33 research outputs found

    Convex approximations for a class of mixed-integer recourse models

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    We consider mixed-integer recourse (MIR) models with a single recourse constraint.We relate the secondstage value function of such problems to the expected simple integer recourse (SIR) shortage function. This allows to construct convex approximations for MIR problems by the same approach used for SIR models.

    Convex approximations for complete integer recourse models

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    We consider convex approximations of the expected value function of a two-stage integer recourse problem. The convex approximations are obtained by perturbing the distribution of the random right-hand side vector. It is shown that the approximation is optimal for the class of problems with totally unimodular recourse matrices. For problems not in this class, the result is a convex lower bound that is strictly better than the one obtained from the LP relaxation.

    Integrated chance constraints in an ALM model for pension funds

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    We discuss integrated chance constraints in their role of short-term risk constraints in a strategic ALM model for Dutch pension funds. The problem is set up as a multistage recourse model, with special attention for modeling the guidelines proposed by the regulating authority for Dutch pension funds. The paper concludes with an outline of a special-purpose heuristic, which is used to approximately solve the resulting model which contains many binary decision variables.

    On multiple simple recourse models

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    We consider multiple simple recourse (MSR) models, both continuous and integer versions, which generalize the corresponding simple recourse (SR) models by allowing for a refined penalty cost structure for individual shortages and surpluses. It will be shown that (convex approximations of) such MSR models can be represented as explicitly specified continuous SR models, and thus can be solved efficiently by existing algorithms.

    An ALM Model for Pension Funds using Integrated Chance Constraints

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    We discuss integrated chance constraints in their role of short-term risk constraints in a strategic ALM model for Dutch pension funds. The problem is set up as a multistage recourse model, with special attention for modeling the guidelines proposed by the regulating authority for Dutch pension funds. The paper concludes with a numerical illustration of the importance of such short-term risk constraints.

    Exact solutions to a class of stochastic generalized assignment problems

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    This paper deals with a stochastic Generalized Assignment Problem with recourse. Only a random subset of the given set of jobs will require to be actually processed. An assignment of each job to an agent is decided a priori, and once the demands are known, reassignments can be performed if there are overloaded agents. We construct a convex approximation of the objective function that is sharp at all feasible solutions. We then present three versions of an exact algorithm to solve this problem, based on branch and bound techniques, optimality cuts, and a special purpose lower bound. numerical results are reported.

    Approximation in stochastic integer programming

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    Approximation algorithms are the prevalent solution methods in the field of stochastic programming. Problems in this field are very hard to solve. Indeed, most of the research in this field has concentrated on designing solution methods that approximate the optimal solutions. However, efficiency in the complexity theoretical sense is usually not taken into account. Quality statements mostly remain restricted to convergence to an optimal solution without accompanying implications on the running time of the algorithms for attaining more and more accurate solutions. However, over the last twenty years also some studies on performance analysis of approximation algorithms for stochastic programming have appeared. In this direction we find both probabilistic analysis and worst-case analysis. There have been studies on performance ratios and on absolute divergence from optimality. Only recently the complexity of stochastic programming problems has been addressed, indeed confirming that these problems are harder than most combinatorial optimization problems.

    Convex approximations for a class of mixed-integer recourse models

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    We consider mixed-integer recourse (MIR) models with a single recourse constraint. We relate the second-stage value function of such problems to the expected simple integer recourse (SIR) shortage function. This allows to construct convex approximations for MIR problems by the same approach used for SIR models

    Convex approximations for two-stage mixed-integer mean-risk recourse models with conditional value-at-risk

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    In traditional two-stage mixed-integer recourse models, the expected value of the total costs is minimized. In order to address risk-averse attitudes of decision makers, we consider a weighted mean-risk objective instead. Conditional value-at-risk is used as our risk measure. Integrality conditions on decision variables make the model non-convex and hence, hard to solve. To tackle this problem, we derive convex approximation models and corresponding error bounds, that depend on the total variations of the density functions of the random right-hand side variables in the model. We show that the error bounds converge to zero if these total variations go to zero. In addition, for the special cases of totally unimodular and simple integer recourse models we derive sharper error bounds.</p