309 research outputs found

    The What and Why of Binding: The Modeler's Perspective

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    In attempts to formulate a computational understanding of brain function, one of the fundamental concerns is the data structure by which the brain represents information. For many decades, a conceptual framework has dominated the thinking of both brain modelers and neurobiologists. That framework is referred to here as "classical neural networks." It is well supported by experimental data, although it may be incomplete. A characterization of this framework will be offered in the next section. Difficulties in modeling important functional aspects of the brain on the basis of classical neural networks alone have led to the recognition that another, general mechanism must be invoked to explain brain function. That mechanism I call "binding." Binding by neural signal synchrony had been mentioned several times in the liter ature (LegeÂŽndy, 1970; Milner, 1974) before it was fully formulated as a general phenomenon (von der Malsburg, 1981). Although experimental evidence for neural syn chrony was soon found, the idea was largely ignored for many years. Only recently has it become a topic of animated discussion. In what follows, I will summarize the nature and the roots of the idea of binding, especially of temporal binding, and will discuss some of the objec tions raised against it

    Binding in Models of Perception and Brain Function

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    The development of the issue of binding as fundamental to neural dynamics has made possible recent advances in the modeling of difficult problems of perception and brain function. Among them is perceptual segmentation, invariant pattern recognition and one-shot learning. Also, longer-term conceptual developments that have led to this success are reviewed

    Geometry and Topology in Memory and Navigation

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    Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate UniversityDoctor of PhilosophyGeometry and topology offer rich mathematical worlds and perspectives with which to study and improve our understanding of cognitive function. Here I present the following examples: (1) a functional role for inhibitory diversity in associative memories with graph- ical relationships; (2) improved memory capacity in an associative memory model with setwise connectivity, with implications for glial and dendritic function; (3) safe and effi- cient group navigation among conspecifics using purely local geometric information; and (4) enhancing geometric and topological methods to probe the relations between neural activity and behaviour. In each work, tools and insights from geometry and topology are used in essential ways to gain improved insights or performance. This thesis contributes to our knowledge of the potential computational affordances of biological mechanisms (such as inhibition and setwise connectivity), while also demonstrating new geometric and topological methods and perspectives with which to deepen our understanding of cognitive tasks and their neural representations.doctoral thesi

    Brain Functional Architecture and Human Understanding

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    The opening line in Aristotle’s Metaphysics asserts that “humans desire to understand”, establishing understanding as the defining characteristic of the human mind and human species. What is understanding and what role does it play in cognition, what advantages does it confer, what brain mechanisms are involved? The Webster’s Dictionary defines understanding as “apprehending general relations in a multitude of particulars.” A proposal discussed in this chapter defines understanding as a form of active inference in self-adaptive systems seeking to expand their inference domains while minimizing metabolic costs incurred in the expansions. Under the same proposal, understanding is viewed as an advanced adaptive mechanism involving self-directed construction of mental models establishing relations between domain entities. Understanding complements learning and serves to overcome the inertia of learned behavior when conditions are unfamiliar or deviate from those experienced in the past. While learning is common across all animals, understanding is unique to the human species. This chapter will unpack these notions, focusing on different facets of understanding. The proposal formulates hypotheses regarding the underlying neuronal mechanisms, attempting to assess their plausibility and reconcile them with the recent ideas and findings concerning brain functional architecture

    Coherence Potentials: Loss-Less, All-or-None Network Events in the Cortex

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    Transient associations among neurons are thought to underlie memory and behavior. However, little is known about how such associations occur or how they can be identified. Here we recorded ongoing local field potential (LFP) activity at multiple sites within the cortex of awake monkeys and organotypic cultures of cortex. We show that when the composite activity of a local neuronal group exceeds a threshold, its activity pattern, as reflected in the LFP, occurs without distortion at other cortex sites via fast synaptic transmission. These large-amplitude LFPs, which we call coherence potentials, extend up to hundreds of milliseconds and mark periods of loss-less spread of temporal and amplitude information much like action potentials at the single-cell level. However, coherence potentials have an additional degree of freedom in the diversity of their waveforms, which provides a high-dimensional parameter for encoding information and allows identification of particular associations. Such nonlinear behavior is analogous to the spread of ideas and behaviors in social networks

    Investigating the encoding of visual stimuli by forming neural circuits in the cat primary visual cortex

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    Contexte La connectomique, ou la cartographie des connexions neuronales, est un champ de recherche des neurosciences Ă©voluant rapidement, promettant des avancĂ©es majeures en ce qui concerne la comprĂ©hension du fonctionnement cĂ©rĂ©bral. La formation de circuits neuronaux en rĂ©ponse Ă  des stimuli environnementaux est une propriĂ©tĂ© Ă©mergente du cerveau. Cependant, la connaissance que nous avons de la nature prĂ©cise de ces rĂ©seaux est encore limitĂ©e. Au niveau du cortex visuel, qui est l’aire cĂ©rĂ©brale la plus Ă©tudiĂ©e, la maniĂšre dont les informations se transmettent de neurone en neurone est une question qui reste encore inexplorĂ©e. Cela nous invite Ă  Ă©tudier l’émergence des microcircuits en rĂ©ponse aux stimuli visuels. Autrement dit, comment l’interaction entre un stimulus et une assemblĂ©e cellulaire est-elle mise en place et modulĂ©e? MĂ©thodes En rĂ©ponse Ă  la prĂ©sentation de grilles sinusoĂŻdales en mouvement, des ensembles neuronaux ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©s dans la couche II/III (aire 17) du cortex visuel primaire de chats anesthĂ©siĂ©s, Ă  l’aide de multi-Ă©lectrodes en tungstĂšne. Des corrĂ©lations croisĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es entre l’activitĂ© de chacun des neurones enregistrĂ©s simultanĂ©ment pour mettre en Ă©vidence les liens fonctionnels de quasi-synchronie (fenĂȘtre de ± 5 ms sur les corrĂ©logrammes croisĂ©s corrigĂ©s). Ces liens fonctionnels dĂ©voilĂ©s indiquent des connexions synaptiques putatives entre les neurones. Par la suite, les histogrammes peri-stimulus (PSTH) des neurones ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s afin de mettre en Ă©vidence la collaboration synergique temporelle dans les rĂ©seaux fonctionnels rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s. Enfin, des spectrogrammes dĂ©pendants du taux de dĂ©charges entre neurones ou stimulus-dĂ©pendants ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s pour observer les oscillations gamma dans les microcircuits Ă©mergents. Un indice de corrĂ©lation (Rsc) a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© calculĂ© pour les neurones connectĂ©s et non connectĂ©s. RĂ©sultats Les neurones liĂ©s fonctionnellement ont une activitĂ© accrue durant une pĂ©riode de 50 ms contrairement aux neurones fonctionnellement non connectĂ©s. Cela suggĂšre que les connexions entre neurones mĂšnent Ă  une synergie de leur inter-excitabilitĂ©. En outre, l’analyse du spectrogramme dĂ©pendant du taux de dĂ©charge entre neurones rĂ©vĂšle que les neurones connectĂ©s ont une plus forte activitĂ© gamma que les neurones non connectĂ©s durant une fenĂȘtre d’opportunitĂ© de 50ms. L’activitĂ© gamma de basse-frĂ©quence (20-40 Hz) a Ă©tĂ© associĂ©e aux neurones Ă  dĂ©charge rĂ©guliĂšre (RS) et l’activitĂ© de haute frĂ©quence (60-80 Hz) aux neurones Ă  dĂ©charge rapide (FS). Aussi, les neurones fonctionnellement connectĂ©s ont systĂ©matiquement un Rsc plus Ă©levĂ© que les neurones non connectĂ©s. Finalement, l’analyse des corrĂ©logrammes croisĂ©s rĂ©vĂšle que dans une assemblĂ©e neuronale, le rĂ©seau fonctionnel change selon l’orientation de la grille. Nous dĂ©montrons ainsi que l’intensitĂ© des relations fonctionnelles dĂ©pend de l’orientation de la grille sinusoĂŻdale. Cette relation nous a amenĂ© Ă  proposer l’hypothĂšse suivante : outre la sĂ©lectivitĂ© des neurones aux caractĂšres spĂ©cifiques du stimulus, il y a aussi une sĂ©lectivitĂ© du connectome. En bref, les rĂ©seaux fonctionnels «signature » sont activĂ©s dans une assemblĂ©e qui est strictement associĂ©e Ă  l’orientation prĂ©sentĂ©e et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement aux propriĂ©tĂ©s des stimuli. Conclusion Cette Ă©tude souligne le fait que l’assemblĂ©e cellulaire, plutĂŽt que le neurone, est l'unitĂ© fonctionnelle fondamentale du cerveau. Cela dilue l'importance du travail isolĂ© de chaque neurone, c’est Ă  dire le paradigme classique du taux de dĂ©charge qui a Ă©tĂ© traditionnellement utilisĂ© pour Ă©tudier l'encodage des stimuli. Cette Ă©tude contribue aussi Ă  faire avancer le dĂ©bat sur les oscillations gamma, en ce qu'elles surviennent systĂ©matiquement entre neurones connectĂ©s dans les assemblĂ©es, en consĂ©quence d’un ajout de cohĂ©rence. Bien que la taille des assemblĂ©es enregistrĂ©es soit relativement faible, cette Ă©tude suggĂšre nĂ©anmoins une intrigante spĂ©cificitĂ© fonctionnelle entre neurones interagissant dans une assemblĂ©e en rĂ©ponse Ă  une stimulation visuelle. Cette Ă©tude peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme une prĂ©misse Ă  la modĂ©lisation informatique Ă  grande Ă©chelle de connectomes fonctionnels.Background ‘Connectomics’— the mapping of neural connections, is a rapidly advancing field in neurosciences and it promises significant insights into the brain functioning. The formation of neuronal circuits in response to the sensory environment is an emergent property of the brain; however, the knowledge about the precise nature of these sub-networks is still limited. Even at the level of the visual cortex, which is the most studied area in the brain, how sensory inputs are processed between its neurons, is a question yet to be completely explored. Heuristically, this invites an investigation into the emergence of micro-circuits in response to a visual input — that is, how the intriguing interplay between a stimulus and a cell assembly is engineered and modulated? Methods Neuronal assemblies were recorded in response to randomly presented drifting sine-wave gratings in the layer II/III (area 17) of the primary visual cortex (V1) in anaesthetized cats using tungsten multi-electrodes. Cross-correlograms (CCGs) between simultaneously recorded neural activities were computed to reveal the functional links between neurons that were indicative of putative synaptic connections between them. Further, the peristimulus time histograms (PSTH) of neurons were compared to divulge the epochal synergistic collaboration in the revealed functional networks. Thereafter, perievent spectrograms were computed to observe the gamma oscillations in emergent microcircuits. Noise correlation (Rsc) was calculated for the connected and unconnected neurons within these microcircuits. Results The functionally linked neurons collaborate synergistically with augmented activity in a 50-ms window of opportunity compared with the functionally unconnected neurons suggesting that the connectivity between neurons leads to the added excitability between them. Further, the perievent spectrogram analysis revealed that the connected neurons had an augmented power of gamma activity compared with the unconnected neurons in the emergent 50-ms window of opportunity. The low-band (20-40 Hz) gamma activity was linked to the regular-spiking (RS) neurons, whereas the high-band (60-80 Hz) activity was related to the fast-spiking (FS) neurons. The functionally connected neurons systematically displayed higher Rsc compared with the unconnected neurons in emergent microcircuits. Finally, the CCG analysis revealed that there is an activation of a salient functional network in an assembly in relation to the presented orientation. Closely tuned neurons exhibited more connections than the distantly tuned neurons. Untuned assemblies did not display functional linkage. In short, a ‘signature’ functional network was formed between neurons comprising an assembly that was strictly related to the presented orientation. Conclusion Indeed, this study points to the fact that a cell-assembly is the fundamental functional unit of information processing in the brain, rather than the individual neurons. This dilutes the importance of a neuron working in isolation, that is, the classical firing rate paradigm that has been traditionally used to study the encoding of a stimulus. This study also helps to reconcile the debate on gamma oscillations in that they systematically originate between the connected neurons in assemblies. Though the size of the recorded assemblies in the current investigation was relatively small, nevertheless, this study shows the intriguing functional specificity of interacting neurons in an assembly in response to a visual input. One may form this study as a premise to computationally infer the functional connectomes on a larger scale

    Transcranial Electric Stimulation Entrains Cortical Neuronal Populations in Rats

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    Low intensity electric fields have been suggested to affect the ongoing neuronal activity in vitro and in human studies. However, the physiological mechanism of how weak electrical fields affect and interact with intact brain activity is not well understood. We performed in vivo extracellular and intracellular recordings from the neocortex and hippocampus of anesthetized rats and extracellular recordings in behaving rats. Electric fields were generated by sinusoid patterns at slow frequency (0.8, 1.25 or 1.7 Hz) via electrodes placed on the surface of the skull or the dura. Transcranial electric stimulation (TES) reliably entrained neurons in widespread cortical areas, including the hippocampus. The percentage of TES phase-locked neurons increased with stimulus intensity and depended on the behavioral state of the animal. TES-induced voltage gradient, as low as 1 mV/mm at the recording sites, was sufficient to phase-bias neuronal spiking. Intracellular recordings showed that both spiking and subthreshold activity were under the combined influence of TES forced fields and network activity. We suggest that TES in chronic preparations may be used for experimental and therapeutic control of brain activity
