5 research outputs found

    Higher-Order Attribute Semantics of Flat Declarative Languages

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    A technique is described that provides a convenient instrument for implementation of semantics of simple declarative languages called flat languages. Semantics of a specification is defined in the paper as a set of programs derivable for solvable goals. We introduce higher-order attribute models that include more control information than conventional attribute models and explain the algorithm for dynamic evaluation of attributes on these models. A visual tool CoCoViLa is briefly described as an instrument for implementing attribute semantics of flat languages

    Generavimo metodų naudojimas kuriant .NET komponentines programų sistemas

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    Komponentinė paradigma leidžia greičiau sukurti programų sistemas, efektyviau pakartotinai naudoti anksčiau sukurtus programinius artefaktus – komponentus. Deja, praktiškai kuriant komponentines programų sistemas daug laiko sugaištama komponentų paieškai ir verifikavimui. Vienas galimų šios problemos sprendimų – komponentinių programų verifikavimui ir sintezei naudoti formaliuosius metodus. Komponentinių (ypač iš pasaulinio tinklo paslaugų sudarytų) programų kūrimas formaliaisiais metodais plačiai diskutuojamas, tačiau kol kas yra tik pradinės stadijos. Straipsnyje supažindinama su sintezės sistema, skirta komponentinėms programoms iš .NET komponentų kurti. Sistema realizuota naudojant du generavimo metodus: struktūrinę sintezę ir indukciją. Pateiktas konkretus programų sistemos generavimo pavyzdys.The application of generative methods for .NET component-based software synthesisVaidas Giedrimas SummaryThe component paradigm increases the performance of software development process by reusing prefabricated software components. However, the search and verification of components still take relatively long time. One of the possible solutions to increase software development productivity and quality is the application of formal methods. Many approaches have been presented to scientific community, however the biggest part of them are still in the beginning stage – the formal description of component model without practical implementations. The synthesis system of .NET component-based software is presented in this arcticle. This system is based on two generative methods: the Structural Synthesis of Programs (SSP) and the induction. One small example of componentbased software synthesis is also described


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    Proof search for the structural synthesis of programs (SSP)- a deductive program synthesis method which is suited for compositional programming in large and is in practical use in a number of programming environments is explained. SSP is based on a decidable logical calculus where complexity of the proof search is still PSPACE. This requires paying special attention to the efficiency of search. The practice of application of SSP has given its several modifications and extensions. Besides the general case of SSP and its strategies, we present synthesis with independent subtasks, a number of heuristics used for speeding up the search and partial deduction in the framework of SSP

    Strategies of Structural Synthesis of Programs and Its Extensions

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    Proof search for the structural synthesis of programs (SSP) - a deductive program synthesis method which is suited for compositional programming in large and is in practical use in a number of programming environments is explained. SSP is based on a decidable logical calculus where complexity of the proof search is still PSPACE. This requires paying special attention to the eciency of search. The practice of application of SSP has given its several modications and extensions. Besides the general case of SSP and its strategies, we present synthesis with independent subtasks, synthesis of iterations on regular data structures in terms of SSP, a number of heuristics used for speeding up the search, partial deduction in the framework of SSP, production rules and annotations in SSP. 1 Introduction Structural synthesis of programs has been known for quite a number of years and has been used at least in two commercial systems: XpertPriz and PRIZ [18]. It is the basis for programm..