5 research outputs found

    Analysing the Contribution of Coupling Metrics for the Development and Management of Process Architectures

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    Currently, the development and modeling of enterprise architectures is an intensively discussed topic in both science and practice. Process architectures represent a core element in recent enterprise architecture frameworks. With process models being a central means for communicating and documenting the process architectures, both their quality and understandability are decisive. However, the concept of process model quality is still not fully understood. The recent development has highlighted the role of coupling in models. Coupling is expected to represent an important dimension of quality for conceptual models. Still, this perspective is hardly understood and its definition vague. Therefore, this work collects diverse coupling interpretations in the field of process modelling and integrates them to a common and precise definition. Once introduced and formally specified, the metrics serve as a basis for a discussion on coupling and on how the future development in respect to coupling could look like. The main findings are that currently metrics evaluate either the documentation of the process architecture regarding its understandability or they contribute to the individual applications of process architectures. These findings support practitioners selecting metrics for a particular task and scientists to identify research gaps for further development

    An Exploration of Enterprise Architecture Research

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    Management of the enterprise architecture has become increasingly recognized as a crucial part of both business and IT management. Still, a common understanding and methodological consistency seems far from being developed. Acknowledging the significant role of research in moving the development process along, this article employs different bibliometric methods, complemented by an extensive qualitative interpretation of the research field, to provide a unique overview of the enterprise architecture literature. After answering our research questions about the collaboration via co-authorships, the intellectual structure of the research field and its most influential works, and the principal themes of research, we propose an agenda for future research based on the findings from the above analyses and their comparison to empirical insights from the literature. In particular, our study finds a considerable degree of co-authorship clustering and a positive impact of the extent of co-authorship on the diffusion of works on enterprise architecture. In addition, this article identifies three major research streams and shows that research to date has revolved around specific themes, while some of high practical relevance receive minor attention. Hence, the contribution of our study is manifold and offers support for researchers and practitioners alike

    Cost Accounting in German hospitals - a comparative assessment of the implementation of cost accounting and analysis of the effect of cost accounting on hospital performance

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    Mit Blick auf das G-DRG-System gewinnt die Kostenrechnung in KrankenhĂ€usern zunehmend an Bedeutung. Daher erfolgt zunĂ€chst die vergleichende Betrachtung des Implementierungsstands der Kostenrechnung in deutschen KrankenhĂ€usern. Anschließend wird ein Strukturgleichungsmodell zur Wirkung der Kostenrechnung auf den Krankenhauserfolg entwickelt und ĂŒberprĂŒft. Die Befunde haben Implikationen fĂŒr Forschung und Praxis zur Kostenrechnung in KrankenhĂ€usern.With a view to the G-DRG-system cost accounting in hospitals is becoming increasingly important. Hence a comparative analysis of the implementation of cost accounting in German hospitals is carried out first. Subsequently, a structural equation model for the effect of cost accounting on hospital performance is developed and tested. The findings have implications for research and practice in hospital cost accounting

    Virtual enterprises, communities & social networks. Workshop GeNeMe \u2710, Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. TU Dresden, 07./08.10.2010

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    Die Tagungsreihe „GeNeMe - Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien“ findet in diesem Jahr zum dreizehnten Mal mit einer Vielzahl interessanter BeitrĂ€ge aus folgenden Themengebieten statt: Konzepte, Technologien und Methoden fĂŒr Virtuelle Gemeinschaften (VG) und Virtuelle Organisationen (VO); Soziale Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien; Wirtschaftliche Aspekte VG und VO; Wissensmanagement und Innovationsstrategien in VG, virtuelles Lehren und Lernen; Anwendungen und Praxisberichte zu VG und VO. (DIPF/Orig.