20 research outputs found

    Convex optimization over intersection of simple sets: improved convergence rate guarantees via an exact penalty approach

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    We consider the problem of minimizing a convex function over the intersection of finitely many simple sets which are easy to project onto. This is an important problem arising in various domains such as machine learning. The main difficulty lies in finding the projection of a point in the intersection of many sets. Existing approaches yield an infeasible point with an iteration-complexity of O(1/ε2)O(1/\varepsilon^2) for nonsmooth problems with no guarantees on the in-feasibility. By reformulating the problem through exact penalty functions, we derive first-order algorithms which not only guarantees that the distance to the intersection is small but also improve the complexity to O(1/ε)O(1/\varepsilon) and O(1/ε)O(1/\sqrt{\varepsilon}) for smooth functions. For composite and smooth problems, this is achieved through a saddle-point reformulation where the proximal operators required by the primal-dual algorithms can be computed in closed form. We illustrate the benefits of our approach on a graph transduction problem and on graph matching

    Optimizing Nondecomposable Data Dependent Regularizers via Lagrangian Reparameterization offers Significant Performance and Efficiency Gains

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    Data dependent regularization is known to benefit a wide variety of problems in machine learning. Often, these regularizers cannot be easily decomposed into a sum over a finite number of terms, e.g., a sum over individual example-wise terms. The FβF_\beta measure, Area under the ROC curve (AUCROC) and Precision at a fixed recall (P@R) are some prominent examples that are used in many applications. We find that for most medium to large sized datasets, scalability issues severely limit our ability in leveraging the benefits of such regularizers. Importantly, the key technical impediment despite some recent progress is that, such objectives remain difficult to optimize via backpropapagation procedures. While an efficient general-purpose strategy for this problem still remains elusive, in this paper, we show that for many data-dependent nondecomposable regularizers that are relevant in applications, sizable gains in efficiency are possible with minimal code-level changes; in other words, no specialized tools or numerical schemes are needed. Our procedure involves a reparameterization followed by a partial dualization -- this leads to a formulation that has provably cheap projection operators. We present a detailed analysis of runtime and convergence properties of our algorithm. On the experimental side, we show that a direct use of our scheme significantly improves the state of the art IOU measures reported for MSCOCO Stuff segmentation dataset

    Proximally Constrained Methods for Weakly Convex Optimization with Weakly Convex Constraints

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    Optimization models with non-convex constraints arise in many tasks in machine learning, e.g., learning with fairness constraints or Neyman-Pearson classification with non-convex loss. Although many efficient methods have been developed with theoretical convergence guarantees for non-convex unconstrained problems, it remains a challenge to design provably efficient algorithms for problems with non-convex functional constraints. This paper proposes a class of subgradient methods for constrained optimization where the objective function and the constraint functions are are weakly convex. Our methods solve a sequence of strongly convex subproblems, where a proximal term is added to both the objective function and each constraint function. Each subproblem can be solved by various algorithms for strongly convex optimization. Under a uniform Slater's condition, we establish the computation complexities of our methods for finding a nearly stationary point