14,981 research outputs found

    Disentangling different types of El Ni\~no episodes by evolving climate network analysis

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    Complex network theory provides a powerful toolbox for studying the structure of statistical interrelationships between multiple time series in various scientific disciplines. In this work, we apply the recently proposed climate network approach for characterizing the evolving correlation structure of the Earth's climate system based on reanalysis data of surface air temperatures. We provide a detailed study on the temporal variability of several global climate network characteristics. Based on a simple conceptual view on red climate networks (i.e., networks with a comparably low number of edges), we give a thorough interpretation of our evolving climate network characteristics, which allows a functional discrimination between recently recognized different types of El Ni\~no episodes. Our analysis provides deep insights into the Earth's climate system, particularly its global response to strong volcanic eruptions and large-scale impacts of different phases of the El Ni\~no Southern Oscillation (ENSO).Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Complex Networks from Simple Rewrite Systems

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    Complex networks are all around us, and they can be generated by simple mechanisms. Understanding what kinds of networks can be produced by following simple rules is therefore of great importance. We investigate this issue by studying the dynamics of extremely simple systems where are `writer' moves around a network, and modifies it in a way that depends upon the writer's surroundings. Each vertex in the network has three edges incident upon it, which are colored red, blue and green. This edge coloring is done to provide a way for the writer to orient its movement. We explore the dynamics of a space of 3888 of these `colored trinet automata' systems. We find a large variety of behaviour, ranging from the very simple to the very complex. We also discover simple rules that generate forms which are remarkably similar to a wide range of natural objects. We study our systems using simulations (with appropriate visualization techniques) and analyze selected rules mathematically. We arrive at an empirical classification scheme which reveals a lot about the kinds of dynamics and networks that can be generated by these systems

    Evolution of networks

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    We review the recent fast progress in statistical physics of evolving networks. Interest has focused mainly on the structural properties of random complex networks in communications, biology, social sciences and economics. A number of giant artificial networks of such a kind came into existence recently. This opens a wide field for the study of their topology, evolution, and complex processes occurring in them. Such networks possess a rich set of scaling properties. A number of them are scale-free and show striking resilience against random breakdowns. In spite of large sizes of these networks, the distances between most their vertices are short -- a feature known as the ``small-world'' effect. We discuss how growing networks self-organize into scale-free structures and the role of the mechanism of preferential linking. We consider the topological and structural properties of evolving networks, and percolation in these networks. We present a number of models demonstrating the main features of evolving networks and discuss current approaches for their simulation and analytical study. Applications of the general results to particular networks in Nature are discussed. We demonstrate the generic connections of the network growth processes with the general problems of non-equilibrium physics, econophysics, evolutionary biology, etc.Comment: 67 pages, updated, revised, and extended version of review, submitted to Adv. Phy

    Rounding of first-order phase transitions and optimal cooperation in scale-free networks

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    We consider the ferromagnetic large-qq state Potts model in complex evolving networks, which is equivalent to an optimal cooperation problem, in which the agents try to optimize the total sum of pair cooperation benefits and the supports of independent projects. The agents are found to be typically of two kinds: a fraction of mm (being the magnetization of the Potts model) belongs to a large cooperating cluster, whereas the others are isolated one man's projects. It is shown rigorously that the homogeneous model has a strongly first-order phase transition, which turns to second-order for random interactions (benefits), the properties of which are studied numerically on the Barab\'asi-Albert network. The distribution of finite-size transition points is characterized by a shift exponent, 1/ν~′=.26(1)1/\tilde{\nu}'=.26(1), and by a different width exponent, 1/ν′=.18(1)1/\nu'=.18(1), whereas the magnetization at the transition point scales with the size of the network, NN, as: m∼N−xm\sim N^{-x}, with x=.66(1)x=.66(1).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The spread of infections on evolving scale-free networks

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    We study the contact process on a class of evolving scale-free networks, where each node updates its connections at independent random times. We give a rigorous mathematical proof that there is a transition between a phase where for all infection rates the infection survives for a long time, at least exponential in the network size, and a phase where for sufficiently small infection rates extinction occurs quickly, at most like the square root of the network size. The phase transition occurs when the power-law exponent crosses the value four. This behaviour is in contrast to that of the contact process on the corresponding static model, where there is no phase transition, as well as that of a classical mean-field approximation, which has a phase transition at power-law exponent three. The new observation behind our result is that temporal variability of networks can simultaneously increase the rate at which the infection spreads in the network, and decrease the time which the infection spends in metastable states.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    A simple asymmetric evolving random network

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    We introduce a new oriented evolving graph model inspired by biological networks. A node is added at each time step and is connected to the rest of the graph by random oriented edges emerging from older nodes. This leads to a statistical asymmetry between incoming and outgoing edges. We show that the model exhibits a percolation transition and discuss its universality. Below the threshold, the distribution of component sizes decreases algebraically with a continuously varying exponent depending on the average connectivity. We prove that the transition is of infinite order by deriving the exact asymptotic formula for the size of the giant component close to the threshold. We also present a thorough analysis of aging properties. We compute local-in-time profiles for the components of finite size and for the giant component, showing in particular that the giant component is always dense among the oldest nodes but invades only an exponentially small fraction of the young nodes close to the threshold.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures, to appear in J. Stat. Phy
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