49,968 research outputs found

    Bounds on the number of inference functions of a graphical model

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    Directed and undirected graphical models, also called Bayesian networks and Markov random fields, respectively, are important statistical tools in a wide variety of fields, ranging from computational biology to probabilistic artificial intelligence. We give an upper bound on the number of inference functions of any graphical model. This bound is polynomial on the size of the model, for a fixed number of parameters, thus improving the exponential upper bound given by Pachter and Sturmfels. We also show that our bound is tight up to a constant factor, by constructing a family of hidden Markov models whose number of inference functions agrees asymptotically with the upper bound. Finally, we apply this bound to a model for sequence alignment that is used in computational biology.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Graphical Models and Symmetries : Loopy Belief Propagation Approaches

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    Whenever a person or an automated system has to reason in uncertain domains, probability theory is necessary. Probabilistic graphical models allow us to build statistical models that capture complex dependencies between random variables. Inference in these models, however, can easily become intractable. Typical ways to address this scaling issue are inference by approximate message-passing, stochastic gradients, and MapReduce, among others. Exploiting the symmetries of graphical models, however, has not yet been considered for scaling statistical machine learning applications. One instance of graphical models that are inherently symmetric are statistical relational models. These have recently gained attraction within the machine learning and AI communities and combine probability theory with first-order logic, thereby allowing for an efficient representation of structured relational domains. The provided formalisms to compactly represent complex real-world domains enable us to effectively describe large problem instances. Inference within and training of graphical models, however, have not been able to keep pace with the increased representational power. This thesis tackles two major aspects of graphical models and shows that both inference and training can indeed benefit from exploiting symmetries. It first deals with efficient inference exploiting symmetries in graphical models for various query types. We introduce lifted loopy belief propagation (lifted LBP), the first lifted parallel inference approach for relational as well as propositional graphical models. Lifted LBP can effectively speed up marginal inference, but cannot straightforwardly be applied to other types of queries. Thus we also demonstrate efficient lifted algorithms for MAP inference and higher order marginals, as well as the efficient handling of multiple inference tasks. Then we turn to the training of graphical models and introduce the first lifted online training for relational models. Our training procedure and the MapReduce lifting for loopy belief propagation combine lifting with the traditional statistical approaches to scaling, thereby bridging the gap between statistical relational learning and traditional statistical machine learning

    Lifted graphical models: a survey

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    Lifted graphical models provide a language for expressing dependencies between different types of entities, their attributes, and their diverse relations, as well as techniques for probabilistic reasoning in such multi-relational domains. In this survey, we review a general form for a lifted graphical model, a par-factor graph, and show how a number of existing statistical relational representations map to this formalism. We discuss inference algorithms, including lifted inference algorithms, that efficiently compute the answers to probabilistic queries over such models. We also review work in learning lifted graphical models from data. There is a growing need for statistical relational models (whether they go by that name or another), as we are inundated with data which is a mix of structured and unstructured, with entities and relations extracted in a noisy manner from text, and with the need to reason effectively with this data. We hope that this synthesis of ideas from many different research groups will provide an accessible starting point for new researchers in this expanding field
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