985 research outputs found

    Modelling IEEE 802.11 CSMA/CA RTS/CTS with stochastic bigraphs with sharing

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    Stochastic bigraphical reactive systems (SBRS) is a recent formalism for modelling systems that evolve in time and space. However, the underlying spatial model is based on sets of trees and thus cannot represent spatial locations that are shared among several entities in a simple or intuitive way. We adopt an extension of the formalism, SBRS with sharing, in which the topology is modelled by a directed acyclic graph structure. We give an overview of SBRS with sharing, we extend it with rule priorities, and then use it to develop a model of the 802.11 CSMA/CA RTS/CTS protocol with exponential backoff, for an arbitrary network topology with possibly overlapping signals. The model uses sharing to model overlapping connectedness areas, instantaneous prioritised rules for deterministic computations, and stochastic rules with exponential reaction rates to model constant and uniformly distributed timeouts and constant transmission times. Equivalence classes of model states modulo instantaneous reactions yield states in a CTMC that can be analysed using the model checker PRISM. We illustrate the model on a simple example wireless network with three overlapping signals and we present some example quantitative properties

    Spectrum Utilization and Congestion of IEEE 802.11 Networks in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band

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    Wi-Fi technology, plays a major role in society thanks to its widespread availability, ease of use and low cost. To assure its long term viability in terms of capacity and ability to share the spectrum efficiently, it is of paramount to study the spectrum utilization and congestion mechanisms in live environments. In this paper the service level in the 2.4 GHz ISM band is investigated with focus on todays IEEE 802.11 WLAN systems with support for the 802.11e extension. Here service level means the overall Quality of Service (QoS), i.e. can all devices fulfill their communication needs? A crosslayer approach is used, since the service level can be measured at several levels of the protocol stack. The focus is on monitoring at both the Physical (PHY) and the Medium Access Control (MAC) link layer simultaneously by performing respectively power measurements with a spectrum analyzer to assess spectrum utilization and packet sniffing to measure the congestion. Compared to traditional QoS analysis in 802.11 networks, packet sniffing allows to study the occurring congestion mechanisms more thoroughly. The monitoring is applied for the following two cases. First the influence of interference between WLAN networks sharing the same radio channel is investigated in a controlled environment. It turns out that retry rate, Clear-ToSend (CTS), Request-To-Send (RTS) and (Block) Acknowledgment (ACK) frames can be used to identify congestion, whereas the spectrum analyzer is employed to identify the source of interference. Secondly, live measurements are performed at three locations to identify this type of interference in real-live situations. Results show inefficient use of the wireless medium in certain scenarios, due to a large portion of management and control frames compared to data content frames (i.e. only 21% of the frames is identified as data frames)

    Performance analysis of wireless LANs: an integrated packet/flow level approach

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    In this paper we present an integrated packet/flow level modelling approach for analysing flow throughputs and transfer times in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. The packet level model captures the statistical characteristics of the transmission of individual packets at the MAC layer, while the flow level model takes into account the system dynamics due to the initiation and completion of data flow transfers. The latter model is a processor sharing type of queueing model reflecting the IEEE 802.11 MAC design principle of distributing the transmission capacity fairly among the active flows. The resulting integrated packet/flow level model is analytically tractable and yields a simple approximation for the throughput and flow transfer time. Extensive simulations show that the approximation is very accurate for a wide range of parameter settings. In addition, the simulation study confirms the attractive property following from our approximation that the expected flow transfer delay is insensitive to the flow size distribution (apart from its mean)

    Life-Add: Lifetime Adjustable Design for WiFi Networks with Heterogeneous Energy Supplies

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    WiFi usage significantly reduces the battery lifetime of handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets, due to its high energy consumption. In this paper, we propose "Life-Add": a Lifetime Adjustable design for WiFi networks, where the devices are powered by battery, electric power, and/or renewable energy. In Life-Add, a device turns off its radio to save energy when the channel is sensed to be busy, and sleeps for a random time period before sensing the channel again. Life-Add carefully controls the devices' average sleep periods to improve their throughput while satisfying their operation time requirement. It is proven that Life-Add achieves near-optimal proportional-fair utility performance for single access point (AP) scenarios. Moreover, Life-Add alleviates the near-far effect and hidden terminal problem in general multiple AP scenarios. Our ns-3 simulations show that Life-Add simultaneously improves the lifetime, throughput, and fairness performance of WiFi networks, and coexists harmoniously with IEEE 802.11.Comment: This is the technical report of our WiOpt paper. The paper received the best student paper award at IEEE WiOpt 2013. The first three authors are co-primary author

    Modelling and performance analysis of mobile ad hoc networks

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    PhD ThesisMobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are becoming very attractive and useful in many kinds of communication and networking applications. This is due to their efficiency, relatively low cost, and flexibility provided by their dynamic infrastructure. Performance evaluation of mobile ad hoc networks is needed to compare various architectures of the network for their performance, study the effect of varying certain network parameters and study the interaction between various parameters that characterise the network. It can help in the design and implementation of MANETs. It is to be noted that most of the research that studies the performance of MANETs were evaluated using discrete event simulation (DES) utilising a broad band of network simulators. The principle drawback of DES models is the time and resources needed to run such models for large realistic systems, especially when results with a high accuracy are desired. In addition, studying typical problems such as the deadlock and concurrency in MANETs using DES is hard because network simulators implement the network at a low abstraction level and cannot support specifications at higher levels. Due to the advantage of quick construction and numerical analysis, analytical modelling techniques, such as stochastic Petri nets and process algebra, have been used for performance analysis of communication systems. In addition, analytical modelling is a less costly and more efficient method. It generally provides the best insight into the effects of various parameters and their interactions. Hence, analytical modelling is the method of choice for a fast and cost effective evaluation of mobile ad hoc networks. To the best of our knowledge, there is no analytical study that analyses the performance of multi-hop ad hoc networks, where mobile nodes move according to a random mobility model, in terms of the end-to-end delay and throughput. This work ii presents a novel analytical framework developed using stochastic reward nets and mathematical modelling techniques for modelling and analysis of multi-hop ad hoc networks, based on the IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC protocol, where mobile nodes move according to the random waypoint mobility model. The proposed framework is used to analysis the performance of multi-hop ad hoc networks as a function of network parameters such as the transmission range, carrier sensing range, interference range, number of nodes, network area size, packet size, and packet generation rate. The proposed framework is organized into several models to break up the complexity of modelling the complete network and make it easier to analyse each model as required. This is based on the idea of decomposition and fixed point iteration of stochastic reward nets. The proposed framework consists of a mathematical model and four stochastic reward nets models; the path analysis model, data link layer model, network layer model and transport layer model. These models are arranged in a way similar to the layers of the OSI protocol stack model. The mathematical model is used to compute the expected number of hops between any source-destination pair; and the average number of carrier sensing, hidden, and interfering nodes. The path analysis model analyses the dynamic of paths in the network due to the node mobility in terms of the path connection availability and rate of failure and repair. The data link layer model describes the behaviour of the IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC protocol. The actions in the network layer are modelled by the network layer model. The transport layer model represents the behaviour of the transport layer protocols. The proposed models are validated using extensive simulations