47 research outputs found

    Efficient Compilers for After-the-Fact Leakage: from CPA to CCA-2 secure PKE to AKE

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    The goal of leakage-resilient cryptography is to construct cryptographic algorithms that are secure even if the adversary obtains side-channel information from the real world implementation of these algorithms. Most of the prior works on leakage-resilient cryptography consider leakage models where the adversary has access to the leakage oracle before the challenge-ciphertext is generated (before-the-fact leakage). In this model, there are generic compilers that transform any leakage-resilient CPA-secure public key encryption (PKE) scheme to its CCA-2 variant using Naor-Yung type of transformations. In this work, we give an efficient generic compiler for transforming a leakage-resilient CPA-secure PKE to leakage-resilient CCA-2 secure PKE in presence of after-the-fact split-state (bounded) memory leakage model, where the adversary has access to the leakage oracle even after the challenge phase. The salient feature of our transformation is that the leakage rate (defined as the ratio of the amount of leakage to the size of secret key) of the transformed after-the-fact CCA-2 secure PKE is same as the leakage rate of the underlying after-the-fact CPA-secure PKE, which is 1−o(1)1-o(1). We then present another generic compiler for transforming an after-the-fact leakage-resilient CCA-2 secure PKE to a leakage-resilient authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol in the bounded after-the-fact leakage-resilient eCK (BAFL-eCK) model proposed by Alawatugoda et al. (ASIACCS\u2714). To the best of our knowledge, this gives the first compiler that transform any leakage-resilient CCA-2 secure PKE to an AKE protocol in the leakage variant of the eCK model

    Practical Non-Malleable Codes from L-more Extractable Hash Functions

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    Tagged One-Time Signatures: Tight Security and Optimal Tag Size

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    We present an efficient structure-preserving tagged one-time signature scheme with tight security reductions to the decision-linear assumption. Our scheme features short tags consisting of a single group element and gives rise to the currently most efficient structure-preserving signature scheme based on the decision-liner assumption with constant-size signatures of only 14 group elements, where the record-so-far was 17 elements. To demonstrate the advantages of our scheme, we revisit the work by Hofheinz and Jager (CRYPTO 2012) and present the currently most efficient tightly secure public-key encryption scheme. We also obtain the first structure-preserving public-key encryption scheme featuring both tight security and public verifiability

    Practical Non-Malleable Codes from â„“\ell-more Extractable Hash Functions

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    In this work, we significantly improve the efficiency of non-malleable codes in the split state model, by constructing a code with codeword length ∣s∣+O(k)|s|+O(k), where ∣s∣|s| is the length of the message, and kk is the security parameter. This is a substantial improvement over previous constructions, both asymptotically and concretely. Our construction relies on a new primitive which we define and study, called ℓ\ell-more extractable hash functions. This notion, which may be of independent interest, guarantees that any adversary that is given access to ℓ∈N\ell \in \mathbb{N} precomputed hash values v1,…,vℓv_{1},\dots, v_{\ell}, and produces a new valid hash value v~\tilde v, then it must know a pre-image of v~\tilde v. This is a stronger notion that the one by Bitansky et al. (Eprint \u2711) and Goldwasser et al. (ITCS \u2712, Eprint \u2714), which considers adversaries that get no access to precomputed hash values prior to producing their own value. By appropriately relaxing the extractability requirement (without hurting the applicability of the primitive) we instantiate ℓ\ell-more extractable hash functions under the same assumptions used for the previous extractable hash functions by Bitansky et al. and Goldwasser et al. (a variant of the Knowledge of Exponent Assumption)

    The Hunting of the SNARK

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    The existence of succinct non-interactive arguments for NP (i.e., non-interactive computationally-sound proofs where the verifier\u27s work is essentially independent of the complexity of the NP nondeterministic verifier) has been an intriguing question for the past two decades. Other than CS proofs in the random oracle model [Micali, FOCS \u2794], the only existing candidate construction is based on an elaborate assumption that is tailored to a specific protocol [Di Crescenzo and Lipmaa, CiE \u2708]. We formulate a general and relatively natural notion of an \emph{extractable collision-resistant hash function (ECRH)} and show that, if ECRHs exist, then a modified version of Di Crescenzo and Lipmaa\u27s protocol is a succinct non-interactive argument for NP. Furthermore, the modified protocol is actually a succinct non-interactive \emph{adaptive argument of knowledge (SNARK).} We then propose several candidate constructions for ECRHs and relaxations thereof. We demonstrate the applicability of SNARKs to various forms of delegation of computation, to succinct non-interactive zero knowledge arguments, and to succinct two-party secure computation. Finally, we show that SNARKs essentially imply the existence of ECRHs, thus demonstrating the necessity of the assumption. Going beyond \ECRHs, we formulate the notion of {\em extractable one-way functions (\EOWFs)}. Assuming the existence of a natural variant of \EOWFs, we construct a 22-message selective-opening-attack secure commitment scheme and a 3-round zero-knowledge argument of knowledge. Furthermore, if the \EOWFs are concurrently extractable, the 3-round zero-knowledge protocol is also concurrent zero-knowledge. Our constructions circumvent previous black-box impossibility results regarding these protocols by relying on \EOWFs as the non-black-box component in the security reductions

    Secure multi-party protocols under a modern lens

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 263-272).A secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol for computing a function f allows a group of parties to jointly evaluate f over their private inputs, such that a computationally bounded adversary who corrupts a subset of the parties can not learn anything beyond the inputs of the corrupted parties and the output of the function f. General MPC completeness theorems in the 1980s showed that every efficiently computable function can be evaluated securely in this fashion [Yao86, GMW87, CCD87, BGW88] using the existence of cryptography. In the following decades, progress has been made toward making MPC protocols efficient enough to be deployed in real-world applications. However, recent technological developments have brought with them a slew of new challenges, from new security threats to a question of whether protocols can scale up with the demand of distributed computations on massive data. Before one can make effective use of MPC, these challenges must be addressed. In this thesis, we focus on two lines of research toward this goal: " Protocols resilient to side-channel attacks. We consider a strengthened adversarial model where, in addition to corrupting a subset of parties, the adversary may leak partial information on the secret states of honest parties during the protocol. In presence of such adversary, we first focus on preserving the correctness guarantees of MPC computations. We then proceed to address security guarantees, using cryptography. We provide two results: an MPC protocol whose security provably "degrades gracefully" with the amount of leakage information obtained by the adversary, and a second protocol which provides complete security assuming a (necessary) one-time preprocessing phase during which leakage cannot occur. * Protocols with scalable communication requirements. We devise MPC protocols with communication locality: namely, each party only needs to communicate with a small (polylog) number of dynamically chosen parties. Our techniques use digital signatures and extend particularly well to the case when the function f is a sublinear algorithm whose execution depends on o(n) of the n parties' inputs.by Elette Chantae Boyle.Ph.D

    Public Key Encryption Resilient to Post-Challenge Leakage and Tampering Attacks

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    In this paper, we introduce a new framework for constructing public-key encryption (PKE) schemes resilient to joint post-challenge/after-the-fact leakage and tampering attacks in the bounded leakage and tampering (BLT) model, introduced by Damgård et al. (Asiacrypt 2013). All the prior formulations of PKE schemes considered leakage and tampering attacks only before the challenge ciphertext is made available to the adversary. However, this restriction seems necessary, since achieving security against post-challenge leakage and tampering attacks in its full generality is impossible as shown in previous works. In this paper, we study the post-challenge/after-the-fact security for PKE schemes against bounded leakage and tampering under a restricted yet meaningful and reasonable notion of security, namely, the split-state leakage and tampering model. We show that it is possible to construct secure PKE schemes in this model, tolerating arbitrary (but bounded) leakage and tampering queries; thus overcoming the previous impossibility results. To this end, we formulate a new notion of security, which we call entropic post-challenge IND-CCA-BLT secure PKE. We first define a weaker notion called entropic restricted post-challenge IND-CCA-BLT secure PKE, which can be instantiated using the (standard) DDH assumption. We then show a generic compiler from our entropic restricted notion to the entropic notion of security using a simulation-extractable non-interactive zero-knowledge argument system. This requires an untamperable common reference string as in previous works. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our entropic notion of security by giving a simple and generic construction of post-challenge IND-CCA-BLT secure PKE scheme in the split-state leakage and tampering model. This also settles the open problem posed by Faonio and Venturi (Asiacrypt 2016)

    Cryptographic techniques for hardware security

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    Traditionally, cryptographic algorithms are designed under the so-called black-box model, which considers adversaries that receive black-box access to the hardware implementation. Although a "black-box" treatment covers a wide range of attacks, it fails to capture reality adequately, as real-world adversaries can exploit physical properties of the implementation, mounting attacks that enable unexpected, non-black-box access, to the components of the cryptographic system. This type of attacks is widely known as physical attacks, and has proven to be a significant threat to the real-world security of cryptographic systems. The present dissertation is (partially) dealing with the problem of protecting cryptographic memory against physical attacks, via the use of non-malleable codes, which is a notion introduced in a preceding work, aiming to provide privacy of the encoded data, in the presence of adversarial faults. In the present thesis we improve the current state-of-the-art on non-malleable codes and we provide practical solutions for protecting real-world cryptographic implementations against physical attacks. Our study is primarily focusing on the following adversarial models: (i) the extensively studied split-state model, which assumes that private memory splits into two parts, and the adversary tampers with each part, independently, and (ii) the model of partial functions, which is introduced by the current thesis, and models adversaries that access arbitrary subsets of codeword locations, with bounded cardinality. Our study is comprehensive, covering one-time and continuous, attacks, while for the case of partial functions, we manage to achieve a stronger notion of security, that we call non-malleability with manipulation detection, that in addition to privacy, it also guarantees integrity of the private data. It should be noted that, our techniques are also useful for the problem of establishing, private, keyless communication, over adversarial communication channels. Besides physical attacks, another important concern related to cryptographic hardware security, is that the hardware fabrication process is assumed to be trusted. In reality though, when aiming to minimize the production costs, or whenever access to leading-edge manufacturing facilities is required, the fabrication process requires the involvement of several, potentially malicious, facilities. Consequently, cryptographic hardware is susceptible to the so-called hardware Trojans, which are hardware components that are maliciously implanted to the original circuitry, having as a purpose to alter the device's functionality, while remaining undetected. Part of the present dissertation, deals with the problem of protecting cryptographic hardware against Trojan injection attacks, by (i) proposing a formal model for assessing the security of cryptographic hardware, whose production has been partially outsourced to a set of untrusted, and possibly malicious, manufacturers, and (ii) by proposing a compiler that transforms any cryptographic circuit, into another, that can be securely outsourced