4 research outputs found

    Real Time Sentiment Change Detection of Twitter Data Streams

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    In the past few years, there has been a huge growth in Twitter sentiment analysis having already provided a fair amount of research on sentiment detection of public opinion among Twitter users. Given the fact that Twitter messages are generated constantly with dizzying rates, a huge volume of streaming data is created, thus there is an imperative need for accurate methods for knowledge discovery and mining of this information. Although there exists a plethora of twitter sentiment analysis methods in the recent literature, the researchers have shifted to real-time sentiment identification on twitter streaming data, as expected. A major challenge is to deal with the Big Data challenges arising in Twitter streaming applications concerning both Volume and Velocity. Under this perspective, in this paper, a methodological approach based on open source tools is provided for real-time detection of changes in sentiment that is ultra efficient with respect to both memory consumption and computational cost. This is achieved by iteratively collecting tweets in real time and discarding them immediately after their process. For this purpose, we employ the Lexicon approach for sentiment characterizations, while change detection is achieved through appropriate control charts that do not require historical information. We believe that the proposed methodology provides the trigger for a potential large-scale monitoring of threads in an attempt to discover fake news spread or propaganda efforts in their early stages. Our experimental real-time analysis based on a recent hashtag provides evidence that the proposed approach can detect meaningful sentiment changes across a hashtags lifetime

    Dynamic Scheduling for Energy Minimization in Delay-Sensitive Stream Mining

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    Numerous stream mining applications, such as visual detection, online patient monitoring, and video search and retrieval, are emerging on both mobile and high-performance computing systems. These applications are subject to responsiveness (i.e., delay) constraints for user interactivity and, at the same time, must be optimized for energy efficiency. The increasingly heterogeneous power-versus-performance profile of modern hardware presents new opportunities for energy saving as well as challenges. For example, employing low-performance processing nodes can save energy but may violate delay requirements, whereas employing high-performance processing nodes can deliver a fast response but may unnecessarily waste energy. Existing scheduling algorithms balance energy versus delay assuming constant processing and power requirements throughout the execution of a stream mining task and without exploiting hardware heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for dynamic scheduling for energy minimization (DSE) that leverages this emerging hardware heterogeneity. By optimally determining the processing speeds for hardware executing classifiers, DSE minimizes the average energy consumption while satisfying an average delay constraint. To assess the performance of DSE, we build a face detection application based on the Viola-Jones classifier chain and conduct experimental studies via heterogeneous processor system emulation. The results show that, under the same delay requirement, DSE reduces the average energy consumption by up to 50% in comparison to conventional scheduling that does not exploit hardware heterogeneity. We also demonstrate that DSE is robust against processing node switching overhead and model inaccuracy

    Human activity recognition using wearable sensors: a deep learning approach

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    In the past decades, Human Activity Recognition (HAR) grabbed considerable research attentions from a wide range of pattern recognition and human–computer interaction researchers due to its prominent applications such as smart home health care. The wealth of information requires efficient classification and analysis methods. Deep learning represents a promising technique for large-scale data analytics. There are various ways of using different sensors for human activity recognition in a smartly controlled environment. Among them, physical human activity recognition through wearable sensors provides valuable information about an individual’s degree of functional ability and lifestyle. There is abundant research that works upon real time processing and causes more power consumption of mobile devices. Mobile phones are resource-limited devices. It is a thought-provoking task to implement and evaluate different recognition systems on mobile devices. This work proposes a Deep Belief Network (DBN) model for successful human activity recognition. Various experiments are performed on a real-world wearable sensor dataset to verify the effectiveness of the deep learning algorithm. The results show that the proposed DBN performs competitively in comparison with other algorithms and achieves satisfactory activity recognition performance. Some open problems and ideas are also presented and should be investigated as future research

    Statistical data mining of streaming motion data for activity and fall recognition in assistive environments

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    The analysis of human motion data is interesting in the context of activity recognition or emergency event detection, especially in the case of elderly or disabled people living independently in their homes. Several techniques have been proposed for identifying such distress situations using either motion, audio and video sensors on the monitored subject (wearable sensors) or devices installed at the surrounding environment. Visual data captured from the user's environment, using overhead cameras along with motion data, which are collected from accelerometers on the subject's body, can be fed to activity detection systems that can detect emergency situations like falls and injuries. The output of these sensors is data streams that require real time recognition, especially in such emergency situations. In this paper, we study motion and activity related streaming data and we propose classification schemes using traditional classification approaches. However, such approaches may not be always applicable for immediate alarm triggering and fall prevention or when CPU power and memory resources are limited (e.g. running the detection algorithm on a mobile device such as smartphones). To this end, we also propose a statistical mining methodology that may be used for real time motion data processing. The paper includes details of the stream data analysis methodology incorporated in the activity recognition and fall detection system along with an initial evaluation of the achieved accuracy in detecting falls. The results are promising and indicate that using the proposed methodology real time fall detection is feasible. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved