9 research outputs found

    Strategic Coalitions with Perfect Recall

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    The paper proposes a bimodal logic that describes an interplay between distributed knowledge modality and coalition know-how modality. Unlike other similar systems, the one proposed here assumes perfect recall by all agents. Perfect recall is captured in the system by a single axiom. The main technical results are the soundness and the completeness theorems for the proposed logical system

    Blameworthiness in Strategic Games

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    There are multiple notions of coalitional responsibility. The focus of this paper is on the blameworthiness defined through the principle of alternative possibilities: a coalition is blamable for a statement if the statement is true, but the coalition had a strategy to prevent it. The main technical result is a sound and complete bimodal logical system that describes properties of blameworthiness in one-shot games

    Knowledge and Blameworthiness

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    Blameworthiness of an agent or a coalition of agents is often defined in terms of the principle of alternative possibilities: for the coalition to be responsible for an outcome, the outcome must take place and the coalition should have had a strategy to prevent it. In this article we argue that in the settings with imperfect information, not only should the coalition have had a strategy, but it also should have known that it had a strategy, and it should have known what the strategy was. The main technical result of the article is a sound and complete bimodal logic that describes the interplay between knowledge and blameworthiness in strategic games with imperfect information

    Tableaux for the Logic of Strategically Knowing How

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    The logic of goal-directed knowing-how extends the standard epistemic logic with an operator of knowing-how. The knowing-how operator is interpreted as that there exists a strategy such that the agent knows that the strategy can make sure that p. This paper presents a tableau procedure for the multi-agent version of the logic of strategically knowing-how and shows the soundness and completeness of this tableau procedure. This paper also shows that the satisfiability problem of the logic can be decided in PSPACE.Comment: In Proceedings TARK 2023, arXiv:2307.0400

    Second-Order Know-How Strategies

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    The fact that a coalition has a strategy does not mean that the coalition knows what the strategy is. If the coalition knows the strategy, then such a strategy is called a know-how strategy of the coalition. The paper proposes the notion of a second-order know-how strategy for the case when one coalition knows what the strategy of another coalition is. The main technical result is a sound and complete logical system describing the interplay between the distributed knowledge modality and the second-order coalition know-how modality

    Duty to Warn in Strategic Games

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    The paper investigates the second-order blameworthiness or duty to warn modality "one coalition knew how another coalition could have prevented an outcome". The main technical result is a sound and complete logical system that describes the interplay between the distributed knowledge and the duty to warn modalities.Comment: Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2020) May 9--13, 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, B. An, N. Yorke-Smith, A. El Fallah Seghrouchni, G.~Sukthankar (eds.). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1811.0244