144 research outputs found

    The Microsoft 2017 Conversational Speech Recognition System

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    We describe the 2017 version of Microsoft's conversational speech recognition system, in which we update our 2016 system with recent developments in neural-network-based acoustic and language modeling to further advance the state of the art on the Switchboard speech recognition task. The system adds a CNN-BLSTM acoustic model to the set of model architectures we combined previously, and includes character-based and dialog session aware LSTM language models in rescoring. For system combination we adopt a two-stage approach, whereby subsets of acoustic models are first combined at the senone/frame level, followed by a word-level voting via confusion networks. We also added a confusion network rescoring step after system combination. The resulting system yields a 5.1\% word error rate on the 2000 Switchboard evaluation set

    Low-rank and Sparse Soft Targets to Learn Better DNN Acoustic Models

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    Conventional deep neural networks (DNN) for speech acoustic modeling rely on Gaussian mixture models (GMM) and hidden Markov model (HMM) to obtain binary class labels as the targets for DNN training. Subword classes in speech recognition systems correspond to context-dependent tied states or senones. The present work addresses some limitations of GMM-HMM senone alignments for DNN training. We hypothesize that the senone probabilities obtained from a DNN trained with binary labels can provide more accurate targets to learn better acoustic models. However, DNN outputs bear inaccuracies which are exhibited as high dimensional unstructured noise, whereas the informative components are structured and low-dimensional. We exploit principle component analysis (PCA) and sparse coding to characterize the senone subspaces. Enhanced probabilities obtained from low-rank and sparse reconstructions are used as soft-targets for DNN acoustic modeling, that also enables training with untranscribed data. Experiments conducted on AMI corpus shows 4.6% relative reduction in word error rate

    Phone-aware Neural Language Identification

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    Pure acoustic neural models, particularly the LSTM-RNN model, have shown great potential in language identification (LID). However, the phonetic information has been largely overlooked by most of existing neural LID models, although this information has been used in the conventional phonetic LID systems with a great success. We present a phone-aware neural LID architecture, which is a deep LSTM-RNN LID system but accepts output from an RNN-based ASR system. By utilizing the phonetic knowledge, the LID performance can be significantly improved. Interestingly, even if the test language is not involved in the ASR training, the phonetic knowledge still presents a large contribution. Our experiments conducted on four languages within the Babel corpus demonstrated that the phone-aware approach is highly effective.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0315

    Phonetic Temporal Neural Model for Language Identification

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    Deep neural models, particularly the LSTM-RNN model, have shown great potential for language identification (LID). However, the use of phonetic information has been largely overlooked by most existing neural LID methods, although this information has been used very successfully in conventional phonetic LID systems. We present a phonetic temporal neural model for LID, which is an LSTM-RNN LID system that accepts phonetic features produced by a phone-discriminative DNN as the input, rather than raw acoustic features. This new model is similar to traditional phonetic LID methods, but the phonetic knowledge here is much richer: it is at the frame level and involves compacted information of all phones. Our experiments conducted on the Babel database and the AP16-OLR database demonstrate that the temporal phonetic neural approach is very effective, and significantly outperforms existing acoustic neural models. It also outperforms the conventional i-vector approach on short utterances and in noisy conditions.Comment: Submitted to TASL

    LID-senone Extraction via Deep Neural Networks for End-to-End Language Identification

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    A key problem in spoken language identification (LID) is how to effectively model features from a given speech utterance. Recent techniques such as end-to-end schemes and deep neural networks (DNNs) utilising transfer learning such as bottleneck (BN) features, have demonstrated good overall performance, but have not addressed the extraction of LID-specific features. We thus propose a novel end-to-end neural network which aims to obtain effective LID-senone representations, which we define as being analogous to senones in speech recognition. We show that LID-senones combine a compact representation of the original acoustic feature space with a powerful descriptive and discriminative capability. Furthermore, a novel incremental training method is proposed to extract the weak language information buried in the acoustic features of insufficient language resources. Results on the six most confused languages in NIST LRE 2009 show good performance compared to state-of-the-art BN-GMM/i-vector and BN-DNN/i-vector systems. The proposed end-to-end network, coupled with an incremental training method which mitigates against over-fitting, has potential not just for LID, but also for other resource constrained tasks
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