10 research outputs found

    Strong Machine Learning Attack against PUFs with No Mathematical Model

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    Although numerous attacks revealed the vulnerability of different PUF families to non-invasive Machine Learning (ML) attacks, the question is still open whether all PUFs might be learnable. Until now, virtually all ML attacks rely on the assumption that a mathematical model of the PUF functionality is known a priori. However, this is not always the case, and attention should be paid to this important aspect of ML attacks. This paper aims to address this issue by providing a provable framework for ML attacks against a PUF family, whose underlying mathematical model is unknown. We prove that this PUF family is inherently vulnerable to our novel PAC (Probably Approximately Correct) learning framework. We apply our ML algorithm on the Bistable Ring PUF (BR-PUF) family, which is one of the most interesting and prime examples of a PUF with an unknown mathematical model. We practically evaluate our ML algorithm through extensive experiments on BR-PUFs implemented on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). In line with our theoretical findings, our experimental results strongly confirm the effectiveness and applicability of our attack. This is also interesting since our complex proof heavily relies on the spectral properties of Boolean functions, which are known to hold only asymptotically. Along with this proof, we further provide the theorem that all PUFs must have some challenge bit positions, which have larger influences on the responses than other challenge bits

    Embedded Systems Security: On EM Fault Injection on RISC-V and BR/TBR PUF Design on FPGA

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    With the increased usage of embedded computers in modern life and the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), embedded systems security has become a real concern. Especially with safety-critical systems or devices that communicate sensitive data, security becomes a critical issue. Embedded computers more than others are vulnerable to hardware attacks that target the chips themselves to extract the cryptographic keys, compromise their security, or counterfeit them. In this thesis, embedded security is studied through two different areas. The first is the study of hardware attacks by investigating Electro Magnetic Fault Injection (EMFI) on a RISC-V processor. And the second is the study of the countermeasures against counterfeiting and key extraction by investigating the implementation of the Bistable Ring Physical Unclonable Function (BR-PUF) and its variant the TBR-PUF on FPGA. The experiments on a 320 MHz five-stage pipeline RISC-V core showed that with the increase of frequency and the decrease of supplied voltage, the processor becomes more susceptible to EMFI. Analysis of the effect of EMFI on different types of instructions including arithmetic and logic operations, memory operations, and flow control operations showed different types of faults including instruction skips, instructions corruption, faulted branches, and exception faults with variant probabilities. More interestingly and for the first time, multiple consecutive instructions (up to six instructions) were empirically shown to be faulted at once, which can be very devastating, compromising the effect of software countermeasures such as instruction duplication or triplication. This research also studies the hardware implementation of the BR and TBR PUFs on a Spartan-6 FPGA. A comparative study on both the automatic and manual placement implementation approaches on FPGA is presented. With the use of the settling time as a randomization source for the automatic placement, this approach showed a potential to generate PUFs with good characteristics through multiple trials. The automatic placement approach was successful in generating 4-input XOR BR and TBR PUFs with almost ideal characteristics. Moreover, optimizations on the architectural and layout levels were performed on the BR and TBR PUFs to reduce their footprint on FPGA. This research aims to advance the understanding of the EMFI effect on processors, so that countermeasures may be designed for future secure processors. Additionally, this research helps to advance the understanding of how best to design improved BR and TBR PUFs for key protection in future secure devices

    Comprehensive study of physical unclonable functions on FPGAs: correlation driven Implementation, deep learning modeling attacks, and countermeasures

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    For more than a decade and a half, Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have been presented as a promising hardware security primitive. The idea of exploiting variabilities in hardware fabrication to generate a unique fingerprint for every silicon chip introduced a more secure and cheaper alternative. Other solutions using non-volatile memory to store cryptographic keys, require additional processing steps to generate keys externally, and secure environments to exchange generated keys, which introduce many points of attack that can be used to extract the secret keys. PUFs were addressed in the literature from different perspectives. Many publications focused on proposing new PUF architectures and evaluation metrics to improve security properties like response uniqueness per chip, response reproducibility of the same PUF input, and response unpredictability using previous input/response pairs. Other research proposed attack schemes to clone the response of PUFs, using conventional machine learning (ML) algorithms, side-channel attacks using power and electromagnetic traces, and fault injection using laser beams and electromagnetic pulses. However, most attack schemes to be successful, imposed some restrictions on the targeted PUF architectures, which make it simpler and easier to attack. Furthermore, they did not propose solid and provable enhancements on these architectures to countermeasure the attacks. This leaves many open questions concerning how to implement perfect secure PUFs especially on FPGAs, how to extend previous modeling attack schemes to be successful against more complex PUF architectures (and understand why modeling attacks work) and how to detect and countermeasure these attacks to guarantee that secret data are safe from the attackers. This Ph.D. dissertation contributes to the state of the art research on physical unclonable functions in several ways. First, the thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of secure PUFs on FPGAs using manual placement and manual routing techniques guided by new performance metrics to overcome FPGAs restrictions with minimum hardware and area overhead. Then the impact of deep learning (DL) algorithms is studied as a promising modeling attack scheme against complex PUF architectures, which were reported immune to conventional (ML) techniques. Furthermore, it is shown that DL modeling attacks successfully overcome the restrictions imposed by previous research even with the lack of accurate mathematical models of these PUF architectures. Finally, this comprehensive analysis is completed by understanding why deep learning attacks are successful and how to build new PUF architectures and extra circuitry to thwart these types of attacks. This research is important for deploying cheap and efficient hardware security primitives in different fields, including IoT applications, embedded systems, automotive and military equipment. Additionally, it puts more focus on the development of strong intrinsic PUFs which are widely proposed and deployed in many security protocols used for authentication, key establishment, and Oblivious transfer protocols