561 research outputs found

    Controllability and explainability in a hybrid social recommender system

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    The growth in artificial intelligence (AI) technology has advanced many human-facing applications. The recommender system is one of the promising sub-domain of AI-driven application, which aims to predict items or ratings based on user preferences. These systems were empowered by large-scale data and automated inference methods that bring useful but puzzling suggestions to the users. That is, the output is usually unpredictable and opaque, which may demonstrate user perceptions of the system that can be confusing, frustrating or even dangerous in many life-changing scenarios. Adding controllability and explainability are two promising approaches to improve human interaction with AI. However, the varying capability of AI-driven applications makes the conventional design principles are less useful. It brings tremendous opportunities as well as challenges for the user interface and interaction design, which has been discussed in the human-computer interaction (HCI) community for over two decades. The goal of this dissertation is to build a framework for AI-driven applications that enables people to interact effectively with the system as well as be able to interpret the output from the system. Specifically, this dissertation presents the exploration of how to bring controllability and explainability to a hybrid social recommender system, included several attempts in designing user-controllable and explainable interfaces that allow the users to fuse multi-dimensional relevance and request explanations of the received recommendations. The works contribute to the HCI fields by providing design implications of enhancing human-AI interaction and gaining transparency of AI-driven applications

    The design of 3D cyberspace as user interface: Advantages and limitations

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    Virtual reality propagandists, technologists and the Internet community have long debated the issue of the usability of online three-dimensional (3D) environments. A lot of work was published about the benefits of 3D spaces for human-computer interaction and information visualisation due to their realism (Anders, Kalawsky, Crossley, Davies, McGrath, Rejman-Greene, 1998, Hamit, 1993, Heim, 1992, Aukstakalnis, Blatner, Roth, 1992). This topic also receives continuous industry support including standardisation of Virtual Reality Modeling Language ( VRML, VRML Consortium, 1997) and the more recent Macromedia & Intel alliance to bring web 3D to the mainstream (200 1, Intel Corporation). The actual implementation of this technology is, however, still challenging (McCarthy & Descartes, 1998) and minimal because 3D is too new and waiting for good design to be discovered (Nielsen, 1998). The practical aim of this project is to fulfil the niche by creating a functional 3D interface for the access of two-dimensional (2D) information, such as text, using VRML. The theoretical aim is to contribute to further research into 3D usability by describing and analysing the design process in terms of possibilities, challenges and limitations

    Integrating Haptic Feedback into Mobile Location Based Services

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    Haptics is a feedback technology that takes advantage of the human sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, and/or motions to a haptic-enabled device such as a mobile phone. Historically, human-computer interaction has been visual - text and images on the screen. Haptic feedback can be an important additional method especially in Mobile Location Based Services such as knowledge discovery, pedestrian navigation and notification systems. A knowledge discovery system called the Haptic GeoWand is a low interaction system that allows users to query geo-tagged data around them by using a point-and-scan technique with their mobile device. Haptic Pedestrian is a navigation system for walkers. Four prototypes have been developed classified according to the user’s guidance requirements, the user type (based on spatial skills), and overall system complexity. Haptic Transit is a notification system that provides spatial information to the users of public transport. In all these systems, haptic feedback is used to convey information about location, orientation, density and distance by use of the vibration alarm with varying frequencies and patterns to help understand the physical environment. Trials elicited positive responses from the users who see benefit in being provided with a “heads up” approach to mobile navigation. Results from a memory recall test show that the users of haptic feedback for navigation had better memory recall of the region traversed than the users of landmark images. Haptics integrated into a multi-modal navigation system provides more usable, less distracting but more effective interaction than conventional systems. Enhancements to the current work could include integration of contextual information, detailed large-scale user trials and the exploration of using haptics within confined indoor spaces

    Proceedings of the Workshop on the Reuse of Web based Information

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    The proceedings are currently available online at: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/~vercoust/REUSE/WWW7-reuse.html where individual papers can be downloaded. However, this URL must not be regarded as permanent.These are the Proceeding of theWorkshop on the Reuse of Web Information that was held in conjunction with the Seventh International World Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, 14 April 19998

    VAS (Visual Analysis System): An information visualization engine to interpret World Wide Web structure

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    People increasingly encounter problems of interpreting and filtering mass quantities of information. The enormous growth of information systems on the World Wide Web has demonstrated that we need systems to filter, interpret, organize and present information in ways that allow users to use these large quantities of information. People need to be able to extract knowledge from this sometimes meaningful but sometimes useless mass of data in order to make informed decisions. Web users need to have some kind of information about the sort of page they might visit, such as, is it a rarely referenced or often-referenced page? This master\u27s thesis presents a method to address these problems using data mining and information visualization techniques

    Navigating in Complex Process Model Collections

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    The increasing adoption of process-aware information systems (PAIS) has led to the emergence of large process model collections. In the automotive and healthcare domains, for example, such collections may comprise hundreds or thousands of process models, each consisting of numerous process elements (e.g., process tasks or data objects). In existing modeling environments, process models are presented to users in a rather static manner; i.e., as image maps not allowing for any context-specific user interactions. As process participants have different needs and thus require specific presentations of available process information, such static approaches are usually not sufficient to assist them in their daily work. For example, a business manager only requires an abstract overview of a process model collection, whereas a knowledge worker (e.g., a requirements engineer) needs detailed information on specific process tasks. In general, a more flexible navigation and visualization approach is needed, which allows process participants to flexibly interact with process model collections in order to navigate from a standard (i.e., default) visualization of a process model collection to a context-specific one. With the Process Navigation and Visualization (ProNaVis) framework, this thesis provides such a flexible navigation approach for large and complex process model collections. Specifically, ProNaVis enables the flexible navigation within process model collections along three navigation dimensions. First, the geographic dimension allows zooming in and out of the process models. Second, the semantic dimension may be utilized to increase or decrease the level of detail. Third, the view dimension allows switching between different visualizations. All three navigation dimensions have been addressed in an isolated fashion in existing navigation approaches so far, but only ProNaVis provides an integrated support for all three dimensions. The concepts developed in this thesis were validated using various methods. First, they were implemented in the process navigation tool Compass, which has been used by several departments of an automotive OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Second, ProNaVis concepts were evaluated in two experiments, investigating both navigation and visualization aspects. Third, the developed concepts were successfully applied to process-oriented information logistics (POIL). Experimental as well as empirical results have provided evidence that ProNaVis will enable a much more flexible navigation in process model repositories compared to existing approaches

    Hypertext Semiotics in the Commercialized Internet

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    Die Hypertext Theorie verwendet die selbe Terminologie, welche seit Jahrzehnten in der semiotischen Forschung untersucht wird, wie z.B. Zeichen, Text, Kommunikation, Code, Metapher, Paradigma, Syntax, usw. Aufbauend auf jenen Ergebnissen, welche in der Anwendung semiotischer Prinzipien und Methoden auf die Informatik erfolgreich waren, wie etwa Computer Semiotics, Computational Semiotics und Semiotic Interface Engineering, legt diese Dissertation einen systematischen Ansatz für all jene Forscher dar, die bereit sind, Hypertext aus einer semiotischen Perspektive zu betrachten. Durch die Verknüpfung existierender Hypertext-Modelle mit den Resultaten aus der Semiotik auf allen Sinnesebenen der textuellen, auditiven, visuellen, taktilen und geruchlichen Wahrnehmung skizziert der Autor Prolegomena einer Hypertext-Semiotik-Theorie, anstatt ein völlig neues Hypertext-Modell zu präsentieren. Eine Einführung in die Geschichte der Hypertexte, von ihrer Vorgeschichte bis zum heutigen Entwicklungsstand und den gegenwärtigen Entwicklungen im kommerzialisierten World Wide Web bilden den Rahmen für diesen Ansatz, welcher als Fundierung des Brückenschlages zwischen Mediensemiotik und Computer-Semiotik angesehen werden darf. Während Computer-Semiotiker wissen, dass der Computer eine semiotische Maschine ist und Experten der künstlichen Intelligenz-Forschung die Rolle der Semiotik in der Entwicklung der nächsten Hypertext-Generation betonen, bedient sich diese Arbeit einer breiteren methodologischen Basis. Dementsprechend reichen die Teilgebiete von Hypertextanwendungen, -paradigmen, und -strukturen, über Navigation, Web Design und Web Augmentation zu einem interdisziplinären Spektrum detaillierter Analysen, z.B. des Zeigeinstrumentes der Web Browser, des Klammeraffen-Zeichens und der sogenannten Emoticons. Die Bezeichnung ''Icon'' wird als unpassender Name für jene Bildchen, welche von der graphischen Benutzeroberfläche her bekannt sind und in Hypertexten eingesetzt werden, zurückgewiesen und diese Bildchen durch eine neue Generation mächtiger Graphic Link Markers ersetzt. Diese Ergebnisse werden im Kontext der Kommerzialisierung des Internet betrachtet. Neben der Identifizierung der Hauptprobleme des eCommerce aus der Perspektive der Hypertext Semiotik, widmet sich der Autor den Informationsgütern und den derzeitigen Hindernissen für die New Economy, wie etwa der restriktiven Gesetzeslage in Sachen Copyright und Intellectual Property. Diese anachronistischen Beschränkungen basieren auf der problematischen Annahme, dass auch der Informationswert durch die Knappheit bestimmt wird. Eine semiotische Analyse der iMarketing Techniken, wie z.B. Banner Werbung, Keywords und Link Injektion, sowie Exkurse über den Browser Krieg und den Toywar runden die Dissertation ab
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