3 research outputs found

    Simulation-Based Cost Accounting In Production And Logistics

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    Simulation tools have long been employed to enhance the technical efficiency of systems and processes in production and logistics. Traditionally focused on investigating and optimizing technical-logistical parameters such as facility output, lead times, and inventory levels, these studies often neglect the crucial economic perspective. While optimizing for temporal and quantitative objectives may yield an efficient system, it may not necessarily represent the most economically viable solution. A frequent gap in this phase is the consideration of economic aspects, which ultimately play a decisive role in operations. To holistically capture the economic landscape of production activities, simulation tools require cost data integration. Linking traditional simulation methods with cost accounting or investment analysis systems could facilitate a comprehensive evaluation and design of systems. In addressing this gap, the authors developed a comprehensive cost module within the Plant Simulation software for a project in the aviation industry. This module operates based on cost accounting principles, providing a framework for cost allocation by incorporating cost types, cost centers and cost units. The motivation behind this development stems from the aviation industry's need to increasingly automate assembly systems despite relatively lower production volumes compared to other industries. Beyond technical-logistical parameters, the authors consider monetary targets e.g. unit costs and optimize simulation results to assess the economic automation level. The integrated module continuously derives, calculates, and evaluates cost data based on the technical-logistical parameters identified during the simulation. This approach expands simulation models to include cost-specific parameters, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the economic implications of system design and automation

    Análise de Risco no Planeamento da Instalação de um Parque Eólico Offshore

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    A presente dissertação foca-se no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia que permita efetuar a modelação, análise e otimização da sequência de montagem, transporte e instalação de um parque eólico offshore. As variáveis consideradas incluem a restrição de recursos, a incerteza das condições meteorológicas e a duração das atividades. Este tema surge no âmbito da fase pré-comercial do projeto WindFloat Atlantic (WFA), tendo sido desenvolvido em parceria com a EDP Inovação. O projeto em estudo refere-se à instalação de um parque eólico ao largo da costa da cidade de Viana do Castelo, sendo este constituído por três aerogeradores e pelas respetivas plataformas flutuantes. De modo a solucionar o problema, procedeu-se à realização de um processo de análise de risco quantitativa tendo por base o método de análise de cenários. Este método visa a possibilidade de reordenar certas atividades do modelo de risco implementado com o objetivo de maximizar o desempenho do projeto. Através da simulação de Monte Carlo determinou-se então um vasto leque de outputs para apoio à tomada de decisão, entre os quais o weather downtime (WDT), a principal fonte de incerteza estudada