7 research outputs found

    Scripted collaboration in serious gaming for complex learning: Effects of multiple perspectives when acquiring water management skills

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    Hummel, H. G. K., Van Houcke, J., Nadolski, R. J., Van der Hiele, T., Kurvers, H., & Löhr, A. (2011). Scripted collaboration in gaming for complex learning: Effects of multiple perspectives when acquiring water management skills. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(6), 1029-1041. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2010.01122.xThis article examines how learning outcomes from playing serious games can be enhanced by including scripted collaboration in the game play. We compared the quality of advisory reports, that students in the domain of water management had to draw up for an authentic case problem, both before and after collaborating on the problem with (virtual) peer students. Peers studied the case from either an ecological or governance perspective, and during collaboration both perspectives had to be confronted and reflected upon. This article argues why such type of workplace-based learning scenarios are important for professional development, describes how serious gaming scenarios can be designed to support such complex learning, and reports data on student satisfaction and learning effects of including scripted collaboration. Preliminary results from a pilot study with 12 students show that including scripted collaboration significantly enhances the quality of learning outcomes

    Effects of cueing and collaboration on the acquisition of complex legal skills

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    Hummel, H. G. K., Paas, F., & Koper, R. (2006). Effects of cueing and collaboration on the Acquisition of Complex Legal Skills. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76(3), 613-632. [Also availabe at http://hdl.handle.net/1820/482]This study examines the effects of cueing and collaboration on training outcomes and transfer pleas, and on cognitive activity during collaboration, by combining a multimedia practical with cueing and small-group collaboration with peer feedback to support the complex task of preparing a plea in court. Results reveal that both cueing and collaboration positively influence training outcomes, with participants without cueing benefiting most from additional collaboration. Transfer plea scores reveal a positive effect of collaboration but a negative effect of cueing. Analysis of discussions during small-group collaboration reveals a negative effect of cueing on the level of cognitive activity. The theoretical and practical implications for combining cueing and small-group collaboration to support the acquisition of complex skills are discussed

    Design of Cueing in Multimedia Practicals

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    Computer programs aimed at the acquisition and application of problem-solving skills are referred to as multimedia practicals. Both instructional guidelines and empirical data on necessary support for learners, studying such competence-based learning programs, are sparse. This thesis describes a literature study and a series of experimental studies into cueing, formats of cognitive feedback which provide effective process support in multimedia practicals. The studies focus on worked-out examples and process worksheets as promising cueing formats to support law students learning to systematically prepare and hold a plea in various authentic situations. As a result of this research, the thesis presents a theoretical model, guidelines and practical implications for the design and use of cueing in multimedia practicals

    Development and validation of an instrument for assessing online learning environments in tertiary education: The Online Learning Environment Survey (OLLES)

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    Increasingly the perceived benefits of using networked computers, software applications and computer simulations in learning activities are being exploited at all educational levels and within all curricula areas. As web-based and online software applications such as browsers, search engines, communication tools and data-bases mature, so does educator's use of this medium for teaching and learning. How we can investigate the impact of these technologies upon the educational experiences of learners was the fundamental concept addressed by this thesis. The study reports on the design, development and validation of a web-based survey instrument for use in online learning environments in tertiary education. The thesis investigated both previous psychosocial learning environment instrument development studies and the nature of environments created by the use of information and communication technologies. The research followed a two-phased instrument development process. Phase one focused on content validity, identifying salient scales and items and piloting the instrument with a limited audience. Phase two focused on construct validity, conducting an extensive field test with a web-based form and performing statistical analysis on the online data collected. Principal components analysis, with oblique and orthogonal rotations, confirmed the structure of a 35-item 7-scale instrument. The thesis concludes by confirming the new instrument, the Online Learning Environment Survey (OLLES), will allow conclusions to be drawn about student perceptions on the interactions occurring in their online environments in an economical and efficient manner

    Concepção e implementação de um modelo de eLearning no ensino superior : estudo exploratório numa disciplina de inglês

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    Mestrado em Multimédia em EducaçãoO propósito deste trabalho é reflectir sobre todo o processo de migração de uma disciplina leccionada no regime presencial-tradicional para blendedlearning, focando aspectos desde a fase de concepção à fase de implementação de um modelo de eLearning. Neste sentido foi concebido e implementado um modelo para a disciplina de Inglês Aplicado ao Marketing, no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. Os objectivos primordiais consistiram em analisar o impacto de um modelo de eLearning numa disciplina de Língua Inglesa; analisar dados ao nível da participação e satisfação dos alunos; e ainda apresentar conclusões e apontar alguns caminhos de investigação futura. Desta forma, o estudo considera inúmeras questões que se prendem com modelos de eLearning, receptividade dos intervenientes, entre outras. Uma vez que a disciplina de Inglês para Fins Específicos é considerada instrumental, questionamo-nos sobre a motivação dos alunos. Surgem novas metodologias de ensino e há a necessidade de reestruturar conteúdos já existentes. Estarão os professores preparados para assumir as novas responsabilidades e enfrentar os novos desafios científicos, pedagógicos e tecnológicos? Para cumprir os objectivos propostos, a investigação baseia-se num estudo qualitativo, descritivo, assente numa metodologia de investigação-acção, uma vez que o intuito é verificar e anotar todo o desenrolar de uma disciplina ao longo de um semestre, leccionada seguindo um novo modelo de ensino. Implementar um modelo de eLearning envolve a adaptação de estratégias. As mudanças a nível de metodologias fazem com que professores e alunos repensem os seus papéis e atitudes. Neste caso concreto, os alunos participaram mas não se verificou interacção uma vez que se limitaram a responder à questão inicial sem opinar. Transparece um certo grau de desmotivação pessoal, indiferença perante algo mais polémico que possa induzir um debate. Apesar dos esforços para implementar novas estratégias e distribuir tarefas mais colaborativas, os alunos mostraram estar ainda dependentes do professor, revelando pouco interesse em serem autónomos e responsáveis pela própria aprendizagem. Migrar uma disciplina mostrou ser complicado e moroso, pois não implica uma transposição de conteúdos. A integração das tecnologias compromete não só a mudança de meios, mas também a mudança de metodologias, estratégias e competências. Significa trabalhar, reestruturar e avaliar. Uma implementação de sucesso requer uma mudança de atitudes e ideias, muitas vezes difícil. Envolve mais dedicação e tempo por parte do professor, muitas vezes não reconhecido pelos restantes. Num sistema onde os resultados são primordiais, a mudança é encarada com algum cepticismo.The present dissertation seeks to describe the migration process of a traditionally taught English Language course to blended-learning, considering various aspects that range from the design to the implementation phase of an eLearning model. Thus, an eLearning model was conceived and implemented in English for Marketing, in ISCAP. The objectives of the project were two. They consisted in the analysis of the impact of an eLearning model in a language course and the analysis of the level of participation and student satisfaction data in this model. Furthermore it was our intention to indicate possible future research lines. Hence, this dissertation addresses global questions related to eLearning models, and questions related to the participants, such as students’ receptivity. As English for Specific Purposes is considered instrumental, students’ motivation is also questioned. This learning model questions teacher involvement. As new methodologies appear, there is the need to reorganize existing contents. Will teachers be prepared to assume the new responsibilities and face the new scientific, pedagogical and technological challenges? The project is based on a case study of a descriptive, qualitative nature, grounded on an action-research paradigm, as the objective was to verify and describe the unfolding of a blended-learning course throughout a semester. Placing a course on line implies adapting strategies. The shift in methods makes both teachers and students rethink their roles and their attitudes. In this case, students participated but there was no interaction; students simply answered a question, very often ignoring their personal opinion. There seems to be no self-motivation, no interest in raising questions or addressing new interests in their debates. Despite the efforts to implement new strategies, group oriented tasks, students still depended on the teacher to tell them what to do and how to do it. They showed little interest in being responsible for their own learning, in being autonomous. Migrating a course is not a simple task because it is not a mere transposition of contents. Integrating technology is not about changing the media of our “sevenyear old class notes”; it is about changing methods, strategies and competences. It is about working, restructuring, comparing and evaluating. Successfully implementing change requires a shift in attitudes and rooted ideals and that is not easy. It also implies time and dedication from the teacher that very often is not acknowledged by peers. In a system where the final results are essential, change is looked upon with some scepticism