35 research outputs found

    Generalized roof duality and bisubmodular functions

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    Consider a convex relaxation f^\hat f of a pseudo-boolean function ff. We say that the relaxation is {\em totally half-integral} if f^(x)\hat f(x) is a polyhedral function with half-integral extreme points xx, and this property is preserved after adding an arbitrary combination of constraints of the form xi=xjx_i=x_j, xi=1xjx_i=1-x_j, and xi=γx_i=\gamma where \gamma\in\{0, 1, 1/2} is a constant. A well-known example is the {\em roof duality} relaxation for quadratic pseudo-boolean functions ff. We argue that total half-integrality is a natural requirement for generalizations of roof duality to arbitrary pseudo-boolean functions. Our contributions are as follows. First, we provide a complete characterization of totally half-integral relaxations f^\hat f by establishing a one-to-one correspondence with {\em bisubmodular functions}. Second, we give a new characterization of bisubmodular functions. Finally, we show some relationships between general totally half-integral relaxations and relaxations based on the roof duality.Comment: 14 pages. Shorter version to appear in NIPS 201

    Polynomial combinatorial algorithms for skew-bisubmodular function minimization

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    Huber et al. (SIAM J Comput 43:1064–1084, 2014) introduced a concept of skew bisubmodularity, as a generalization of bisubmodularity, in their complexity dichotomy theorem for valued constraint satisfaction problems over the three-value domain, and Huber and Krokhin (SIAM J Discrete Math 28:1828–1837, 2014) showed the oracle tractability of minimization of skew-bisubmodular functions. Fujishige et al. (Discrete Optim 12:1–9, 2014) also showed a min–max theorem that characterizes the skew-bisubmodular function minimization, but devising a combinatorial polynomial algorithm for skew-bisubmodular function minimization was left open. In the present paper we give first combinatorial (weakly and strongly) polynomial algorithms for skew-bisubmodular function minimization

    Mixed-Integer Programming Approaches to Generalized Submodular Optimization and its Applications

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    Submodularity is an important concept in integer and combinatorial optimization. A classical submodular set function models the utility of selecting homogenous items from a single ground set, and such selections can be represented by binary variables. In practice, many problem contexts involve choosing heterogenous items from more than one ground set or selecting multiple copies of homogenous items, which call for extensions of submodularity. We refer to the optimization problems associated with such generalized notions of submodularity as Generalized Submodular Optimization (GSO). GSO is found in wide-ranging applications, including infrastructure design, healthcare, online marketing, and machine learning. Due to the often highly nonlinear (even non-convex and non-concave) objective function and the mixed-integer decision space, GSO is a broad subclass of challenging mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems. In this tutorial, we first provide an overview of classical submodularity. Then we introduce two subclasses of GSO, for which we present polyhedral theory for the mixed-integer set structures that arise from these problem classes. Our theoretical results lead to efficient and versatile exact solution methods that demonstrate their effectiveness in practical problems using real-world datasets

    Half-integrality, LP-branching and FPT Algorithms

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    A recent trend in parameterized algorithms is the application of polytope tools (specifically, LP-branching) to FPT algorithms (e.g., Cygan et al., 2011; Narayanaswamy et al., 2012). However, although interesting results have been achieved, the methods require the underlying polytope to have very restrictive properties (half-integrality and persistence), which are known only for few problems (essentially Vertex Cover (Nemhauser and Trotter, 1975) and Node Multiway Cut (Garg et al., 1994)). Taking a slightly different approach, we view half-integrality as a \emph{discrete} relaxation of a problem, e.g., a relaxation of the search space from {0,1}V\{0,1\}^V to {0,1/2,1}V\{0,1/2,1\}^V such that the new problem admits a polynomial-time exact solution. Using tools from CSP (in particular Thapper and \v{Z}ivn\'y, 2012) to study the existence of such relaxations, we provide a much broader class of half-integral polytopes with the required properties, unifying and extending previously known cases. In addition to the insight into problems with half-integral relaxations, our results yield a range of new and improved FPT algorithms, including an O(Σ2k)O^*(|\Sigma|^{2k})-time algorithm for node-deletion Unique Label Cover with label set Σ\Sigma and an O(4k)O^*(4^k)-time algorithm for Group Feedback Vertex Set, including the setting where the group is only given by oracle access. All these significantly improve on previous results. The latter result also implies the first single-exponential time FPT algorithm for Subset Feedback Vertex Set, answering an open question of Cygan et al. (2012). Additionally, we propose a network flow-based approach to solve some cases of the relaxation problem. This gives the first linear-time FPT algorithm to edge-deletion Unique Label Cover.Comment: Added results on linear-time FPT algorithms (not present in SODA paper

    Signed ring families and signed posets

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    The one-to-one correspondence between finite distributive lattices and finite partially ordered sets (posets) is a well-known theorem of G. Birkhoff. This implies a nice representation of any distributive lattice by its corresponding poset, where the size of the former (distributive lattice) is often exponential in the size of the underlying set of the latter (poset). A lot of engineering and economic applications bring us distributive lattices as a ring family of sets which is closed with respect to the set union and intersection. When it comes to a ring family of sets, the underlying set is partitioned into subsets (or components) and we have a poset structure on the partition. This is a set-theoretical variant of the Birkhoff theorem revealing the correspondence between finite ring families and finite posets on partitions of the underlying sets, which was pursued by Masao Iri around 1978, especially concerned with what is called the principal partition of discrete systems such as graphs, matroids, and polymatroids. In the present paper we investigate a signed-set version of the Birkhoff-Iri decomposition in terms of signed ring family, which corresponds to Reiner's result on signed posets, a signed counterpart of the Birkhoff theorem. We show that given a signed ring family, we have a signed partition of the underlying set together with a signed poset on the signed partition which represents the given signed ring family. This representation is unique up to certain reflections