7 research outputs found

    Learning to Play Othello with N-Tuple Systems

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    This paper investigates the use of n-tuple systems as position value functions for the game of Othello. The architecture is described, and then evaluated for use with temporal difference learning. Performance is compared with previously de-veloped weighted piece counters and multi-layer perceptrons. The n-tuple system is able to defeat the best performing of these after just five hundred games of self-play learning. The conclusion is that n-tuple networks learn faster and better than the other more conventional approaches

    Evolving Players for an Ancient Game: Hnefatafl

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    Hnefatafl is an ancient Norse game - an ancestor of chess. In this paper, we report on the development of computer players for this game. In the spirit of Blondie24, we evolve neural networks as board evaluation functions for different versions of the game. An unusual aspect of this game is that there is no general agreement on the rules: it is no longer much played, and game historians attempt to infer the rules from scraps of historical texts, with ambiguities often resolved on gut feeling as to what the rules must have been in order to achieve a balanced game. We offer the evolutionary method as a means by which to judge the merits of alternative rule set

    Temporal Difference Learning Versus Co-Evolution for Acquiring Othello Position Evaluation

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    Reinforcement Learning in the Game of Othello: Learning Against a Fixed Opponent and Learning from Self-Play

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    This paper compares three strategies in using reinforcement learning algorithms to let an artificial agent learnto play the game of Othello. The three strategies that are compared are: Learning by self-play, learning from playing against a fixed opponent, and learning from playing against a fixed opponent while learning from the opponent’s moves as well.These issues are considered for the algorithms Q-learning, Sarsa and TD-learning. These three reinforcement learning algorithms are combined with multi-layer perceptrons and trained and tested against three fixed opponents. It is found that the best strategy of learning differs per algorithm. Q-learning and Sarsa perform best when trained against the fixed opponent they arealso tested against, whereas TD-learning performs best when trained through self-play. Surprisingly, Q-learning and Sarsa outperform TD-learning against the stronger fixed opponents, when all methods use their best strategy. Learning from the opponent’s moves as well leads to worse results compared to learning only from the learning agent’s own moves

    Model-Free Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning by Logistic Regression

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    This paper proposes model-free deep inverse reinforcement learning to find nonlinear reward function structures. We formulate inverse reinforcement learning as a problem of density ratio estimation, and show that the log of the ratio between an optimal state transition and a baseline one is given by a part of reward and the difference of the value functions under the framework of linearly solvable Markov decision processes. The logarithm of density ratio is efficiently calculated by binomial logistic regression, of which the classifier is constructed by the reward and state value function. The classifier tries to discriminate between samples drawn from the optimal state transition probability and those from the baseline one. Then, the estimated state value function is used to initialize the part of the deep neural networks for forward reinforcement learning. The proposed deep forward and inverse reinforcement learning is applied into two benchmark games: Atari 2600 and Reversi. Simulation results show that our method reaches the best performance substantially faster than the standard combination of forward and inverse reinforcement learning as well as behavior cloning