5 research outputs found

    Rogue seasonality detection in supply chains

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    Rogue seasonality or unintended cyclic variability in order and other supply chain variables is an endogenous disturbance generated by a company’s internal processes such as inventory and production control systems. The ability to automatically detect, diagnose and discriminate rogue seasonality from exogenous disturbances is of prime importance to decision makers. This paper compares the effectiveness of alternative time series techniques based on Fourier and discrete wavelet transforms, autocorrelation and cross correlation functions and autoregressive model in detecting rogue seasonality. Rogue seasonalities of various intensities were generated using different simulation designs and demand patterns to evaluate each of these techniques. An index for rogue seasonality, based on the clustering profile of the supply chain variables was defined and used in the evaluation. The Fourier transform technique was found to be the most effective for rogue seasonality detection, which was also subsequently validated using data from a steel supply network

    Anomaly detection in SCADA systems: a network based approach

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    Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks are commonly deployed to aid the operation of large industrial facilities, such as water treatment facilities. Historically, these networks were composed by special-purpose embedded devices communicating through proprietary protocols. However, modern deployments commonly make use of commercial off-the-shelf devices and standard communication protocols, such as TCP/IP. Furthermore, these networks are becoming increasingly interconnected, allowing communication with corporate networks and even the Internet. As a result, SCADA networks become vulnerable to cyber attacks, being exposed to the same threats that plague traditional IT systems.\ud \ud In our view, measurements play an essential role in validating results in network research; therefore, our first objective is to understand how SCADA networks are utilized in practice. To this end, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of real-world SCADA traffic. We analyze five network packet traces collected at four different critical infrastructures: two water treatment facilities, one gas utility, and one electricity and gas utility. We show, for instance, that exiting network traffic models developed for traditional IT networks cannot be directly applied to SCADA network traffic. \ud \ud We also confirm two SCADA traffic characteristics: the stable connection matrix and the traffic periodicity, and propose two intrusion detection approaches that exploit them. In order to exploit the stable connection matrix, we investigate the use of whitelists at the flow level. We show that flow whitelists have a manageable size, considering the number of hosts in the network, and that it is possible to overcome the main sources of instability in the whitelists. In order to exploit the traffic periodicity, we focus our attention to connections used to retrieve data from devices in the field network. We propose PeriodAnalyzer, an approach that uses deep packet inspection to automatically identify the different messages and the frequency at which they are issued. Once such normal behavior is learned, PeriodAnalyzer can be used to detect data injection and Denial of Service attacks

    Query Log Mining to Enhance User Experience in Search Engines

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    The Web is the biggest repository of documents humans have ever built. Even more, it is increasingly growing in size every day. Users rely on Web search engines (WSEs) for finding information on the Web. By submitting a textual query expressing their information need, WSE users obtain a list of documents that are highly relevant to the query. Moreover, WSEs tend to store such huge amount of users activities in "query logs". Query log mining is the set of techniques aiming at extracting valuable knowledge from query logs. This knowledge represents one of the most used ways of enhancing the users’ search experience. According to this vision, in this thesis we firstly prove that the knowledge extracted from query logs suffer aging effects and we thus propose a solution to this phenomenon. Secondly, we propose new algorithms for query recommendation that overcome the aging problem. Moreover, we study new query recommendation techniques for efficiently producing recommendations for rare queries. Finally, we study the problem of diversifying Web search engine results. We define a methodology based on the knowledge derived from query logs for detecting when and how query results need to be diversified and we develop an efficient algorithm for diversifying search results

    Rogue seasonality detection in supply chains

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    Supply chains face disturbances in the provision of goods and services to customers. A key disturbance which is endogenously generated from the nature of the ordering process used is rogue seasonality, which is characterised by orders and other supply chain variables showing cyclicality in their profiles and this cyclicality not present in exogenous demand. It is observed in many supply chains and is a cause of significant economic loss for entities in these chains. A useful way to manage rogue seasonality could be by detecting its presence and intensity in a system and then taking appropriate and timely action for its mitigation. Called "sense and respond", this approach has been used in various domains extensively, but its application in supply chain management has been limited. This thesis explores the application of this approach for managing rogue seasonality, with the findings from it particularly relevant for a context where many multiple echelon supply chains are being managed by a focal company. Multiple methods are used to analyse each of the rogue seasonality generation and detection components of the thesis. For understanding rogue seasonality generation, system dynamics simulations of single and three echelon linear and four echelon non linear (Beer game) systems are used. The impact of different demand processes and parameters, delays, order of delays, ordering processes, backlogs and batching on rogue seasonality is assessed. The simulation analysis is supported with empirical contexts from the steel and grocery sectors. The understanding gained on rogue seasonality together with the related contextual data is used in the sense or detection part of the thesis. The signature based approach, with the signature derived from clustering of time series data of variables is explored for detection, with the data represented in alternative domains such as amplitudes of Fourier transforms, autocorrelation function, coefficients of autoregressive model, cross correlation function and coefficients of discrete wavelet transform. The thesis determined the signature and index for detecting rogue seasonality. While the signature, which is based on the cluster profiles of the system variables indicates the presence of rogue seasonality, the intensity of rogue seasonality is indicated by the index. In a multi supply chain context, the index could be used to identify problematic supply chains from a rogue seasonality perspective and initiate appropriate management action. At present there is no measure for rogue seasonality and defining an index for the same constitutes a major contribution of this thesis. Among alternative time series representations, the frequency domain representation based on Fourier transform was found to be the most appropriate for deriving the signature and index. This is also a major contribution of the diesis, as the comprehensive assessment of time series representations carried out in this study has not been done in many studies across domains, and those that have done so, have not used any supply chain related data in the assessment. Finally, the framework for exploiting the index for managing rogue seasonality is proposed