16 research outputs found

    Multi-level Distance Regularization for Deep Metric Learning

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    We propose a novel distance-based regularization method for deep metric learning called Multi-level Distance Regularization (MDR). MDR explicitly disturbs a learning procedure by regularizing pairwise distances between embedding vectors into multiple levels that represents a degree of similarity between a pair. In the training stage, the model is trained with both MDR and an existing loss function of deep metric learning, simultaneously; the two losses interfere with the objective of each other, and it makes the learning process difficult. Moreover, MDR prevents some examples from being ignored or overly influenced in the learning process. These allow the parameters of the embedding network to be settle on a local optima with better generalization. Without bells and whistles, MDR with simple Triplet loss achieves the-state-of-the-art performance in various benchmark datasets: CUB-200-2011, Cars-196, Stanford Online Products, and In-Shop Clothes Retrieval. We extensively perform ablation studies on its behaviors to show the effectiveness of MDR. By easily adopting our MDR, the previous approaches can be improved in performance and generalization ability.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202

    AutoLR: Layer-wise Pruning and Auto-tuning of Learning Rates in Fine-tuning of Deep Networks

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    Existing fine-tuning methods use a single learning rate over all layers. In this paper, first, we discuss that trends of layer-wise weight variations by fine-tuning using a single learning rate do not match the well-known notion that lower-level layers extract general features and higher-level layers extract specific features. Based on our discussion, we propose an algorithm that improves fine-tuning performance and reduces network complexity through layer-wise pruning and auto-tuning of layer-wise learning rates. The proposed algorithm has verified the effectiveness by achieving state-of-the-art performance on the image retrieval benchmark datasets (CUB-200, Cars-196, Stanford online product, and Inshop). Code is available at https://github.com/youngminPIL/AutoLR.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202

    Smooth-AP: Smoothing the Path Towards Large-Scale Image Retrieval

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    Optimising a ranking-based metric, such as Average Precision (AP), is notoriously challenging due to the fact that it is non-differentiable, and hence cannot be optimised directly using gradient-descent methods. To this end, we introduce an objective that optimises instead a smoothed approximation of AP, coined Smooth-AP. Smooth-AP is a plug-and-play objective function that allows for end-to-end training of deep networks with a simple and elegant implementation. We also present an analysis for why directly optimising the ranking based metric of AP offers benefits over other deep metric learning losses. We apply Smooth-AP to standard retrieval benchmarks: Stanford Online products and VehicleID, and also evaluate on larger-scale datasets: INaturalist for fine-grained category retrieval, and VGGFace2 and IJB-C for face retrieval. In all cases, we improve the performance over the state-of-the-art, especially for larger-scale datasets, thus demonstrating the effectiveness and scalability of Smooth-AP to real-world scenarios.Comment: Accepted at ECCV 202