2,798 research outputs found


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    A statistical database (SDB) publishes statistical queries (such as sum, average, count, etc.) on subsets of records. Sometimes by stitching the answers of some statistics, a malicious user (snooper) may be able to deduce confidential information about some individuals. When a user submits a query to statistical database, the difficult problem is how to decide whether the query is answerable or not; to make a decision, past queries must be taken into account, which is called SDB auditing. One of the major drawbacks of the auditing, however, is its excessive CPU time and storage requirements to find and retrieve the relevant records from the SDB. The key representation auditing scheme (KRAS) is proposed to guarantee the security of online and dynamic SDBs. The core idea is to convert the original database into a key representation database (KRDB), also this scheme involves converting each new user query from a string representation into a key representation query (KRQ) and storing it in the Audit Query table (AQ table). Three audit stages are proposed to repel the attacks of the snooper to the confidentiality of the individuals. Also, efficient algorithms for these stages are presented, namely the First Stage Algorithm (FSA), the Second Stage Algorithm (SSA) and the Third Stage Algorithm (TSA). These algorithms enable the key representation auditor (KRA) to conveniently specify the illegal queries which could lead to disclosing the SDB. A comparative study is made between the new scheme and the existing methods, namely a cost estimation and a statistical analysis are performed, and it illustrates the savings in block accesses (CPU time) and storage space that are attainable when a KRDB is used. Finally, an implementation of the new scheme is performed and all the components of the proposed system are discussed

    Privacy Violation and Detection Using Pattern Mining Techniques

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    Privacy, its violations and techniques to bypass privacy violation have grabbed the centre-stage of both academia and industry in recent months. Corporations worldwide have become conscious of the implications of privacy violation and its impact on them and to other stakeholders. Moreover, nations across the world are coming out with privacy protecting legislations to prevent data privacy violations. Such legislations however expose organizations to the issues of intentional or unintentional violation of privacy data. A violation by either malicious external hackers or by internal employees can expose the organizations to costly litigations. In this paper, we propose PRIVDAM; a data mining based intelligent architecture of a Privacy Violation Detection and Monitoring system whose purpose is to detect possible privacy violations and to prevent them in the future. Experimental evaluations show that our approach is scalable and robust and that it can detect privacy violations or chances of violations quite accurately. Please contact the author for full text at [email protected]

    Database and Data Mining in Social Networking

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    Today’s data driven world exploiting the latest trends of database and its allied technologies like Data Warehouse and Data Mining. Data Mining in recent years emerged as one of the most efficient database technique proved to be very reliable almost in every organisation enabling to find previously unknown hidden data patterns for the benefit of organisation. At the same time it is imposing serious problems concerned to data privacy and its potential misuse

    Determining a Relationship between Foreign News Media Reports covering U.S. Military Events and Network Incidents against DOD Networks

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    This thesis explores the nature of the relationship between foreign news media and network incidents against DoD networks. A rank correlation was performed between the number of network incidents against DoD networks and foreign news media reports covering U.S. Military events. Further analysis was conducted to determine the key terms used in the contents of foreign news media reports for the months the reports were significantly correlated with network incidents. Several significant correlations were found between various combinations of regions and categories of network incidents. However, the correlations were only moderate and the key terms only led to a slightly better understanding of such relationships

    A comprehensive meta-analysis of cryptographic security mechanisms for cloud computing

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The concept of cloud computing offers measurable computational or information resources as a service over the Internet. The major motivation behind the cloud setup is economic benefits, because it assures the reduction in expenditure for operational and infrastructural purposes. To transform it into a reality there are some impediments and hurdles which are required to be tackled, most profound of which are security, privacy and reliability issues. As the user data is revealed to the cloud, it departs the protection-sphere of the data owner. However, this brings partly new security and privacy concerns. This work focuses on these issues related to various cloud services and deployment models by spotlighting their major challenges. While the classical cryptography is an ancient discipline, modern cryptography, which has been mostly developed in the last few decades, is the subject of study which needs to be implemented so as to ensure strong security and privacy mechanisms in today’s real-world scenarios. The technological solutions, short and long term research goals of the cloud security will be described and addressed using various classical cryptographic mechanisms as well as modern ones. This work explores the new directions in cloud computing security, while highlighting the correct selection of these fundamental technologies from cryptographic point of view


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    Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been widely deployed within many organisations' IT nenvorks to delect network penetration attacks by outsiders and privilege escalation attacks by insiders. However, traditional IDS are ineffective for detecting o f abuse o f legitimate privileges by authorised users within the organisation i.e. the detection of misfeasance. In essence insider IT abuse does not violate system level controls, yet violates acceptable usage policy, business controls, or code of conduct defined by the organisation. However, the acceptable usage policy can vary from one organisation to another, and the acceptability o f user activities can also change depending upon the user(s), application, machine, data, and other contextual conditions associated with the entities involved. The fact that the perpetrators are authorised users and that the insider misuse activities do not violate system level controls makes detection of insider abuse more complicated than detection o f attacks by outsiders. The overall aim o f the research is to determine novel methods by which monitoring and detection may be improved to enable successful detection of insider IT abuse. The discussion begins with a comprehensive investigation o f insider IT misuse, encompassing the breadth and scale of the problem. Consideration is then given to the sufficiency of existing safeguards, with the conclusion that they provide an inadequate basis for detecting many o f the problems. This finding is used as the justification for considering research into alternative approaches. The realisation of the research objective includes the development of a taxonomy for identification o f various levels within the system from which the relevant data associated with each type of misuse can be collected, and formulation of a checklist for identification of applications that requires misfeasor monitoring. Based upon this foundation a novel architecture for monitoring o f insider IT misuse, has been designed. The design offers new analysis procedures to be added, while providing methods to include relevant contextual parameters from dispersed systems for analysis and reference. The proposed system differs from existing IDS in the way that it focuses on detecting contextual misuse of authorised privileges and legitimate operations, rather than detecting exploitation o f network protocols and system level \ailnerabilities. The main concepts of the new architecture were validated through a proof-of-concept prototype system. A number o f case scenarios were used to demonstrate the validity of analysis procedures developed and how the contextual data from dispersed databases can be used for analysis of various types of insider activities. This helped prove that the existing detection technologies can be adopted for detection o f insider IT misuse, and that the research has thus provided valuable contribution to the domain

    Database Intrusion Detection Using Role Profiling

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    Insider threats cause the majority of computer system security problems and are also among the most challenging research topics in database security. An anomaly-based intrusion detection system (IDS), which can profile inside users’ normal behaviors and detect anomalies when a user’s behaviors deviate from his/her profiles, is effective to protect computer systems against insider threats since the IDS can profile each insider and then monitor them continuously. Although many IDSes have been developed at the network or host level since 1980s, there are still very few IDSes specifically tailored to database systems. We initially build our anomaly-based database IDS using two different profiling methods: one is to build profiles for each individual user (user profiling) and the other is to mine profiles for roles (role profiling). Detailed comparative evaluations between role profiling and user profiling are conducted, and we also analyze the reasons why role profiling is more effective and efficient than user profiling. Another contribution of this thesis is that we introduce role hierarchy into database IDS and remarkably reduce the false positive rate without increasing the false negative rate
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