2,632 research outputs found

    Stokes phenomenon and matched asymptotic expansions

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    This paper describes the use of matched asymptotic expansions to illuminate the description of functions exhibiting Stokes phenomenon. In particular the approach highlights the way in which the local structure and the possibility of finding Stokes multipliers explicitly depend on the behaviour of the coefficients of the relevant asymptotic expansions

    Note on Logarithmic Switchback Terms in Regular and Singular Perturbation Expansions

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    The occurrence of logarithmic switchback is studied for ordinary differential equations containing a parameter k which is allowed to take any value in a continuum of real numbers and with boundary conditions imposed at x = Δ and x = ∞. Classical theory tells us that if the equation has a regular singular point at the origin there is a family of solutions which varies continuously with k, and the expansion around the origin has log x terms for a discrete set of values of k. It is shown here how nonlinearity enlarges this set so that it may even be dense in some interval of the real numbers. A log x term in the expansion in x leads to expansion coefficients containing log Δ (switchback) in the perturbation expansion. If for a given value of k logarithmic terms in x and Δ occur they may be obtained by continuity from neighboring values of k. Switchback terms occurred conspicuously in singular-perturbation solutions of problems posed for semi-infinite domain x ≄ Δ. This connection is historical rather than logical. In particular we study here switchback terms for a specific example using methods of both singular and regular perturbations

    The history force on a small particle in a linearly stratified fluid

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    The hydrodynamic force experienced by a small spherical particle undergoing an arbitrary time-dependent motion in a density-stratified fluid is investigated theoretically. The study is carried out under the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation, and in the limit of small Reynolds and small P\'eclet numbers. The force acting on the particle is obtained by using matched asymptotic expansions in which the small parameter is given by a/l where a is the particle radius and l is the stratification length defined by Ardekani & Stocker (2010), which depends on the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, on the fluid kinematic viscosity and on the thermal or the concentration diffusivity (depending on the case considered). The matching procedure used here, which is based on series expansions of generalized functions, slightly differs from that generally used in similar problems. In addition to the classical Stokes drag, it is found the particle experiences a memory force given by two convolution products, one of which involves, as usual, the particle acceleration and the other one, the particle velocity. Owing to the stratification, the transient behaviour of this memory force, in response to an abrupt motion, consists of an initial fast decrease followed by a damped oscillation with an angular-frequency corresponding to the Brunt-Vaisala frequency. The perturbation force eventually tends to a constant which provides us with correction terms that should be added to the Stokes drag to accurately predict the settling time of a particle in a diffusive stratified-fluid.Comment: 16 page

    Equation level matching: An extension of the method of matched asymptotic expansion for problems of wave propagation

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    We introduce an alternative to the method of matched asymptotic expansions. In the "traditional" implementation, approximate solutions, valid in different (but overlapping) regions are matched by using "intermediate" variables. Here we propose to match at the level of the equations involved, via a "uniform expansion" whose equations enfold those of the approximations to be matched. This has the advantage that one does not need to explicitly solve the asymptotic equations to do the matching, which can be quite impossible for some problems. In addition, it allows matching to proceed in certain wave situations where the traditional approach fails because the time behaviors differ (e.g., one of the expansions does not include dissipation). On the other hand, this approach does not provide the fairly explicit approximations resulting from standard matching. In fact, this is not even its aim, which to produce the "simplest" set of equations that capture the behavior

    On the theory of complex rays

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    The article surveys the application of complex-ray theory to the scalar Helmholtz equation in two dimensions. The first objective is to motivate a framework within which complex rays may be used to make predictions about wavefields in a wide variety of geometrical configurations. A crucial ingredient in this framework is the role played by Sp{} in determining the regions of existence of complex rays. The identification of the Stokes surfaces emerges as a key step in the approximation procedure, and this leads to the consideration of the many characterizations of Stokes surfaces, including the adaptation and application of recent developments in exponential asymptotics to the complex Wentzel--Kramers--Brilbuin expansion of these wavefields

    Exponential asymptotics and Stokes lines in a partial differential equation

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    A singularly perturbed linear partial differential equation motivated by the geometrical model for crystal growth is considered. A steepest descent analysis of the Fourier transform solution identifies asymptotic contributions from saddle points, end points and poles, and the Stokes lines across which these may be switched on and off. These results are then derived directly from the equation by optimally truncating the naïve perturbation expansion and smoothing the Stokes discontinuities. The analysis reveals two new types of Stokes switching: a higher-order Stokes line which is a Stokes line in the approximation of the late terms of the asymptotic series, and which switches on or off Stokes lines themselves; and a second-generation Stokes line, in which a subdominant exponential switched on at a primary Stokes line is itself responsible for switching on another smaller exponential. The ‘new’ Stokes lines discussed by Berk et al. (Berk et al. 1982 J. Math. Phys.23, 988–1002) are second-generation Stokes lines, while the ‘vanishing’ Stokes lines discussed by Aoki et al. (Aoki et al. 1998 In Microlocal analysis and complex Fourier analysis (ed. K. F. T. Kawai), pp. 165–176) are switched off by a higher-order Stokes line
