7 research outputs found

    Interference and Coverage Analysis in Coexisting RF and Dense TeraHertz Wireless Networks

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    This paper develops a stochastic geometry framework to characterize the statistics of the downlink interference and coverage probability of a typical user in a coexisting terahertz (THz) and radio frequency (RF) network. We first characterize the exact Laplace Transform (LT) of the aggregate interference and coverage probability of a user in a THz-only network. Then, for a coexisting RF/THz network, we derive the coverage probability of a typical user considering biased received signal power association (BRSP). The framework can be customized to capture the performance of a typical user in various network configurations such as THz-only, opportunistic RF/THz, and hybrid RF/THz. In addition, asymptotic approximations are presented for scenarios where the intensity of THz BSs becomes large or molecular absorption coefficient in THz approaches to zero. Numerical results demonstrate the accuracy of the derived expressions and extract insights related to the significance of the BRSP association compared to the conventional reference signal received power (RSRP) association in the coexisting network

    Modeling and Link Quality Assessment of THz Network Within Data Center

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    Terahertz band has gained enormous interest recently due to its wide bandwidth availability, and the data rate is reaching 100 Gbps are nowadays achievable. The current advancement in Terahertz technology is aiming to achieve the data rate up to 1 Terabit per second. However, the unique band characteristics introduce some issues related to the propagation channel like high path and absorption loss which increases with distance. Such limitations at one hand can limit the coverage and throughput. But, on the other hand, suits indoor environment such as data center, a data center geometry is used in this paper to design and model a network of THz nodes placed on the top of the data center racks, to increase network connectivity, THz reflectors are positioned on ceiling and walls. Through simulations, we show that it is possible to reduce the average number of interferers in the system and minimize bit error probability by using specific waveforms and planar antenna array with active variable elements

    Stochastic geometry analysis for mean interference power and outage probability in THz networks

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    Abstract Mean interference power and probability of outage in the THz band (0.1–10 THz) networks are studied. The frequency band has potential for enabling future short range communication systems because of the large available spectrum resources. This can enable huge data rates, or on the other hand, large numbers of users sharing the resources. The latter case is closely related to the subject of this paper on interference modeling for dense THz networks with stochastic geometry. We use it to estimate the average behavior of random networks. The literature has shown convenient closed form solutions for the mean interference power in ultrahigh frequency band (UHF, 300 MHz – 3 GHz). Those are not always readily applicable for the THz band. This is especially the case when THz band is modeled with the molecular absorption and free space path loss. Still, the mean interference power does have closed form solutions in all cases, but in some, numerical approximations have to be used. We provide the derivation and analysis of the mean interference power and the outage probability. The results are verified with computer simulations

    Stochastic Geometry Analysis for Mean Interference Power and Outage Probability in THz Networks

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