9 research outputs found

    A Smartwatch Step-Counting App for Older Adults: Development and Evaluation Study

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    Background: Older adults who engage in physical activity can reduce their risk of mobility impairment and disability. Short amounts of walking can improve quality of life, physical function, and cardiovascular health. Various programs have been implemented to encourage older adults to engage in physical activity, but sustaining their motivation continues to be a challenge. Ubiquitous devices, such as mobile phones and smartwatches, coupled with machine-learning algorithms, can potentially encourage older adults to be more physically active. Current algorithms that are deployed in consumer devices (eg, Fitbit) are proprietary, often are not tailored to the movements of older adults, and have been shown to be inaccurate in clinical settings. Step-counting algorithms have been developed for smartwatches, but only using data from younger adults and, often, were only validated in controlled laboratory settings. Objective: We sought to develop and validate a smartwatch step-counting app for older adults and evaluate the algorithm in free-living settings over a long period of time. Methods: We developed and evaluated a step-counting app for older adults on an open-source wrist-worn device (Amulet). The app includes algorithms to infer the level of physical activity and to count steps. We validated the step-counting algorithm in the lab (counting steps from a video recording, n=20) and in free-living conditions—one 2-day field study (n=6) and two 12-week field studies (using the Fitbit as ground truth, n=16). During app system development, we evaluated 4 walking patterns: normal, fast, up and down a staircase, and intermittent speed. For the field studies, we evaluated 5 different cut-off values for the algorithm, using correlation and error rate as the evaluation metrics. Results: The step-counting algorithm performed well. In the lab study, for normal walking (R2=0.5), there was a stronger correlation between the Amulet steps and the video-validated steps; for all activities, the Amulet’s count was on average 3.2 (2.1%) steps lower (SD 25.9) than the video-validated count. For the 2-day field study, the best parameter settings led to an association between Amulet and Fitbit (R2=0.989) and 3.1% (SD 25.1) steps lower than Fitbit, respectively. For the 12-week field study, the best parameter setting led to an R2 value of 0.669. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate the importance of an iterative process in algorithm development before field-based deployment. This work highlights various challenges and insights involved in developing and validating monitoring systems in real-world settings. Nonetheless, our step-counting app for older adults had good performance relative to the ground truth (a commercial Fitbit step counter). Our app could potentially be used to help improve physical activity among older adults

    The use of mHealth solutions in active and healthy ageing promotion: an explorative scoping review

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    The global population aged 60 years and over is expected to almost double between 2015 and 2050 from 12.0% to 22.0%, which will directly impact countries' labor market composition and increase the economic pressure on their healthcare systems. One way to address these challenges is to promote Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) using mobile Health (mHealth). This research aims to provide an initial overview of the width and the depth of contemporary preventive mHealth solutions that promote AHA among healthy, independent older adults (individuals aged 60 years and over). To do so, an explorative scoping review was applied to search online databases for recent studies (March 2015 - March 2020) addressing the promotion of mHealth solutions targeting healthy and independent older adults. We identified 31 publications that met the inclusion criteria. Most of them utilized either mobile (n=25) and/or wearable (n=11) devices. mHealth solutions mostly promoted AHA by targeting older adults’ active lifestyles or independence. Most of the studies (n=27) did not apply a theoretical framework on which the mHealth promotion was based. User-experience was positive (n=12) when the solution was easy to use but negative (n=11) when the participants were resistant or faced challenges using the device and/or technology. The review concludes that mHealth offers the opportunity to combat the issues faced by an unhealthy and dependent aging population by promoting AHA through focusing on older adults’ Lifestyle, Daily functioning, and Participation. Future research should use multidisciplinary integrated approaches and strong theoretical and methodological foundations to investigate mHealth solutions' impact on AHA behavioral change

    Revisión de TIC orientadas al adulto mayor y su envejecimiento activo

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    Este trabajo presenta una revisión sistemática desde 2012 hasta principios del año 2019, de experiencias realizadas con personas de 65 años o más, empleando las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) con el objetivo de mejorar su auto-asistencia y empoderamiento para el cuidado de su salud para un envejecimiento activo. Se indaga TIC en general y la utilización de la televisión digital interactiva en particular.Facultad de Informátic

    Revisión de TIC orientadas al adulto mayor y su envejecimiento activo

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    Este trabajo presenta una revisión sistemática desde 2012 hasta principios del año 2019, de experiencias realizadas con personas de 65 años o más, empleando las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) con el objetivo de mejorar su auto-asistencia y empoderamiento para el cuidado de su salud para un envejecimiento activo. Se indaga TIC en general y la utilización de la televisión digital interactiva en particular.Facultad de Informátic

    Revisión de TIC orientadas al adulto mayor y su envejecimiento activo

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    Este trabajo presenta una revisión sistemática desde 2012 hasta principios del año 2019, de experiencias realizadas con personas de 65 años o más, empleando las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) con el objetivo de mejorar su auto-asistencia y empoderamiento para el cuidado de su salud para un envejecimiento activo. Se indaga TIC en general y la utilización de la televisión digital interactiva en particular.Facultad de Informátic

    Libro de aplicaciones y usabilidad de la televisión digital interactiva : VIII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Aplicaciones t Usabilidad de la TV Interactiva (jAUTI 2019)

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    Las jAUTI2019 VIII Jornadas Iberoamericanas sobre Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, se realizaron durante WebMedia 2019 XXV Simpósio Brasilero de Sistemas Multimedia y Web , del 29 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre en Río de Janeiro (Brasil). jAUTI2019 es la octava edición de un evento científico organizado anualmente por la RedAUTI Red Temática de Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, formada por más de 250 investigadores pertenecientes a 32 universidades de España, Portugal y once países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela). Este libro reúne los trabajos aceptados en el evento el cual tiene como objetivo presentar los esfuerzos de investigación de la academia, la industria o las agencias gubernamentales en el diseño, desarrollo y usabilidad de aplicaciones para la Televisión Digital Interactiva (TVDi) y tecnologías relacionadas.A jAUTI 2019 - VIII Conferência Ibero-Americana de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa, foi realizada durante o WebMedia 2019 - XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Multimídia e Sistemas Web, de 29 de outubro à 1 de novembro no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). O jAUTI 2019 é a oitava edição de um evento científico organizado anualmente pela Rede Temática de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa (RedAUTI), formada por mais de 250 pesquisadores de 32 universidades de Espanha, Portugal e onze países da América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Equador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguai, Venezuela). Este livro reúne os trabalhos aceitos no evento, que visa apresentar os esforços de pesquisa da academia, da indústria ou de agências governamentais no projeto, desenvolvimento e usabilidade de aplicativos para Televisão Digital Interativa (TVDi) e tecnologias relacionadas.The jAUTI 2019 VIII Ibero-American Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, were held during WebMedia 2019 XXV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, from October 29 to November 1 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). jAUTI 2019 is the eighth edition of a scientific event organized annually by the RedAUTI Thematic Network of Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, formed by more than 250 researchers from 32 universities in Spain, Portugal and eleven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela). This book gathers the works accepted in the event which aims to present the research efforts of the academy, industry or government agencies in the design, development and usability of applications for Interactive Digital Television (TVDi) and related technologies.RedAUT

    Libro de aplicaciones y usabilidad de la televisión digital interactiva : VIII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Aplicaciones t Usabilidad de la TV Interactiva (jAUTI 2019)

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    Las jAUTI2019 VIII Jornadas Iberoamericanas sobre Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, se realizaron durante WebMedia 2019 XXV Simpósio Brasilero de Sistemas Multimedia y Web , del 29 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre en Río de Janeiro (Brasil). jAUTI2019 es la octava edición de un evento científico organizado anualmente por la RedAUTI Red Temática de Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, formada por más de 250 investigadores pertenecientes a 32 universidades de España, Portugal y once países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela). Este libro reúne los trabajos aceptados en el evento el cual tiene como objetivo presentar los esfuerzos de investigación de la academia, la industria o las agencias gubernamentales en el diseño, desarrollo y usabilidad de aplicaciones para la Televisión Digital Interactiva (TVDi) y tecnologías relacionadas.A jAUTI 2019 - VIII Conferência Ibero-Americana de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa, foi realizada durante o WebMedia 2019 - XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Multimídia e Sistemas Web, de 29 de outubro à 1 de novembro no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). O jAUTI 2019 é a oitava edição de um evento científico organizado anualmente pela Rede Temática de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa (RedAUTI), formada por mais de 250 pesquisadores de 32 universidades de Espanha, Portugal e onze países da América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Equador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguai, Venezuela). Este livro reúne os trabalhos aceitos no evento, que visa apresentar os esforços de pesquisa da academia, da indústria ou de agências governamentais no projeto, desenvolvimento e usabilidade de aplicativos para Televisão Digital Interativa (TVDi) e tecnologias relacionadas.The jAUTI 2019 VIII Ibero-American Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, were held during WebMedia 2019 XXV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, from October 29 to November 1 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). jAUTI 2019 is the eighth edition of a scientific event organized annually by the RedAUTI Thematic Network of Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, formed by more than 250 researchers from 32 universities in Spain, Portugal and eleven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela). This book gathers the works accepted in the event which aims to present the research efforts of the academy, industry or government agencies in the design, development and usability of applications for Interactive Digital Television (TVDi) and related technologies.RedAUT

    Libro de aplicaciones y usabilidad de la televisión digital interactiva : VIII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Aplicaciones t Usabilidad de la TV Interactiva (jAUTI 2019)

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    Las jAUTI2019 VIII Jornadas Iberoamericanas sobre Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, se realizaron durante WebMedia 2019 XXV Simpósio Brasilero de Sistemas Multimedia y Web , del 29 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre en Río de Janeiro (Brasil). jAUTI2019 es la octava edición de un evento científico organizado anualmente por la RedAUTI Red Temática de Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, formada por más de 250 investigadores pertenecientes a 32 universidades de España, Portugal y once países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela). Este libro reúne los trabajos aceptados en el evento el cual tiene como objetivo presentar los esfuerzos de investigación de la academia, la industria o las agencias gubernamentales en el diseño, desarrollo y usabilidad de aplicaciones para la Televisión Digital Interactiva (TVDi) y tecnologías relacionadas.A jAUTI 2019 - VIII Conferência Ibero-Americana de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa, foi realizada durante o WebMedia 2019 - XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Multimídia e Sistemas Web, de 29 de outubro à 1 de novembro no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). O jAUTI 2019 é a oitava edição de um evento científico organizado anualmente pela Rede Temática de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa (RedAUTI), formada por mais de 250 pesquisadores de 32 universidades de Espanha, Portugal e onze países da América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Equador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguai, Venezuela). Este livro reúne os trabalhos aceitos no evento, que visa apresentar os esforços de pesquisa da academia, da indústria ou de agências governamentais no projeto, desenvolvimento e usabilidade de aplicativos para Televisão Digital Interativa (TVDi) e tecnologias relacionadas.The jAUTI 2019 VIII Ibero-American Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, were held during WebMedia 2019 XXV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, from October 29 to November 1 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). jAUTI 2019 is the eighth edition of a scientific event organized annually by the RedAUTI Thematic Network of Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, formed by more than 250 researchers from 32 universities in Spain, Portugal and eleven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela). This book gathers the works accepted in the event which aims to present the research efforts of the academy, industry or government agencies in the design, development and usability of applications for Interactive Digital Television (TVDi) and related technologies.RedAUT

    Step Detection for Rollator Users with Smartwatches

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    Smartwatches enable spatial user input, namely for the continuous tracking of physical activity and relevant health parameters. Additionally, smartwatches are experiencing greater social acceptability, even among the elderly. While step counting is an essential parameter to calculate the user’s spatial activity, current detection algorithms are insufficient for calculating steps when using a rollator, which is a common walking aid for elderly people. Through a pilot study conducted with eight different wrist-worn smart devices, an overall recognition of ~10% was achieved. This is because characteristic motions utilized by step counting algorithms are poorly reflected at the user’s wrist when pushing a rollator. This issue is also present among other spatial activities such as pushing a pram, a bike, and a shopping cart. This paper thus introduces an improved step counting algorithm for wrist-worn accelerometers. This new algorithm was first evaluated through a controlled study and achieved promising results with an overall recognition of ~85%. As a follow-up, a preliminary field study with randomly selected elderly people who used rollators resulted in similar detection rates of ~83%. To conclude, this research will expectantly contribute to greater step counting precision in smart wearable technology