6 research outputs found

    О рациональной укладке графов на плоскости

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    Секция 10. Теоретическая информатикаДоказано, что произвольное 3-дерево и произвольный связный геометриче-ский граф G = (V, E), такой, что для любой вершины v∈V имеет место deg(v) ≤ 4, причем существует вершина v0 ∈ V с deg(v0) < 4, можно небольшим шевелением его вершин преобразовать в рациональный граф c вершинами, находящимися в общем положении

    Constructing 77-clusters

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    A set of nn-lattice points in the plane, no three on a line and no four on a circle, such that all pairwise distances and all coordinates are integral is called an nn-cluster (in R2\mathbb{R}^2). We determine the smallest existent 77-cluster with respect to its diameter. Additionally we provide a toolbox of algorithms which allowed us to computationally locate over 1000 different 77-clusters, some of them having huge integer edge lengths. On the way, we exhaustively determined all Heronian triangles with largest edge length up to 61066\cdot 10^6.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Distinct Distances in Graph Drawings

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    The \emph{distance-number} of a graph GG is the minimum number of distinct edge-lengths over all straight-line drawings of GG in the plane. This definition generalises many well-known concepts in combinatorial geometry. We consider the distance-number of trees, graphs with no K4K^-_4-minor, complete bipartite graphs, complete graphs, and cartesian products. Our main results concern the distance-number of graphs with bounded degree. We prove that nn-vertex graphs with bounded maximum degree and bounded treewidth have distance-number in O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n). To conclude such a logarithmic upper bound, both the degree and the treewidth need to be bounded. In particular, we construct graphs with treewidth 2 and polynomial distance-number. Similarly, we prove that there exist graphs with maximum degree 5 and arbitrarily large distance-number. Moreover, as Δ\Delta increases the existential lower bound on the distance-number of Δ\Delta-regular graphs tends to Ω(n0.864138)\Omega(n^{0.864138})


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    Abstract. We prove that every simple cubic planar graph admits a planar embedding such that each edge is embedded as a straight line segment of integer length. 1

    Drawing planar graphs with prescribed face areas

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    This thesis deals with planar drawings of planar graphs such that each interior face has a prescribed area. Our work is divided into two main sections. The rst one deals with straight-line drawings and the second one with orthogonal drawings. For straight-line drawings, it was known that such drawings exist for all planar graphs with maximum degree 3. We show here that such drawings exist for all planar partial 3-trees, i.e., subgraphs of a triangulated planar graph obtained by repeatedly inserting a vertex in one triangle and connecting it to all vertices of the triangle. Moreover, vertices have rational coordinates if the face areas are rational, and we can bound the resolution. For orthogonal drawings, we give an algorithm to draw triconnected planar graphs with maximum degree 3. This algorithm produces a drawing with at most 8 bends per face and 4 bends per edge, which improves the previous known result of 34 bends per face. Both vertices and bends have rational coordinates if the face areas are rational