18,784 research outputs found

    A Framework for Adversarially Robust Streaming Algorithms

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    We investigate the adversarial robustness of streaming algorithms. In this context, an algorithm is considered robust if its performance guarantees hold even if the stream is chosen adaptively by an adversary that observes the outputs of the algorithm along the stream and can react in an online manner. While deterministic streaming algorithms are inherently robust, many central problems in the streaming literature do not admit sublinear-space deterministic algorithms; on the other hand, classical space-efficient randomized algorithms for these problems are generally not adversarially robust. This raises the natural question of whether there exist efficient adversarially robust (randomized) streaming algorithms for these problems. In this work, we show that the answer is positive for various important streaming problems in the insertion-only model, including distinct elements and more generally FpF_p-estimation, FpF_p-heavy hitters, entropy estimation, and others. For all of these problems, we develop adversarially robust (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithms whose required space matches that of the best known non-robust algorithms up to a poly(logn,1/ε)\text{poly}(\log n, 1/\varepsilon) multiplicative factor (and in some cases even up to a constant factor). Towards this end, we develop several generic tools allowing one to efficiently transform a non-robust streaming algorithm into a robust one in various scenarios.Comment: Conference version in PODS 2020. Version 3 addressing journal referees' comments; improved exposition of sketch switchin

    Space-Efficient Algorithms and Verification Schemes for Graph Streams

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    Structured data-sets are often easy to represent using graphs. The prevalence of massive data-sets in the modern world gives rise to big graphs such as web graphs, social networks, biological networks, and citation graphs. Most of these graphs keep growing continuously and pose two major challenges in their processing: (a) it is infeasible to store them entirely in the memory of a regular server, and (b) even if stored entirely, it is incredibly inefficient to reread the whole graph every time a new query appears. Thus, a natural approach for efficiently processing and analyzing such graphs is reading them as a stream of edge insertions and deletions and maintaining a summary that can be (a) stored in affordable memory (significantly smaller than the input size) and (b) used to detect properties of the original graph. In this thesis, we explore the strengths and limitations of such graph streaming algorithms under three main paradigms: classical or standard streaming, adversarially robust streaming, and streaming verification. In the classical streaming model, an algorithm needs to process an adversarially chosen input stream using space sublinear in the input size and return a desired output at the end of the stream. Here, we study a collection of fundamental directed graph problems like reachability, acyclicity testing, and topological sorting. Our investigation reveals that while most problems are provably hard for general digraphs, they admit efficient algorithms for the special and widely-studied subclass of tournament graphs. Further, we exhibit certain problems that become drastically easier when the stream elements arrive in random order rather than adversarial order, as well as problems that do not get much easier even under this relaxation. Furthermore, we study the graph coloring problem in this model and design color-efficient algorithms using novel parameterizations and establish complexity separations between different versions of the problem. The classical streaming setting assumes that the entire input stream is fixed by an adversary before the algorithm reads it. Many randomized algorithms in this setting, however, fail when the stream is extended by an adaptive adversary based on past outputs received. This is the so-called adversarially robust streaming model. We show that graph coloring is significantly harder in the robust setting than in the classical setting, thus establishing the first such separation for a ``natural\u27\u27 problem. We also design a class of efficient robust coloring algorithms using novel techniques. In classical streaming, many important problems turn out to be ``intractable\u27\u27, i.e., provably impossible to solve in sublinear space. It is then natural to consider an enhanced streaming setting where a space-bounded client outsources the computation to a space-unbounded but untrusted cloud service, who replies with the solution and a supporting ``proof\u27\u27 that the client needs to verify. This is called streaming verification or the annotated streaming model. It allows algorithms or verification schemes for the otherwise intractable problems using both space and proof length sublinear in the input size. We devise efficient schemes that improve upon the state of the art for a variety of fundamental graph problems including triangle counting, maximum matching, topological sorting, maximal independent set, graph connectivity, and shortest paths, as well as for computing frequency-based functions such as distinct items and maximum frequency, which have broad applications in graph streaming. Some of our schemes were conjectured to be impossible, while some others attain smooth and optimal tradeoffs between space and communication costs

    Incidence Geometries and the Pass Complexity of Semi-Streaming Set Cover

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    Set cover, over a universe of size nn, may be modelled as a data-streaming problem, where the mm sets that comprise the instance are to be read one by one. A semi-streaming algorithm is allowed only O(npoly{logn,logm})O(n\, \mathrm{poly}\{\log n, \log m\}) space to process this stream. For each p1p \ge 1, we give a very simple deterministic algorithm that makes pp passes over the input stream and returns an appropriately certified (p+1)n1/(p+1)(p+1)n^{1/(p+1)}-approximation to the optimum set cover. More importantly, we proceed to show that this approximation factor is essentially tight, by showing that a factor better than 0.99n1/(p+1)/(p+1)20.99\,n^{1/(p+1)}/(p+1)^2 is unachievable for a pp-pass semi-streaming algorithm, even allowing randomisation. In particular, this implies that achieving a Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n)-approximation requires Ω(logn/loglogn)\Omega(\log n/\log\log n) passes, which is tight up to the loglogn\log\log n factor. These results extend to a relaxation of the set cover problem where we are allowed to leave an ε\varepsilon fraction of the universe uncovered: the tight bounds on the best approximation factor achievable in pp passes turn out to be Θp(min{n1/(p+1),ε1/p})\Theta_p(\min\{n^{1/(p+1)}, \varepsilon^{-1/p}\}). Our lower bounds are based on a construction of a family of high-rank incidence geometries, which may be thought of as vast generalisations of affine planes. This construction, based on algebraic techniques, appears flexible enough to find other applications and is therefore interesting in its own right.Comment: 20 page

    Recursive Sketching For Frequency Moments

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    In a ground-breaking paper, Indyk and Woodruff (STOC 05) showed how to compute FkF_k (for k>2k>2) in space complexity O(\mbox{\em poly-log}(n,m)\cdot n^{1-\frac2k}), which is optimal up to (large) poly-logarithmic factors in nn and mm, where mm is the length of the stream and nn is the upper bound on the number of distinct elements in a stream. The best known lower bound for large moments is Ω(log(n)n12k)\Omega(\log(n)n^{1-\frac2k}). A follow-up work of Bhuvanagiri, Ganguly, Kesh and Saha (SODA 2006) reduced the poly-logarithmic factors of Indyk and Woodruff to O(log2(m)(logn+logm)n12k)O(\log^2(m)\cdot (\log n+ \log m)\cdot n^{1-{2\over k}}). Further reduction of poly-log factors has been an elusive goal since 2006, when Indyk and Woodruff method seemed to hit a natural "barrier." Using our simple recursive sketch, we provide a different yet simple approach to obtain a O(log(m)log(nm)(loglogn)4n12k)O(\log(m)\log(nm)\cdot (\log\log n)^4\cdot n^{1-{2\over k}}) algorithm for constant ϵ\epsilon (our bound is, in fact, somewhat stronger, where the (loglogn)(\log\log n) term can be replaced by any constant number of log\log iterations instead of just two or three, thus approaching lognlog^*n. Our bound also works for non-constant ϵ\epsilon (for details see the body of the paper). Further, our algorithm requires only 44-wise independence, in contrast to existing methods that use pseudo-random generators for computing large frequency moments