5 research outputs found

    Structural Evaluation for Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation Based on Complex Network

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    Structural analysis based on complex network theory has been considered promising for security issues of power grids. At the same time, modern power distribution networks with more Distributed Generations (DGs) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) have taken on more challenges in operation and security issues. This paper proposed a dedicated metric named as Power-Supply-Ability for power distribution networks based on net-ability. Special features of DGs, such as relations of capacities, identification of effective supply area, and limitation in continuous power supply, have been considered in definition. Furthermore, a novel opinion is proposed that the extent of improvement for operation and security by adding DGs also depends on the original structure of the distribution networks. This is an inherent ability of the original networks and could be quantitatively analyzed. Through case studies, this method has been proved to be effective in identifying potential structural vulnerabilities of distribution networks; particularly the impact of DGs on security has been studied. Furthermore, it can help in site selection for DGs by providing different priorities of locations compared with results of other works. This can help to complement other methods to construct a more comprehensive methodology by considering aspects of security, economy, and quality

    Upgrading Conventional Distribution Networks by Actively Planning Distributed Generation Based on Virtual Microgrids

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    Integraci贸n 贸ptima de sistemas de generaci贸n solar fotovoltaica para la minimizaci贸n de costos totales de operaci贸n anual aplicando el algoritmo de la Viuda Negra

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    Este art铆culo presenta un an谩lisis de la caracterizaci贸n f铆sico-mec谩nica de un concreto geopolim茅rico fibrorreforzado, cuya matriz HCV est谩 conformada por 90 % ceniza volante (CV) y 10 % cemento portland ordinario (OPC); se utiliza como activador alcalino una soluci贸n compuesta por silicato e hidr贸xido de sodio (NaOH, Na2SiO3) y agua. El refuerzo utilizado fueron fibras de acero SikaFiber Xorex incorporadas a la matriz en proporciones de 50 y 75 kg/m3. La mezcla HCV-50 report贸 una resistencia a la compresi贸n de 26,77 MPa a los 28 d铆as de curado, por lo que se clasifica como concreto estructural seg煤n la NSR-10; a la misma edad de curado se obtuvo resistencia a la tracci贸n indirecta de 3,49 MPa, m贸dulo de elasticidad de 29,32 GPa, resistencia a la flexi贸n de 5,15 MPa y tenacidad hasta la deflexi贸n de agrietamiento (未f) de 1.971,9 N.mm. Esta mezcla, considerada la 贸ptima, fue empleada en la fabricaci贸n de losas de concreto, las cuales presentaron una deflexi贸n de ruptura 未f de 4,45 mm, deflexi贸n 煤ltima de 16,15 mm, carga m谩xima soportada 15,6 kN, tenacidad de 49.464,8 N.mm hasta 未f y 14.5847,3 N.mm hasta 3 veces 未f. El material geopolim茅rico fibrorreforzado se propone adem谩s para ser utilizado en la producci贸n de concreto proyectado (shotcrete) y en la construcci贸n de losetas aligeradas. 聽The problem of the optimal location and sizing of photovoltaic (PV) sources in electrical distribution systems is addressed in this article through the application of the black widow optimization algorithm (BWOA). This problem is of mixed-integer nonlinear nature and is addressed by a master-slave type optimization strategy. In the master stage, the BWOA defines the location and size of the PV generators through discrete-continuous coding, and with this information, the slave stage (power flow for distribution) determines the electrical variables of the system, with which is evaluated the objective function and the constraints of the problem. As an objective function, the minimization of the annual costs of operation and maintenance of the system is considered, added to the total costs of purchasing energy in the electrical network for a planning period of 20 years. The numerical results in the IEEE 34- and IEEE 85-node systems show that with the proposed optimization methodology it is possible to reduce around 27% of the annual operating costs in both systems with the optimal location of three photovoltaic sources. Comparisons with metaheuristics and exact methodologies reported in the specialized literature confirm the efficiency and robustness of the proposed methodology

    Structural Evaluation for Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation Based on Complex Network

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    Structural analysis based on complex network theory has been considered promising for security issues of power grids. At the same time, modern power distribution networks with more Distributed Generations (DGs) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) have taken on more challenges in operation and security issues. This paper proposed a dedicated metric named as Power-Supply-Ability for power distribution networks based on net-ability. Special features of DGs, such as relations of capacities, identification of effective supply area, and limitation in continuous power supply, have been considered in definition. Furthermore, a novel opinion is proposed that the extent of improvement for operation and security by adding DGs also depends on the original structure of the distribution networks. This is an inherent ability of the original networks and could be quantitatively analyzed. Through case studies, this method has been proved to be effective in identifying potential structural vulnerabilities of distribution networks; particularly the impact of DGs on security has been studied. Furthermore, it can help in site selection for DGs by providing different priorities of locations compared with results of other works. This can help to complement other methods to construct a more comprehensive methodology by considering aspects of security, economy, and quality