5 research outputs found

    Uma adaptação do escalonador estático da biblioteca dataflow sucuri para computação in-situ

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    In the dataflow computation model, instructions or tasks are executed according to data dependencies, instead of following program order, thus allowing parallelism to be exposed naturally. Sucuri is a dataflow library for Python that allows each user to specify their application as a dependency graph and execute it transparently in clusters of multicores, while taking care of scheduling issues. Recent trends in Fog and In-situ computing assume that storage and network devices will be equipped with processing elements that usually have lower power consumption and performance. An important decision for such systems is whether to move data to traditional processors (paying the communication costs), or to perform the computation where the data sits, using a potentially slower processor. Hence, runtime environments that deal with that trade-off are of extreme importance. This work presents a study on different factors that should be considered when running dataflow applications in a In-situ environment. We use Sucuri to manage the execution in a small system with a regular PC and a Parallella board, emulating a smart storage, and a set of experiments was performed to show how data transfer size, network latency, packet loss rates and computational complexity affect execution time when outsourcing computation to the smart storage. Then, a static scheduling solution is presented, allowing Sucuri to take the best decision where to execute the application, avoiding outsourcing when there would be no performance gains.No modelo de computação por fluxo de dados, dataflow, as instruções ou tarefas são executadas de acordo com as dependências de dados, ao invés de seguir a ordem do programa, permitindo a exploração natural de paralelismo. A Sucuri é uma biblioteca dataflow em Python que permite aos usuários especificarem suas aplicações como um grafo de dependências, e as executa de maneira transparente em clusters de multicores, enquanto se encarrega também dos problemas de escalonamento. Avan¸cos recentes em computação fog e in-situ assumem que dispositivos de armazenamento e de rede serão equipados com unidades de processamento, geralmente de baixo consumo de energia e baixo desempenho. Uma decisão importante em tais sistemas é a de migrar os dados para os processadores tradicionais, pagando os custos de comunicação, ou realizar a computação onde o dado está (in-situ), usando um processador de desempenho potencialmente menor. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo dos diferentes fatores que devem ser levados em consideração quando executando aplicações dataflow em um ambiente de computação in-situ. A Sucuri foi utilizada para gerenciar a execução em um pequeno sistema composto de um computador comum e uma placa Parallella simulando um disco inteligente, e uma série de experimentos foi realizada para mostrar como o tamanho dos dados a serem transferidos, a latência de rede, a perda de pacotes e a complexidade computacional da aplicação afetam o tempo de execução quando o processamento é deixado a cargo desse disco. Então, uma solução de escalonamento estático que leva em conta tais fatores é apresentada, dando a Sucuri poder de decisão sobre onde melhor realizar o processamento dos dados, evitando fazer a computação in-situ quando a mesma não trouxer ganhos de performance

    Stochastic allocation and scheduling for conditional task graphs in multi-processor systems-on-chip

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    Abstract Embedded systems designers are turning to multicore architectures to satisfy the ever-growing computational needs of applications within a reasonable power envelope. One of the most daunting challenges for MultiProcessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) platforms is the development of tools for efficient mapping multi-task applications onto hardware platforms. Software mapping can be formulated as an optimal allocation and scheduling problem, where the application is modeled as a task graph, the target hardware is modeled as a set of heterogeneous resources, and the objective function represents a design goal α (e.g. minimum execution time, minimum usage of communication resources, etc.). Conditional task graphs, where inter-task edges represent data as well as control dependencies, are a well-known computational model to describe complex real-life applications where alternative execution paths, guarded by conditionals, can be specified. Each condition has a probability associated with each possible outcome. Mapping conditional task graphs is significantly more challenging than mapping pure data-flow graphs (where edges only represent data dependencies). Approaches based on general-purpose complete solvers (e.g. Integer Linear Programming solvers) are limited both by computational blowup and by the fact that the objective is a stochastic functional. The main contribution of our work is an efficient and complete approach to allocation and scheduling of conditional task graphs, based on (i) an exact analytic formulation of the stochastic objective function exploiting task graph analysis and (ii) an extension of the timetable constraint for conditional activities. Moreover, our solver is integrated in a complete application development environment which produces executable code for target multicore platforms. This integrated framework allows us to validate modeling assumptions and to assess constraint satisfaction and objective function optimization. Extensive validation results demonstrate not only that our approach can handle nontrivial instances efficiently, but also that our models are accurate and lead to optimal and highly predictable execution