21,576 research outputs found

    Strategic communication networks

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    In this paper, we consider situations in which individuals want to choose an action close to others' actions as well as close to a payoff relevant state of nature with the ideal proximity to the common state varying across the agents. Before this coordination game with heterogeneous preferences is played, a cheap talk communication stage is offered to players who decide to whom they reveal the private information they hold about the state. The strategic information transmission taking place in the communication stage is characterized by a strategic communication network. We provide a direct link between players' preferences and the strategic communication network emerging at equilibrium, depending on the strength of the coordination motive and the prior information structure. Equilibrium strategic communication networks are characterized in a very tractable way and compared in term of efficiency. In general, a maximal strategic communication network may not exist and communication networks cannot be ordered in the sense of Pareto. However, expected social welfare always increases when the communication network expands. Strategic information transmission can be improved when group or public communication is allowed, and/or when information is certifiable.cheap talk ; coordination ; partially verifiable types ; public and private communication

    Strategic Communication Networks

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    We consider situations in which individuals would like to choose an action which is close to that of others, as well as close to a state of nature, with the ideal proximity to the state varying across agents. Before this coordination game is played, a cheap-talk communication stage is offered to the individuals who decide to whom they reveal their private information about the state. The information transmission occurring in the communication stage is characterized by a strategic communication network. We provide an explicit link between players' preferences and the equilibrium strategic communication networks. A key feature of our equilibrium characterization is that whether communication takes place between two agents not only depends on the conflict of interest between these agents, but also on the number and preferences of the other agents with whom they communicate. Apart from some specific cases, the equilibrium communication networks are quite complex despite our simple one-dimensional description of preference heterogeneity. In general, strategic communication networks cannot be completely Pareto-ranked, but expected social welfare always increases as the communication network expands.Cheap talk ; coordination ; incomplete information ; networks

    NHEP Strategic Communication Plan, Kellam, D

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    The New Hampshire Estuaries Project’s (NHEP) Strategic Communication Plan (SCP) facilitates the implementation of Action Plans related to public outreach and education (POE) and focuses resources on communication activities that strengthen the organization’s position in the resource management community. The plan begins with a situational audit that examines the history of the NHEP, its role in the natural resources management community and the target audiences identified in the NHEP Management Plan. Next, the SCP’s goals and objectives for the next three years are described. Finally, the SCP appendices include branding elements, program descriptions, Management Plan relevance to the SCP, and a draft of a survey to planning board members, conservation commissioners and regional planning commission staff

    Strategic Communication

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    Strategic Communication Networks

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/documents-de-travail/Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2009.05 - ISSN : 1955-611XWe consider situations in which individuals would like to choose an action which is close to that of others, as well as close to a state of nature, with the ideal proximity to the state varying across agents. Before this coordination game is played, a cheap-talk communication stage is offered to the individuals who decide to whom they reveal their private information about the state. The information transmission occurring in the communication stage is characterized by a strategic communication network. We provide an explicit link between players' preferences and the equilibrium strategic communication networks. A key feature of our equilibrium characterization is that whether communication takes place between two agents not only depends on the conflict of interest between these agents, but also on the number and preferences of the other agents with whom they communicate. Apart from some specific cases, the equilibrium communication networks are quite complex despite our simple one-dimensional description of preference heterogeneity. In general, strategic communication networks cannot be completely Pareto-ranked, but expected social welfare always increases as the communication network expands.Cet article Ă©tudie des situations stratĂ©giques dans lesquelles chaque individu cherche Ă  choisir une action Ă  la fois proche des actions choisies par les autres individus et proche d'un Ă©tat de la nature, la proximitĂ© idĂ©ale Ă  cet Ă©tat variant entre les agents. Avant que ce jeu de coordination soit jouĂ©, une Ă©tape de communication gratuite est offerte aux individus qui peuvent alors dĂ©cider Ă  qui ils rĂ©vĂšlent les informations privĂ©es qu'ils dĂ©tiennent sur l'Ă©tat. La transmission d'information qui a lieu au cours de l'Ă©tape de communication est caractĂ©risĂ©e par un rĂ©seau de communication stratĂ©gique. Nous caractĂ©risons explicitement les rĂ©seaux de communication stratĂ©gique qui peuvent Ă©merger Ă  l'Ă©quilibre en fonction des prĂ©fĂ©rences des joueurs. Le fait que deux agents communiquent dĂ©pend non seulement de leur conflit d'intĂ©rĂȘts mais Ă©galement du nombre et des prĂ©fĂ©rences des autres individus avec lesquels ils communiquent. En dehors de cas spĂ©cifiques, les rĂ©seaux de communicarion d'Ă©quilibre ont une structure complexe malgrĂ© la description uni-dimensionnelle de l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des prĂ©fĂ©rences. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les rĂ©seaux de communication stratĂ©gique ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre complĂštement ordonnĂ©s au sens de Pareto, mais le bien ĂȘtre social espĂ©rĂ© augmente toujours lorsque le rĂ©seau de communication s'agrandit

    Strategic Communication and the Stakeholder Concept: Merging Marketing Communication and PR

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    Corporate communication is a strategic endeavour of two major directions; market and non-market communication. Within this differentiation, marketing and communication/Public Relations usually operate separately with a major focus on stakeholder communication since scholars’ research provides evidence for its sustainable advantage. But with regard to different stakeholders’ requirements, the differentiation between market and non-market-related communication has diminished and a number of objectives have become both disciplines’ targets. This paper suggests an extension for the notion communication and introduces a strategic model merging both disciplines under the new function of Strategic Communication. Key Words: Corporate communication, strategic communication, stakeholder concept, unitary perception
