5 research outputs found

    An Integrated Development Environment for Declarative Multi-Paradigm Programming

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    In this paper we present CIDER (Curry Integrated Development EnviRonment), an analysis and programming environment for the declarative multi-paradigm language Curry. CIDER is a graphical environment to support the development of Curry programs by providing integrated tools for the analysis and visualization of programs. CIDER is completely implemented in Curry using libraries for GUI programming (based on Tcl/Tk) and meta-programming. An important aspect of our environment is the possible adaptation of the development environment to other declarative source languages (e.g., Prolog or Haskell) and the extensibility w.r.t. new analysis methods. To support the latter feature, the lazy evaluation strategy of the underlying implementation language Curry becomes quite useful.Comment: In A. Kusalik (ed), proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Logic Programming Environments (WLPE'01), December 1, 2001, Paphos, Cyprus. cs.PL/011104

    Composing graphical user interfaces in a purely functional language

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    This thesis is about building interactive graphical user interfaces in a compositional manner. Graphical user interface application hold out the promise of providing users with an interactive, graphical medium by which they can carry out tasks more effectively and conveniently. The application aids the user to solve some task. Conceptually, the user is in charge of the graphical medium, controlling the order and the rate at which individual actions are performed. This user-centred nature of graphical user interfaces has considerable ramifications for how software is structured. Since the application now services the user rather than the other way around, it has to be capable of responding to the user's actions when and in whatever order they might occur. This transfer of overall control towards the user places heavy burden on programming systems, a burden that many systems don't support too well. Why? Because the application now has to be structured so that it is responsive to whatever action the user may perform at any time. The main contribution of this thesis is to present a compositional approach to constructing graphical user interface applications in a purely functional programming language The thesis is concerned with the software techniques used to program graphical user interface applications, and not directly with their design. A starting point for the work presented here was to examine whether an approach based on functional programming could improve how graphical user interfaces are built. Functional programming languages, and Haskell in particular, contain a number of distinctive features such as higher-order functions, polymorphic type systems, lazy evaluation, and systematic overloading, that together pack quite a punch, at least according to proponents of these languages. A secondary contribution of this thesis is to present a compositional user interface framework called Haggis, which makes good use of current functional programming techniques. The thesis evaluates the properties of this framework by comparing it to existing systems

    Structuring Graphical Paradigms in TkGofer

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    In this paper we describe the implementation of several graphical programming paradigms (Model View Controller, Fudgets, and Functional Animations) using the GUI library TkGofer. This library relies on a combination of monads and multiple-parameter type classes to provide an abstract, type safe interface to Tcl/Tk. We show how choosing the right abstractions makes the given implementations surprisingly concise and easy to understand

    Declarative Support for Prototyping Interactive Systems

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    The development of complex, multi-user, interactive systems is a difficult process that requires both a rapid iterative approach, and the ability to reason carefully about system designs. This thesis argues that a combination of declarative prototyping and formal specification provides a suitable way of satisfying these requirements. The focus of this thesis is on the development of software tools for prototyping interactive systems. In particular, it uses a declarative approach, based on the functional programming paradigm. This thesis makes two contributions. The most significant contribution is the presentation of FranTk, a new Graphical User Interface language, embedded in the functional language Haskell. It is suitable for prototyping complex, concurrent, multi-user systems. It allows systems to be built in a high level, structured manner. In particular, it provides good support for specifying real-time properties of such systems. The second contribution is a mechanism that allows a formal specification to be derived from a high level FranTk prototype. The approach allows this to be done automatically. This specification can then be checked, with tool support, to verify some safety properties about a system. To avoid the state space explosion problem that would be faced when verifying an entire system, we focus on partial verification. This concentrates on key areas of a design: in particular this means that we only derive a specification from parts of a prototype. To demonstrate the scalability of both the prototyping and verification approaches, this thesis uses a series of case studies including a multi-user design rationale editor and a prototype data-link Air Traffic Control system