9 research outputs found

    Strategies for the curation of CAD engineering models

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    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> Normal 0 </xml><![endif]--> Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) has become increasingly important in the engineering community over the last decade or so, due to the globalisation of markets and the rising popularity of products provided as services. It demands the efficient capture, representation, organisation, retrieval and reuse of product data over its entire life. Simultaneously, there is now a much greater reliance on CAD models for communicating designs to manufacturers, builders, maintenance crews and regulators, and for definitively expressing designs. Creating the engineering record digitally, however, presents problems not only for its long-term maintenance and accessibility - due in part to the rapid obsolescence of the hardware, software and file formats involved - but also for recording the evolution of designs, artefacts and products. We examine the curation and preservation requirements in PLM and suggest ways of alleviating the problems of sustaining CAD engineering models through the use of lightweight formats, layered annotation and the collection of Representation Information as defined in the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model.  We describe two tools which have been specifically developed to aid in the curation of CAD engineering models in the context of PLM: Lightweight Models with Multilayered Annotation (LiMMA) and a Registry/Repository of Representation Information for Engineering (RRoRIfE)

    Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography 2010

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    This selective bibliography includes over 500 articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding digital curation and preservation. The Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography includes published articles, books, and technical reports. All included works are in English. The bibliography does not cover conference papers, digital media works (such as MP3 files), editorials, e-mail messages, letters to the editor, presentation slides or transcripts, unpublished e-prints, or weblog postings. Most sources have been published between 2000 and the present; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 2000 are also included

    Implementation challenges of annotated 3D models in collaborative design environments

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    Recent studies in the area of collaborative design have proposed the use of 3D annotations as a tool to make design information explicitly available within the 3D model, so that different stakeholders can share information throughout the product lifecycle. Annotation practices defined by the latest digital definition standards have formalized the presentation of information and facilitated the implementation of annotation tools in CAD systems. In this paper, we review the latest studies in annotation methods and technologies and explore their expected benefits in the context of collaborative design. Next, we analyze the implementation challenges of different annotation approaches, focusing specifically on design intent annotations. An analysis of the literature suggests that the use of annotations has a positive effect on collaborative design communication as long as proper implementation practices, tools, and user interaction mechanisms are in placeCamba, J.; Contero, M.; Salvador Herranz, GM. (2014). Implementation challenges of annotated 3D models in collaborative design environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8683:222-229. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10831-5_332222298683Katzenbach, J.R., Smith, D.K.: The Discipline of Teams. Harvard Business Review 71(2), 111–120 (2005)Campion, M.A., Medsker, G.J., Higgs, A.C.: Relations between Work Group Characteristics and Effectiveness: Implications for Designing Effective Work Groups. Personnel Psychology 46, 823–850 (1993)Chudoba, K.M., Wynn, E., Lu, M., Watson-Manheim, M.B.: How Virtual Are We? Measuring Virtuality and Understanding its Impact in a Global Organization. Information Systems Journal 15, 279–306 (2005)Lahti, H., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Hakkarainen, K.: Collaboration Patterns in Computer Supported Collaborative Designing. Design Studies 25, 351–371 (2004)Chang, K.H., Silva, J., Bryant, I.: Concurrent Design and Manufacturing for Mechanical Systems. Concurrent Engineering 7, 290–308 (1999)Jackson, C., Buxton, M.: The Design Reuse Benchmark Report: Seizing the Opportunity to Shorten Product Development. Aberdeen Group, Boston (2007)Lang, S., Dickinson, J., Buchal, R.O.: Cognitive Factors in Distributed Design. Computers in Industry 48, 89–98 (2002)Alemanni, M., Destefanis, F., Vezzetti, E.: Model-Based Definition Design in the Product Lifecycle Management Scenario. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 52(1-4), 1–14 (2011)ASME: ASME Y14.41-2012 Digital Product Definition Data Practices. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York (2012)ISO: ISO 16792:2006 Technical Product Documentation – Digital Product Definition Data Practices. Organisation Internationale de Normalisation, Genève, Suisse (2006)Bracewell, R.H., Wallace, K.M.: A Tool for Capturing Design Rationale. In:14th International Conference on Engineering Design, Design Society, Stockholm, Sweden (2003)Boujut, J.F., Dugdale, J.: Design of a 3D Annotation Tool for Supporting Evaluation Activities in Engineering Design. Cooperative Systems Design, COOP 6, 1–8 (2006)Alducin-Quintero, G., Rojo, A., Plata, F., Hernández, A., Contero, M.: 3D Model Annotation as a Tool for Improving Design Intent Communication: A Case Study on its Impact in the Engineering Change Process. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Chicago, Illinois (2012)Sandberg, S., Näsström, M.: A Proposed Method to Preserve Knowledge and Information by Use of Knowledge Enabled Engineering. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada (2007)Dorribo-Camba, J., Alducin-Quintero, G., Perona, P., Contero, M.: Enhancing Model Reuse through 3D Annotations: A Theoretical Proposal for an Annotation-Centered Design Intent and Design Rationale Communication. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, California (2013)Ding, L., Ball, A., Patel, M., Matthews, J., Mullineux, G.: Strategies for the Collaborative Use of CAD Product Models. In: 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, vol. 8, pp. 123–134 (2009)Davies, D., McMahon, C.A.: Multiple Viewpoint Design Modelling through Semantic Markup. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Philadelphia, PA, vol. 3, pp. 561–571 (2006)Pena-Mora, F., Sriram, D., Logcher, R.: SHARED-DRIMS: SHARED Design Recommendation-Intent Management System. Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 213–221 (1993)Iyer, N., Jayanti, S., Lou, K., Kalyanaraman, Y., Ramani, K.: Shape-based Searching for Product Lifecycle Applications. Computer-Aided Design 37(13), 1435–1446 (2005)Li, C., McMahon, C., Newnes, L.: Annotation in Product Lifecycle Management: A Review of Approaches. In: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, vol. 2, pp. 797–806 (2009)Ding, L., Liu, S.: Markup in Engineering Design: A Discourse. Future Internet 2, 74–95 (2010)Patel, M., Ball, A., Ding, L.: Curation and Preservation of CAD Engineering Models in Product Lifecycle Management. In: Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia Dedicated to Digital Heritage, University of Bath, pp. 59–66 (2008)Ding, L., Davies, D., McMahon, C.A.: The Integration of Lightweight Representation and Annotation for Collaborative Design Representation. Research in Engineering Design 20(3), 185–200 (2009)Patel, M., Ball, A., Ding, L.: Strategies for the Curation of CAD Engineering Models. International Journal of Digital Curation 4(1), 84–97 (2009)Ganeshan, R., Garrett, J., Finger, S.: A Framework for Representing Design Intent. Design Studies 15(1), 59–84 (1994)Myers, K., Zumel, N., Garcia, P.: Acquiring Design Rationale Automatically. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 14(2), 115–135 (2000)Kunz, W., Rittel, H.: Issues as Elements of Information Systems. Working paper 131. Center for Planning and Development Research, Berkeley (1970)Shum, S.J.B., Selvin, A.M., Sierhuis, M., Conklin, J., Haley, C.B., Nuseibeh, B.: Hypermedia Support for Argumentation-Based Rationale: 15 Years on from Gibis and Qoc. Rationale Management in Software Engineering, 111–132 (2006)Sung, R., Ritchie, J.M., Rea, H.J., Corney, J.: Automated Design Knowledge Capture and Representation in Single-User CAD Environments. J. of Eng. Design 22(7), 487–503 (2011)Chandrasegaran, S.K., Ramani, K., Sriram, R.D., Horváth, I., Bernard, A., Harik, R.F., Gao, W.: The Evolution, Challenges, and Future of Knowledge Representation in Product Design Systems. Computer-Aided Design 45(2), 204–228 (2013)Ellis, G., Dix, A.: A Taxonomy of Clutter Reduction for Information Visualisation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13(6), 1216–1223 (2007)Cipriano, G., Gleicher, M.: Text Scaffolds for Effective Surface Labeling. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14(6), 1675–1682 (2008)Stein, T., Décoret, X.: Dynamic Label Placement for Improved Interactive Exploration. In: 6th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, pp. 15–21 (2008)Götzelmann, T., Hartmann, K., Strothotte, T.: Agent-Based Annotation of Interactive 3D Visualizations. In: Butz, A., Fisher, B., Krüger, A., Olivier, P. (eds.) SG 2006. LNCS, vol. 4073, pp. 24–35. Springer, Heidelberg (2006)Szykman, S., Sriram, R., Regli, W.: The Role of Knowledge in Next-Generation Product Development Systems. J. of Computing and Inf. Science in Engineering 1(1), 3–11 (2001)Aubry, S., Thouvenin, I., Lenne, D., Olive, J.: A Knowledge Model to Read 3D Annotations on a Virtual Mock-up for Collaborative Design. In: 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, pp. 669–674 (2007)Jung, T., Gross, M.D., Do, E.Y.L.: Sketching Annotations in a 3D Web Environment. In: CHI 2002, Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 618–619 (2002)Bilasco, I.M., Gensel, J., Villanova-Oliver, M., Martin, H.: An MPEG-7 Framework Enhancing the Reuse of 3D Models. In: 11th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Columbia, Maryland (2006)Pittarello, F., De Faveri, A.: Semantic Description of 3D Environments: A Proposal Based on Web Standards. In: 11th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Columbia, Maryland (2006)Song, H., Guimbretière, F., Hu, C., Lipson, H.: ModelCraft: Capturing Freehand Annotations and Edits on Physical 3D Models. In: 19th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pp. 13–22 (2006

    Vers l'élimination des dessins d'ingénierie des processus de modification d'ingénierie en aéronautique

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    La définition du produit est aujourd’hui composée et véhiculée par des modèles 3D et des dessins 2D tout au long du cycle de vie du produit. Grâce aux progrès portant sur la définition de la maquette numérique, les entreprises, notamment celles des secteurs automobile et aéronautique, s’intéressent à l’approche Model-based Definition (MBD) qui promet de réduire les temps de mise en marché et d’améliorer la qualité des produits. Sa finalité est d’accélérer et améliorer les processus de conception, de fabrication et d’inspection en intégrant les annotations, traditionnellement portées par les dessins d’ingénierie, directement dans le modèle 3D, provoquant ainsi une diminution significative de la production de dessins. Malgré l’existence de standards internationaux et d’outils CAO spécifiques pour supporter le concept MBD, son implémentation n’a pas été encore entièrement adoptée tout au long du cycle de vie du produit. Les dessins d’ingénierie traditionnels assument encore différentes fonctions perçues comme essentielles telles que la capture et la distribution des données non géométriques (tolérances, notes, etc.), le stockage à long terme de la définition des produits, de même que dans la gestion des modifications d’ingénierie. Particulièrement, le processus de gestion des modifications (PGM) d’ingénierie implique l’étude, l’annotation, la révision, la validation et la libération des dessins d’ingénierie. L’exploration des alternatives de réingénierie du PGM en absence de dessins devient alors une démarche nécessaire vers l’adoption de l’approche MBD. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est donc de proposer une solution permettant l’exécution du PGM dans un environnement sans dessins et de quantifier les gains potentiels. Deux entreprises canadiennes du secteur aéronautique sont impliquées dans ce projet de recherche. Dans un premier temps, les obstacles qui doivent être surmontés pour permettre l’adoption de l’initiative MBD sont identifiés. Nos observations sont le résultat de quarante-et-une entrevues effectuées dans les départements d’ingénierie, gestion de la configuration, navigabilité, certification, fabrication, inspection et gestion des connaissances chez les partenaires industriels. Les résultats des entrevues indiquent qu’il est nécessaire de définir clairement la façon dont la définition du produit va être véhiculée en absence des dessins tout en supportant les besoins spécifiques provenant de chacun des clients de la définition du produit. Par la suite, une solution permettant l’exécution du PGM dans un contexte MBD est développée et évaluée en se basant sur les caractéristiques et spécifications du PGM chez les partenaires industriels. La solution consiste à définir un ensemble des données qui est composée du modèle 3D annoté (généré par le système CAO) et du fichier de distribution (généré et exploité par l’application de visualisation) sous format allégé. L’exercice de réingénierie du PGM est réalisé en fonction de la solution proposée. Finalement, les gains issus de la solution proposée sont évalués et quantifiés. Une approche par simulation à événements discrets est adoptée en considérant des données empiriques et expérimentales provenant de l’un des partenaires industriels. Des réductions d’environ 11% du temps et du coût moyen d’exécution du processus sont obtenues


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    El proyecto de investigación propuesto se enmarca dentro del área de diseño de producto con aplicaciones de modelado sólido CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing). Concretamente, se pretende hacer un estudio de las herramientas de anotación asociativas disponibles en las aplicaciones comerciales de modelado CAD con el fin de analizar su uso, viabilidad, eficiencia y efectos en la modificación y reutilización de modelos digitales 3D, así como en la gestión y comunicación del conocimiento técnico vinculado al diseño. La idea principal de esta investigación doctoral es establecer un método para representar y evaluar el conocimiento implícito de los ingenieros de diseño acerca de un modelo digital, así como la integración dinámica de dicho conocimiento en el propio modelo CAD, a través de anotaciones, con el objetivo de poder almacenar y comunicar eficientemente la mayor cantidad de información útil acerca del modelo, y reducir el tiempo y esfuerzo requeridos para su alteración y/o reutilización.Dorribo Camba, J. (2014). ANNOTATION MECHANISMS TO MANAGE DESIGN KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLEX PARAMETRIC MODELS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON ALTERATION AND REUSABILITY [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/45997TESI

    A framework for design rationale capture and use during geometry design

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    Despite broad agreement on the utility of design rationale use and capture, a review of the relevant literature shows that industrial usage remains limited, especially during geometry design.An initial field study confirmed low design rationale capture during the geometry design stage. The lack of linking between design rationale and geometry models is identified as a factor holding back design rationale capture.A toolset is presented to link entities in geometry models to design rationale, allowing the creation of design rationale referring to a specific geometry design decision. Using the design rationale links it is possible to create graphs of the structure of geometry models and attached rationale. Furthermore the presence and quantity of design rationale can be displayed as a coloured overlay on the geometry.The toolset has been tested by 7 groups of student-designers, and although the uptake of the design rationale linking tool by the users was low, results show that groups using the tool captured relatively more design rationale during geometry design, although reservations have to be made regarding to self-selection bias. The study shows that the availability of design rationale linking tools is not by itself enough to improve design rationale capture during geometry design

    A reference architecture for archival systems with application to product models

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    Pas de résumé en françaisNowadays, a major part of the information is in digital form. Digital preservation is essential to allowpeople to access information over time. From a computer science perspective, two major objectiveshave to be met to enable digital preservation: developing archival systems to manage the preserveddigital information, and select information representations that will facilitate the preservation. For complexinformation such as product models, these two objective are particularly hard to meet. Archivalsystems have to operate in a complex environment, interact with many different systems, and supportmay different business functions. Product model representations do not use all the possibilitiesof computer interpretation.Regarding the development of archival systems, the key is to determine what has to be described toprove that the archival system can effectively support the digital preservation. The Reference Modelfor an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) proposes a terminology to describe and comparearchives. The Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repository (ACTDR) provides criteria forthe certification of archives. One issue with these efforts is that there is not guidance on how to usethem within archival system descriptions.This thesis proposes a method called Reference Architecture for Archival Systems (RAAS) to describearchival systems implementations. RAAS relies on the DoD Architecture Framework to describethe various aspects of the archival systems. Moreover, RAAS provides an archival-specificterminology inspired by the OAIS Reference Model. RAAS also explains how the archival systemdescription can help for the ACTDR certification.RAAS is applied to a product model preservation case, to describe the various aspects of the archivalsystem. This description includes the interactions involving the archival systems, the archival systemfunctions, the definition of the preserved content, and the definition of the metadata. This descriptionformally refers to the OAIS terminology, and provides ACTDR certification evidence.This thesis also address the representation of product models by proposing the translation of productmodels from STEP to OWL. STEP is a standard for product model representation. The use ofOWL enables semantic relationship to enrich product information, and improve the search and theunderstanding of this information using data integration.The methodology used in this thesis can apply to other types of information, such as medical recordsDIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF