490 research outputs found

    In Defense of DEFECT or Cooperation does not Justify the Solution Concept

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    The one-state machine that always defects is the only evolutionarily stable strategy in the machine game that is derived from the prisoners' dilemma, when preferences are lexicographic in the complexity. This machine is the only stochastically stable strategy of the machine game when players are restricted to choosing machines with a uniformly bounded complexity.Cooperation; prisoners' dilemma; automata; evolution.

    Perturbed Learning Automata in Potential Games

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    This paper presents a reinforcement learning algorithm and provides conditions for global convergence to Nash equilibria. For several reinforcement learning schemes, including the ones proposed here, excluding convergence to action profiles which are not Nash equilibria may not be trivial, unless the step-size sequence is appropriately tailored to the specifics of the game. In this paper, we sidestep these issues by introducing a new class of reinforcement learning schemes where the strategy of each agent is perturbed by a state-dependent perturbation function. Contrary to prior work on equilibrium selection in games, where perturbation functions are globally state dependent, the perturbation function here is assumed to be local, i.e., it only depends on the strategy of each agent. We provide conditions under which the strategies of the agents will converge to an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the set of Nash equilibria almost surely. We further specialize the results to a class of potential games

    Distributed dynamic reinforcement of efficient outcomes in multiagent coordination and network formation

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    We analyze reinforcement learning under so-called “dynamic reinforcement”. In reinforcement learning, each agentrepeatedly interacts with an unknown environment (i.e., other agents), receives a reward, and updates the probabilities of its next action based on its own previous actions and received rewards. Unlike standard reinforcement learning, dynamic reinforcement uses a combination of long term rewards and recent rewards to construct myopically forward looking action selection probabilities. We analyze the long term stability of the learning dynamics for general games with pure strategy Nash equilibria and specialize the results for coordination games and distributed network formation. In this class of problems, more than one stable equilibrium (i.e., coordination configuration) may exist. We demonstrate equilibrium selection under dynamic reinforcement. In particular, we show how a single agent is able to destabilize an equilibrium in favor of another by appropriately adjusting its dynamic reinforcement parameters. We contrast the conclusions with prior game theoretic results according to which the risk dominant equilibrium is the only robust equilibrium when agents ’ decisions are subject to small randomized perturbations. The analysis throughout is based on the ODE method for stochastic approximations, where a special form of perturbation in the learning dynamics allows for analyzing its behavior at the boundary points of the state space

    Neural Networks and Contagion

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    We analyze local as well as global interaction and contagion in population games, using the formalism of neural networks. In contrast to much of the literature, a state encodes not only the frequency of play, but also the spatial pattern of play. Stochastic best response dynamics with logistic noise gives rise to a log-linear or logit response model. The stationary distribution is of the Gibbs-Boltzmann type. The long-run equilibria are the maxima of a potential function

    Evolutionary game theory

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    Game Theory

    Reputation and commitment in two-person repeated games

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    Game Theory;Repeated Games
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