891 research outputs found

    Random multi-index matching problems

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    The multi-index matching problem (MIMP) generalizes the well known matching problem by going from pairs to d-uplets. We use the cavity method from statistical physics to analyze its properties when the costs of the d-uplets are random. At low temperatures we find for d>2 a frozen glassy phase with vanishing entropy. We also investigate some properties of small samples by enumerating the lowest cost matchings to compare with our theoretical predictions.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figure

    Proximity and Remoteness in Directed and Undirected Graphs

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    Let DD be a strongly connected digraph. The average distance σˉ(v)\bar{\sigma}(v) of a vertex vv of DD is the arithmetic mean of the distances from vv to all other vertices of DD. The remoteness ρ(D)\rho(D) and proximity π(D)\pi(D) of DD are the maximum and the minimum of the average distances of the vertices of DD, respectively. We obtain sharp upper and lower bounds on π(D)\pi(D) and ρ(D)\rho(D) as a function of the order nn of DD and describe the extreme digraphs for all the bounds. We also obtain such bounds for strong tournaments. We show that for a strong tournament TT, we have π(T)=ρ(T)\pi(T)=\rho(T) if and only if TT is regular. Due to this result, one may conjecture that every strong digraph DD with π(D)=ρ(D)\pi(D)=\rho(D) is regular. We present an infinite family of non-regular strong digraphs DD such that π(D)=ρ(D).\pi(D)=\rho(D). We describe such a family for undirected graphs as well

    Structure of directed graphs and hypergraphs

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    The history of degenerate (bipartite) extremal graph problems

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    This paper is a survey on Extremal Graph Theory, primarily focusing on the case when one of the excluded graphs is bipartite. On one hand we give an introduction to this field and also describe many important results, methods, problems, and constructions.Comment: 97 pages, 11 figures, many problems. This is the preliminary version of our survey presented in Erdos 100. In this version 2 only a citation was complete

    On the forced unilateral orientation number of a graph

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    AbstractA graph has a unilateral orientation if its edges can be oriented such that for every two vertices u and v there exists either a path from u to v or a path from v to u. If G is a graph with a unilateral orientation, then the forced unilateral orientation number of G is defined to be the minimum cardinality of a subset of the set of edges for which there is an assignment of directions that has a unique extension to a unilateral orientation of G. This paper gives a general lower bound for the forced unilateral orientation number and shows that the unilateral orientation number of a graph of size m, order n, and having edge connectivity 1 is equal to m − n + 2. A few other related problems are discussed

    Quick Trips: On the Oriented Diameter of Graphs

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    In this dissertation, I will discuss two results on the oriented diameter of graphs with certain properties. In the first problem, I studied the oriented diameter of a graph G. Erdos et al. in 1989 showed that for any graph with |V | = n and δ(G) = δ the maximum the diameter could possibly be was 3 n/ δ+1. I considered whether there exists an orientation on a given graph with |G| = n and δ(G) = δ that has a small diameter. Bau and Dankelmann (2015) showed that there is an orientation of diameter 11 n/ δ+1 + O(1), and showed that there is a graph which the best orientation admitted is 3 n/ δ+1 + O(1). It was left as an open question whether the factor of 11 in the first result could be reduced to 3. The result above was improved to 7 n / δ+1 +O(1) by Surmacs (2017) and I will present a proof of a further improvement of this bound to 5 n/δ−1 + O(1). It remains open whether 3 is the best answer. In the second problem, I studied the oriented diameter of the complete graph Kn with some edges removed. We will show that given Kn with n \u3e= 5 and any collection of edges Ev, with |Ev| = n − 5, that there is an orientation of this graph with diameter 2. It remains a question how many edges we can remove to guarantee larger diameters

    Diameter of orientations of graphs with given order and number of blocks

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    A strong orientation of a graph GG is an assignment of a direction to each edge such that GG is strongly connected. The oriented diameter of GG is the smallest diameter among all strong orientations of GG. A block of GG is a maximal connected subgraph of GG that has no cut vertex. A block graph is a graph in which every block is a clique. We show that every bridgeless graph of order nn containing pp blocks has an oriented diameter of at most np2n-\lfloor \frac{p}{2} \rfloor. This bound is sharp for all nn and pp with p2p \geq 2. As a corollary, we obtain a sharp upper bound on the oriented diameter in terms of order and number of cut vertices. We also show that the oriented diameter of a bridgeless block graph of order nn is bounded above by 3n4\lfloor \frac{3n}{4} \rfloor if nn is even and 3(n+1)4\lfloor \frac{3(n+1)}{4} \rfloor if nn is odd.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure