1,000 research outputs found

    Combining k-Induction with Continuously-Refined Invariants

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    Bounded model checking (BMC) is a well-known and successful technique for finding bugs in software. k-induction is an approach to extend BMC-based approaches from falsification to verification. Automatically generated auxiliary invariants can be used to strengthen the induction hypothesis. We improve this approach and further increase effectiveness and efficiency in the following way: we start with light-weight invariants and refine these invariants continuously during the analysis. We present and evaluate an implementation of our approach in the open-source verification-framework CPAchecker. Our experiments show that combining k-induction with continuously-refined invariants significantly increases effectiveness and efficiency, and outperforms all existing implementations of k-induction-based software verification in terms of successful verification results.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, 2 algorithm

    Universes for Race Safety

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    Race conditions occur when two incorrectly synchronised threads simultaneously access the same object. Static type systems have been suggested to prevent them. Typically, they use annotations to determine the relationship between an object and its ā€œguard ā€ (another object), and to guarantee that the guard has been locked before the object is accessed. The object-guard relationship thus forms a tree similar to an ownership type hierarchy. Universe types are a simple form of ownership types. We explore the use of universe types for static identification of race conditions. We use a small, Java-like language with universe types and concurrency primitives. We give a type system that enforces synchronisation for all object accesses, and prove that race conditions cannot occur during execution of a type correct program. We support references to objects whose ownership domain is unknown. Unlike previous work, we do so without compromising the synchronisation strategy used where the ownership domain of such objects is fully known. We develop a novel technique for dealing with non-final (i.e. mutable) paths to objects of unknown ownership domain using effects

    Automatic analysis of DMA races using model checking and k-induction

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    Modern multicore processors, such as the Cell Broadband Engine, achieve high performance by equipping accelerator cores with small "scratch- pad" memories. The price for increased performance is higher programming complexity - the programmer must manually orchestrate data movement using direct memory access (DMA) operations. Programming using asynchronous DMA operations is error-prone, and DMA races can lead to nondeterministic bugs which are hard to reproduce and fix. We present a method for DMA race analysis in C programs. Our method works by automatically instrumenting a program with assertions modeling the semantics of a memory flow controller. The instrumented program can then be analyzed using state-of-the-art software model checkers. We show that bounded model checking is effective for detecting DMA races in buggy programs. To enable automatic verification of the correctness of instrumented programs, we present a new formulation of k-induction geared towards software, as a proof rule operating on loops. Our techniques are implemented as a tool, Scratch, which we apply to a large set of programs supplied with the IBM Cell SDK, in which we discover a previously unknown bug. Our experimental results indicate that our k-induction method performs extremely well on this problem class. To our knowledge, this marks both the first application of k-induction to software verification, and the first example of software model checking in the context of heterogeneous multicore processors. Ā© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

    Degrees of Separation: A Flexible Type System for Data Race Prevention

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    Data race is a notorious problem in parallel programming. There has been great research interest in type systems that statically prevent data races. Despite the progress in the safety and usability of these systems, lots of existing approaches enforce strict anti-aliasing principles to prevent data races. The adoption of them is often intrusive, in the sense that it invalidates common programming patterns and requires paradigm shifts. We propose Capture Separation Calculus (System CSC), a calculus based on Capture Calculus (System CC<:box), that achieves static data race freedom while being non-intrusive. It allows aliasing in general to permit common programming patterns, but tracks aliasing and controls them when that is necessary to prevent data races. We study the formal properties of System CSC by establishing its type safety and data race freedom. Notably, we establish the data race freedom property by proving the confluence of its reduction semantics. To validate the usability of the calculus, we implement it as an extension to the Scala 3 compiler, and use it to type-check the examples

    Formal foundations for hybrid effect analysis

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    Type-and-effect systems are a powerful tool for program construction and verification. Type-and-effect systems are useful because it can help reduce bugs in computer programs, enable compiler optimizations and also provide sort of program documentation. As software systems increasingly embrace dynamic features and complex modes of compilation, static effect systems have to reconcile over competing goals such as precision, soundness, modularity, and programmer productivity. In this thesis, we propose the idea of combining static and dynamic analysis for effect systems to improve precision and flexibility. We describe intensional effect polymorphism, a new foundation for effect systems that integrates static and dynamic effect checking. Our system allows the effect of polymorphic code to be intensionally inspected. It supports a highly precise notion of effect polymorphism through a lightweight notion of dynamic typing. When coupled with parametric polymorphism, the powerful system utilizes runtime information to enable precise effect reasoning, while at the same time retains strong type safety guarantees. The technical innovations of our design include a relational notion of effect checking, the use of bounded existential types to capture the subtle interactions between static typing and dynamic typing, and a differential alignment strategy to achieve efficiency in dynamic typing. We introduce the idea of first-class effects, where the computational effect of an expression can be programmatically reflected, passed around as values, and analyzed at run time. A broad range of designs ā€œhard-coded in existing effect-guided analyses can be supported through intuitive programming abstractions. The core technical development is a type system with a couple of features. Our type system provides static guarantees to application-specific effect management properties through refinement types, promoting ā€œcorrect-by-design effect-guided programming. Also, our type system computes not only the over-approximation of effects, but also their under-approximation. The duality unifies the common theme of permission vs. obligation in effect reasoning. Finally, we show the potential benefit of intensional effects by applying it to an event-driven system to obtain safe concurrency. The technical innovations of our system include a novel effect system to soundly approximate the dynamism introduced by runtime handlers registration, a static analysis to precompute the effects and a dynamic analysis that uses the precomputed effects to improve concurrency. Our design simplifies modular concurrency reasoning and avoids concurrency hazards
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