5 research outputs found

    A generalization of de Vries duality to closed relations between compact Hausdorff spaces

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    Stone duality generalizes to an equivalence between the categories StoneR of Stone spaces and closed relations and BAS of boolean algebras and subordination relations. Splitting equivalences in StoneR yields a category that is equivalent to the category KHausR of compact Hausdorff spaces and closed relations. Similarly, splitting equivalences in BAS yields a category that is equivalent to the category De VS of de Vries algebras and compatible subordination relations. Applying the machinery of allegories then yields that KHausR is equivalent to De VS, thus resolving a problem recently raised in the literature.The equivalence between KHausR and De VS further restricts to an equivalence between the category KHausR of compact Hausdorff spaces and continuous functions and the wide subcategory De VF of De VS whose morphisms satisfy additional conditions. This yields an alternative to de Vries duality. One advantage of this approach is that composition of morphisms is usual relation composition

    Vietoris endofunctor for closed relations and its de Vries dual

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    We generalize the classic Vietoris endofunctor to the category of compact Hausdorff spaces and closed relations. The lift of a closed relation is done by generalizing the construction of the Egli-Milner order. We describe the dual endofunctor on the category of de Vries algebras and subordinations. This is done in several steps, by first generalizing the construction of Venema and Vosmaer to the category of boolean algebras and subordinations, then lifting it up to S5\mathsf{S5}-subordination algebras, and finally using MacNeille completions to further lift it to de Vries algebras. Among other things, this yields a generalization of Johnstone's pointfree construction of the Vietoris endofunctor to the category of compact regular frames and preframe homomorphisms

    Semantically informed methods in structural proof theory

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