37,889 research outputs found

    Explaining Snapshots of Network Diffusions: Structural and Hardness Results

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    Much research has been done on studying the diffusion of ideas or technologies on social networks including the \textit{Influence Maximization} problem and many of its variations. Here, we investigate a type of inverse problem. Given a snapshot of the diffusion process, we seek to understand if the snapshot is feasible for a given dynamic, i.e., whether there is a limited number of nodes whose initial adoption can result in the snapshot in finite time. While similar questions have been considered for epidemic dynamics, here, we consider this problem for variations of the deterministic Linear Threshold Model, which is more appropriate for modeling strategic agents. Specifically, we consider both sequential and simultaneous dynamics when deactivations are allowed and when they are not. Even though we show hardness results for all variations we consider, we show that the case of sequential dynamics with deactivations allowed is significantly harder than all others. In contrast, sequential dynamics make the problem trivial on cliques even though it's complexity for simultaneous dynamics is unknown. We complement our hardness results with structural insights that can help better understand diffusions of social networks under various dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Networks and Transaction Costs

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    Based on the well-known fact that social networks can provide effective mechanisms that help to increase the trust level between two trade partners, we apply a simple game-theoretical framework to derive transaction costs as a high risk of opportunistic behavior in a repeated trade relation determined by the density and size of trading networks. In the empirical part of the paper we apply a two stage procedure to estimate the impact of social network structures on farm’s transaction costs observed for different input and output markets. At a first stage we estimate a multiple input-multiple output stochastic Ray production function to generate relative shadow prices of three inputs and two outputs traded by farms. At a second stage a structural equation system is derived from the first order conditions of farm’s profit maximization to estimate simultaneously the of commodity specific transaction cost functions for all traded farm inputs and outputs. Estimation results based on a sample of 315 Polish farms imply a significant influence of social network structures on farm’s transaction costs. Moreover, estimated transaction costs correspond to a reasonable amount of farm specific shadow prices.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Contrasting Multiple Social Network Autocorrelations for Binary Outcomes, With Applications To Technology Adoption

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    The rise of socially targeted marketing suggests that decisions made by consumers can be predicted not only from their personal tastes and characteristics, but also from the decisions of people who are close to them in their networks. One obstacle to consider is that there may be several different measures for "closeness" that are appropriate, either through different types of friendships, or different functions of distance on one kind of friendship, where only a subset of these networks may actually be relevant. Another is that these decisions are often binary and more difficult to model with conventional approaches, both conceptually and computationally. To address these issues, we present a hierarchical model for individual binary outcomes that uses and extends the machinery of the auto-probit method for binary data. We demonstrate the behavior of the parameters estimated by the multiple network-regime auto-probit model (m-NAP) under various sensitivity conditions, such as the impact of the prior distribution and the nature of the structure of the network, and demonstrate on several examples of correlated binary data in networks of interest to Information Systems, including the adoption of Caller Ring-Back Tones, whose use is governed by direct connection but explained by additional network topologies

    Probing Limits of Information Spread with Sequential Seeding

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    We consider here information spread which propagates with certain probability from nodes just activated to their not yet activated neighbors. Diffusion cascades can be triggered by activation of even a small set of nodes. Such activation is commonly performed in a single stage. A novel approach based on sequential seeding is analyzed here resulting in three fundamental contributions. First, we propose a coordinated execution of randomized choices to enable precise comparison of different algorithms in general. We apply it here when the newly activated nodes at each stage of spreading attempt to activate their neighbors. Then, we present a formal proof that sequential seeding delivers at least as large coverage as the single stage seeding does. Moreover, we also show that, under modest assumptions, sequential seeding achieves coverage provably better than the single stage based approach using the same number of seeds and node ranking. Finally, we present experimental results showing how single stage and sequential approaches on directed and undirected graphs compare to the well-known greedy approach to provide the objective measure of the sequential seeding benefits. Surprisingly, applying sequential seeding to a simple degree-based selection leads to higher coverage than achieved by the computationally expensive greedy approach currently considered to be the best heuristic