5 research outputs found

    Affective image content analysis: two decades review and new perspectives

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    Affective Image Content Analysis: Two Decades Review and New Perspectives

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    Images can convey rich semantics and induce various emotions in viewers. Recently, with the rapid advancement of emotional intelligence and the explosive growth of visual data, extensive research efforts have been dedicated to affective image content analysis (AICA). In this survey, we will comprehensively review the development of AICA in the recent two decades, especially focusing on the state-of-the-art methods with respect to three main challenges -- the affective gap, perception subjectivity, and label noise and absence. We begin with an introduction to the key emotion representation models that have been widely employed in AICA and description of available datasets for performing evaluation with quantitative comparison of label noise and dataset bias. We then summarize and compare the representative approaches on (1) emotion feature extraction, including both handcrafted and deep features, (2) learning methods on dominant emotion recognition, personalized emotion prediction, emotion distribution learning, and learning from noisy data or few labels, and (3) AICA based applications. Finally, we discuss some challenges and promising research directions in the future, such as image content and context understanding, group emotion clustering, and viewer-image interaction.Comment: Accepted by IEEE TPAM

    Structured and Sparse Annotations for Image Emotion Distribution Learning

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    Label distribution learning methods effectively address the label ambiguity problem and have achieved great success in image emotion analysis. However, these methods ignore structured and sparse information naturally contained in the annotations of emotions. For example, emotions can be grouped and ordered due to their polarities and degrees. Meanwhile, emotions have the character of intensity and are reflected in different levels of sparse annotations. Motivated by these observations, we present a convolutional neural network based framework called Structured and Sparse annotations for image emotion Distribution Learning (SSDL) to tackle two challenges. In order to utilize structured annotations, the Earth Mover’s Distance is employed to calculate the minimal cost required to transform one distribution to another for ordered emotions and emotion groups. Combined with Kullback-Leibler divergence, we design the loss to penalize the mispredictions according to the dissimilarities of same emotions and different emotions simultaneously. Moreover, in order to handle sparse annotations, sparse regularization based on emotional intensity is adopted. Through combined loss and sparse regularization, SSDL could effectively leverage structured and sparse annotations for predicting emotion distribution. Experiment results demonstrate that our proposed SSDL significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods

    Structured and Sparse Annotations for Image Emotion Distribution Learning

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