19 research outputs found

    3D PET Reconstruction with FORE and WLS-OS-EM

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    2D PET reconstructions by the ordered subsets version of the ML-EM algorithm (typically referred to as "OS-EM") assume that the random- and scattered-corrected coincidence data retain their Poisson statistics. Negative projection values, which are possible after these subtractive corrections, are either truncated at zero counts or accommodated by adding an offset to the projection data, and to the corresponding forward-projected values, during the algorithm. These methods are effective due to the relatively low scatter and random fractions of most 2D PET acquisitions. In 3D PET data, particularly in acquisitions in the body, the scatter and random fractions are much higher. As a result, the OS-EM algorithm may not be the most appropriate for reconstruction for rebinned 3D PET data. We have implemented an ordered-subsets version of the weighted least-squares expectation maximization (WLS-EM) algorithm, or WLS-OS-EM, which is based on a Gaussian approximation to the statistics of the rebinned data. The weights used in the algorithm are based on the attenuation correction factors applied to the data. WLS-OS-EM exhibits faster, and more consistent, convergence than ML-OS-EM for projection data sets with substantial negative projection values created by subtractive data corrections.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/85887/1/Fessler181.pd

    Statistical Emission Image Reconstruction for Randoms-Precorrected PET Scans Using Negative Sinogram Values

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    Many conventional PET emission scans are corrected for accidental coincidence (AC) events, or randoms, by real-time subtraction of delayed-window coincidences, leaving only the randoms-precorrected data available for image reconstruction. The real-time precorrection compensates in mean for AC events but destroys Poisson statistics. Since the exact log-likelihood for randoms-precorrected data is inconvenient to maximize, practical approximations are desirable for statistical image reconstruction. Conventional approximations involve setting negative sinogram values to zero, which can induce positive systematic biases, particularly for scans with low counts per ray. We propose new likelihood approximations that allow negative sinogram values without requiring zero-thresholding. We also develop monotonic algorithms for the new models by using "optimization transfer" principles. Simulation results show that our new model, SP-, is free of systematic bias yet keeps low variance. Despite its simpler implementation, the new model performs comparably to the saddle-point (SD) model which has previously shown the best performance (as to systematic bias and variance) in randoms-precorrected PET emission reconstruction.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/85893/1/Fessler185.pd

    Penalized-Likelihood Estimators and Noise Analysis for Randoms-Precorrected PET Transmission Scans

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    This paper analyzes and compares image reconstruction methods based on practical approximations to the exact log likelihood of randoms precorrected positron emission tomography (PET) measurements. The methods apply to both emission and transmission tomography, however, in this paper the authors focus on transmission tomography. The results of experimental PET transmission scans and variance approximations demonstrate that the shifted Poisson (SP) method avoids the systematic bias of the conventional data-weighted least squares (WLS) method and leads to significantly lower variance than conventional statistical methods based on the log likelihood of the ordinary Poisson (OF) model. The authors develop covariance approximations to analyze the propagation of noise from attenuation maps into emission images via the attenuation correction factors (ACF's). Empirical pixel and region variances from real transmission data agree closely with the analytical predictions. Both the approximations and the empirical results show that the performance differences between the OP model and SP model are even larger, when considering noise propagation from the transmission images into the final emission images, than the differences in the attenuation maps themselves.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/85852/1/Fessler84.pd

    Theoretical Evaluation of the Detectability of Random Lesions in Bayesian Emission Reconstruction

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    Detecting cancerous lesion is an important task in positron emission tomography (PET). Bayesian methods based on the maximum a posteriori principle (also called penalized maximum likelihood methods) have been developed to deal with the low signal to noise ratio in the emission data. Similar to the filter cut-off frequency in the filtered backprojection method, the prior parameters in Bayesian reconstruction control the resolution and noise trade-off and hence affect detectability of lesions in reconstructed images. Bayesian reconstructions are difficult to analyze because the resolution and noise properties are nonlinear and object-dependent. Most research has been based on Monte Carlo simulations, which are very time consuming. Building on the recent progress on the theoretical analysis of image properties of statistical reconstructions and the development of numerical observers, here we develop a theoretical approach for fast computation of lesion detectability in Bayesian reconstruction. The results can be used to choose the optimum hyperparameter for the maximum lesion detectability. New in this work is the use of theoretical expressions that explicitly model the statistical variation of the lesion and background without assuming that the object variation is (locally) stationary. The theoretical results are validated using Monte Carlo simulations. The comparisons show good agreement between the theoretical predications and the Monte Carlo results

    Emission Image Reconstruction for Randoms-Precorrected PET Allowing Negative Sinogram Values

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    Most positron emission tomography (PET) emission scans are corrected for accidental coincidence (AC) events by real-time subtraction of delayed-window coincidences, leaving only the randoms-precorrected data available for image reconstruction. The real-time randoms precorrection compensates in mean for AC events but destroys the Poisson statistics. The exact log-likelihood for randoms-precorrected data is inconvenient, so practical approximations are needed for maximum likelihood or penalized-likelihood image reconstruction. Conventional approximations involve setting negative sinogram values to zero, which can induce positive systematic biases, particularly for scans with low counts per ray. We propose new likelihood approximations that allow negative sinogram values without requiring zero-thresholding. With negative sinogram values, the log-likelihood functions can be nonconcave, complicating maximization; nevertheless, we develop monotonic algorithms for the new models by modifying the separable paraboloidal surrogates and the maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization (ML-EM) methods. These algorithms ascend to local maximizers of the objective function. Analysis and simulation results show that the new shifted Poisson (SP) model is nearly free of systematic bias yet keeps low variance. Despite its simpler implementation, the new SP performs comparably to the saddle-point model which has shown the best performance (as to systematic bias and variance) in randoms-precorrected PET emission reconstruction.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/85994/1/Fessler61.pd

    Fast approach to evaluate MAP reconstruction for lesion detection and localization

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    Maximum-Likelihood Dual-Energy TomographicImage Reconstruction

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    Dual-energy (DE) X-ray computed tomography (CT) has shown promise for material characterization and for providing quantitatively accurate CT values in a variety of applications. However, DE-CT has not been used routinely in medicine to date, primarily due to dose considerations. Most methods for DE-CT have used the filtered backprojection method for image reconstruction, leading to suboptimal noise/dose properties. This paper describes a statistical (maximum-likelihood) method for dual-energy X-ray CT that accommodates a wide variety of potential system configurations and measurement noise models. Regularized methods (such as penalized-likelihood or Bayesian estimation) are straightforward extensions. One version of the algorithm monotonically decreases the negative log-likelihood cost function each iteration. An ordered-subsets variation of the algorithm provides a fast and practical version.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/85934/1/Fessler172.pd

    Globally Convergent Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography Using Relaxed Ordered Subsets Algorithms

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    We present two types of globally convergent relaxed ordered subsets (OS) algorithms for penalized-likelihood image reconstruction in emission tomography: modified block sequential regularized expectation-maximization (BSREM) and relaxed OS separable paraboloidal surrogates (OS-SPS). The global convergence proof of the existing BSREM (De Pierro and Yamagishi, 2001) required a few a posteriori assumptions. By modifying the scaling functions of BSREM, we are able to prove the convergence of the modified BSREM under realistic assumptions. Our modification also makes stepsize selection more convenient. In addition, we introduce relaxation into the OS-SPS algorithm (Erdogan and Fessler, 1999) that otherwise would converge to a limit cycle. We prove the global convergence of diagonally scaled incremental gradient methods of which the relaxed OS-SPS is a special case; main results of the proofs are from (Nedic and Bertsekas, 2001) and (Correa and Lemarechal, 1993). Simulation results showed that both new algorithms achieve global convergence yet retain the fast initial convergence speed of conventional unrelaxed ordered subsets algorithms.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86017/1/Fessler67.pd

    Statistical Image Reconstruction Methods for Randoms-Precorrected PET Scans

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    PET measurements are usually precorrected for accidental coincidence events by real-time subtraction of the delayed window coincidences. Randoms subtraction compensates in mean for accidental coincidences but destroys the Poisson statistics. We propose and analyze two new approximations to the exact log-likelihood of the precorrected measurements, one based on a "shifted Poisson" model, the other based on saddle-point approximations to the measurement probability mass function (pmf). The methods apply to both emission and transmission tomography; however in this paper we focus on transmission tomography. We compare the new models to conventional data-weighted least squares (WLS) and conventional maximum likelihood (based on the ordinary Poisson (OP) model) using simulations and analytic approximations. The results demonstrate that the proposed methods avoid the systematic bias of the WLS method, and lead to significantly lower variance than the conventional OP method. The saddle-point..

    Statistical Image Reconstruction Methods for Randoms-Precorrected PET Scans

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) measurements are usually precorrected for accidental coincidence events by real-time subtraction of the delayed-window coincidences. Randoms subtraction compensates on average for accidental coincidences but destroys the Poisson statistics. We propose and analyze two new approximations to the exact log-likelihood of the precorrected measurements, one based on a ‘shifted Poisson’ model, the other based on saddle-point approximations to the measurement of probability mass function (PMF). The methods apply to both emission and transmission tomography; however, in this paper we focus on transmission tomography. We compare the new models to conventional data-weighted least-squares (WLS) and conventional maximum-likelihood methods [based on the ordinary Poisson (OP) model] using simulations and analytic approximations. The results demonstrate that the proposed methods avoid the systematic bias of the WLS method, and lead to significantly lower variance than the conventional OP method. The saddle-point method provides a more accurate approximation to the exact log-likelihood than the WLS, OP and shifted Poisson alternatives. However, the simpler shifted Poisson method yielded comparable bias-variance performance to the saddle-point method in the simulations. The new methods offer improved image reconstruction in PET through more realistic statistical modeling, yet with negligible increase in computation time over the conventional OP method.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/85832/1/Fessler87.pd