cache size scales. We also show the portion of on-chip memory devoted to the directory cache can be reduced by 53.3 % across data cache size scaling, thus lowering the over-provisioning needed at large cache sizes. Finally, we validate our RD-based directory analyses, and find they are within 13% of cache simulations in terms of access count, on average. I

    Studying Multicore Processor Scaling via Reuse Distance Analysis

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    The trend for multicore processors is towards increasing numbers of cores, with 100s of cores–i.e. large-scale chip multiprocessors (LCMPs)–possible in the future. The key to realizing the potential of LCMPs is the cache hierarchy, so studying how memory performance will scale is crucial. Reuse distance (RD) analysis can help architects do this. In particular, recent work has developed concurrent reuse distance (CRD) and private reuse distance (PRD) profiles to enable analysis of shared and private caches. Also, techniques have been developed to predict profiles across problem size and core count, enabling the analysis of configurations that are too large to simulate. This paper applies RD analysis to study the scalability of multicore cache hierarchies. We present a framework based on CRD and PRD profiles for reasoning about the locality impact of core count and problem scaling. We find interference-based locality degradation is more significant than sharing-based locality degradation. For 256 cores running small problems, the former occurs at small cache sizes, allowing moderate capacity scaling of multicore caches to achieve the same cache performance (MPKI) as a single-core cache. At very large problems, interference-based locality degradation increases significantly in many of our benchmarks. For shared caches, this prevents most of our benchmarks from achieving constant-MPKI scaling within a 256 MB capacity budget; for private caches, all benchmarks cannot achieve constant-MPKI scaling within 256 MB

    Studying multicore processor scaling via reuse distance analysis

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