556 research outputs found

    Deep neural networks in acoustic model

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    L'estudiant m'ha contactat amb el requeriment d'una oferta per matricular-se i aquesta oferta respon a la seva petició. Després de confirmar amb Secretaria Acadèmica que està acceptat a destinació, deixem títol, descripció, objectius, i tutor extern per determinar quan arribi a destí.Do implementation of a training of a deep neural network acoustic model for speech recognitio

    Machine Learning Technique Based Fake News Detection

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    False news has received attention from both the general public and the scholarly world. Such false information has the ability to affect public perception, giving nefarious groups the chance to influence the results of public events like elections. Anyone can share fake news or facts about anyone or anything for their personal gain or to cause someone trouble. Also, information varies depending on the part of the world it is shared on. Thus, in this paper, we have trained a model to classify fake and true news by utilizing the 1876 news data from our collected dataset. We have preprocessed the data to get clean and filtered texts by following the Natural Language Processing approaches. Our research conducts 3 popular Machine Learning (Stochastic gradient descent, Na\"ive Bayes, Logistic Regression,) and 2 Deep Learning (Long-Short Term Memory, ASGD Weight-Dropped LSTM, or AWD-LSTM) algorithms. After we have found our best Naive Bayes classifier with 56% accuracy and an F1-macro score of an average of 32%

    Privacy Preserving Federated Learning with Convolutional Variational Bottlenecks

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    Gradient inversion attacks are an ubiquitous threat in federated learning as they exploit gradient leakage to reconstruct supposedly private training data. Recent work has proposed to prevent gradient leakage without loss of model utility by incorporating a PRivacy EnhanCing mODulE (PRECODE) based on variational modeling. Without further analysis, it was shown that PRECODE successfully protects against gradient inversion attacks. In this paper, we make multiple contributions. First, we investigate the effect of PRECODE on gradient inversion attacks to reveal its underlying working principle. We show that variational modeling introduces stochasticity into the gradients of PRECODE and the subsequent layers in a neural network. The stochastic gradients of these layers prevent iterative gradient inversion attacks from converging. Second, we formulate an attack that disables the privacy preserving effect of PRECODE by purposefully omitting stochastic gradients during attack optimization. To preserve the privacy preserving effect of PRECODE, our analysis reveals that variational modeling must be placed early in the network. However, early placement of PRECODE is typically not feasible due to reduced model utility and the exploding number of additional model parameters. Therefore, as a third contribution, we propose a novel privacy module -- the Convolutional Variational Bottleneck (CVB) -- that can be placed early in a neural network without suffering from these drawbacks. We conduct an extensive empirical study on three seminal model architectures and six image classification datasets. We find that all architectures are susceptible to gradient leakage attacks, which can be prevented by our proposed CVB. Compared to PRECODE, we show that our novel privacy module requires fewer trainable parameters, and thus computational and communication costs, to effectively preserve privacy.Comment: 14 pages (12 figures 6 tables) + 6 pages supplementary materials (6 tables). Under review. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.0476