858 research outputs found

    Robust Lattice Alignment for K-user MIMO Interference Channels with Imperfect Channel Knowledge

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    In this paper, we consider a robust lattice alignment design for K-user quasi-static MIMO interference channels with imperfect channel knowledge. With random Gaussian inputs, the conventional interference alignment (IA) method has the feasibility problem when the channel is quasi-static. On the other hand, structured lattices can create structured interference as opposed to the random interference caused by random Gaussian symbols. The structured interference space can be exploited to transmit the desired signals over the gaps. However, the existing alignment methods on the lattice codes for quasi-static channels either require infinite SNR or symmetric interference channel coefficients. Furthermore, perfect channel state information (CSI) is required for these alignment methods, which is difficult to achieve in practice. In this paper, we propose a robust lattice alignment method for quasi-static MIMO interference channels with imperfect CSI at all SNR regimes, and a two-stage decoding algorithm to decode the desired signal from the structured interference space. We derive the achievable data rate based on the proposed robust lattice alignment method, where the design of the precoders, decorrelators, scaling coefficients and interference quantization coefficients is jointly formulated as a mixed integer and continuous optimization problem. The effect of imperfect CSI is also accommodated in the optimization formulation, and hence the derived solution is robust to imperfect CSI. We also design a low complex iterative optimization algorithm for our robust lattice alignment method by using the existing iterative IA algorithm that was designed for the conventional IA method. Numerical results verify the advantages of the proposed robust lattice alignment method

    Filter and nested-lattice code design for fading MIMO channels with side-information

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    Linear-assignment Gel'fand-Pinsker coding (LA-GPC) is a coding technique for channels with interference known only at the transmitter, where the known interference is treated as side-information (SI). As a special case of LA-GPC, dirty paper coding has been shown to be able to achieve the optimal interference-free rate for interference channels with perfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). In the cases where only the channel distribution information at the transmitter (CDIT) is available, LA-GPC also has good (sometimes optimal) performance in a variety of fast and slow fading SI channels. In this paper, we design the filters in nested-lattice based coding to make it achieve the same rate performance as LA-GPC in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. Compared with the random Gaussian codebooks used in previous works, our resultant coding schemes have an algebraic structure and can be implemented in practical systems. A simulation in a slow-fading channel is also provided, and near interference-free error performance is obtained. The proposed coding schemes can serve as the fundamental building blocks to achieve the promised rate performance of MIMO Gaussian broadcast channels with CDIT or perfect CSITComment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communications, Feb, 200

    Compute-and-Forward: Harnessing Interference through Structured Codes

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    Interference is usually viewed as an obstacle to communication in wireless networks. This paper proposes a new strategy, compute-and-forward, that exploits interference to obtain significantly higher rates between users in a network. The key idea is that relays should decode linear functions of transmitted messages according to their observed channel coefficients rather than ignoring the interference as noise. After decoding these linear equations, the relays simply send them towards the destinations, which given enough equations, can recover their desired messages. The underlying codes are based on nested lattices whose algebraic structure ensures that integer combinations of codewords can be decoded reliably. Encoders map messages from a finite field to a lattice and decoders recover equations of lattice points which are then mapped back to equations over the finite field. This scheme is applicable even if the transmitters lack channel state information.Comment: IEEE Trans. Info Theory, to appear. 23 pages, 13 figure
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