520 research outputs found

    Network-Layer Resource Allocation for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    This thesis contributes toward the design of a quality-of-service (QoS) aware network layer for wireless ad hoc networks. With the lack of an infrastructure in ad hoc networks, the role of the network layer is not only to perform multihop routing between a source node and a destination node, but also to establish an end-to-end connection between communicating peers that satisfies the service level requirements of multimedia applications running on those peers. Wireless ad hoc networks represent autonomous distributed systems that are infrastructure-less, fully distributed, and multi-hop in nature. Over the last few years, wireless ad hoc networks have attracted significant attention from researchers. This has been fueled by recent technological advances in the development of multifunction and low-cost wireless communication gadgets. Wireless ad hoc networks have diverse applications spanning several domains, including military, commercial, medical, and home networks. Projections indicate that these self-organizing wireless ad hoc networks will eventually become the dominant form of the architecture of telecommunications networks in the near future. Recently, due to increasing popularity of multimedia applications, QoS support in wireless ad hoc networks has become an important yet challenging objective. The challenge lies in the need to support the heterogeneous QoS requirements (e.g., data rate, packet loss probability, and delay constraints) for multimedia applications and, at the same time, to achieve efficient radio resource utilization, taking into account user mobility and dynamics of multimedia traffic. In terms of research contributions, we first present a position-based QoS routing framework for wireless ad-hoc networks. The scheme provides QoS guarantee in terms of packet loss ratio and average end-to-end delay (or throughput) to ad hoc networks loaded with constant rate traffic. Via cross-layer design, we apply call admission control and temporary bandwidth reservation on discovered routes, taking into consideration the physical layer multi-rate capability and the medium access control (MAC) interactions such as simultaneous transmission and self interference from route members. Next, we address the network-layer resource allocation where a single-hop ad hoc network is loaded with random traffic. As a starting point, we study the behavior of the service process of the widely deployed IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC when the network is under different traffic load conditions. Our study investigates the near-memoryless behavior of the service time for IEEE 802.11 saturated single-hop ad hoc networks. We show that the number of packets successfully transmitted by any node over a time interval follows a general distribution, which is close to a Poisson distribution with an upper bounded distribution distance. We also show that the service time distribution can be approximated by the geometric distribution and illustrate that a simplified queuing system can be used efficiently as a resource allocation tool for single hop IEEE 802.11 ad hoc networks near saturation. After that, we shift our focus to providing probabilistic packet delay guarantee to multimedia users in non-saturated IEEE 802.11 single hop ad hoc networks. We propose a novel stochastic link-layer channel model to characterize the variations of the IEEE 802.11 channel service process. We use the model to calculate the effective capacity of the IEEE 802.11 channel. The channel effective capacity concept is the dual of the effective bandwidth theory. Our approach offers a tool for distributed statistical resource allocation in single hop ad hoc networks, which combines both efficient resource utilization and QoS provisioning to a certain probabilistic limit. Finally, we propose a statistical QoS routing scheme for multihop IEEE 802.11 ad hoc networks. Unlike most of QoS routing schemes in literature, the proposed scheme provides stochastic end-to-end delay guarantee, instead of average delay guarantee, to delay-sensitive bursty traffic sources. Via a cross-layer design approach, the scheme selects the routes based on a geographical on-demand ad hoc routing protocol and checks the availability of network resources by using traffic source and link-layer channel models, incorporating the IEEE 802.11 characteristics and interaction. Our scheme extends the well developed effective bandwidth theory and its dual effective capacity concept to multihop IEEE 802.11 ad hoc networks in order to achieve an efficient utilization of the shared radio channel while satisfying the end-to-end delay bound

    Statistical QoS routing for IEEE 802.11 multihop ad hoc networks

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    Supporting Internet Access and Quality of Service in Distributed Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this era of wireless hysteria, with continuous technological advances in wireless communication and new wireless technologies becoming standardized at a fast rate, we can expect an increased interest for wireless networks, such as ad hoc and mesh networks. These networks operate in a distributed manner, independent of any centralized device. In order to realize the practical benefits of ad hoc networks, two challenges (among others) need to be considered: distributed QoS guarantees and multi-hop Internet access. In this thesis we present conceivable solutions to both of these problems. An autonomous, stand-alone ad hoc network is useful in many cases, such as search and rescue operations and meetings where participants wish to quickly share information. However, an ad hoc network connected to the Internet is even more desirable. This is because Internet plays an important role in the daily life of many people by offering a broad range of services. In this thesis we present AODV+, which is our solution to achieve this network interconnection between a wireless ad hoc network and the wired Internet. Providing QoS in distributed wireless networks is another challenging, but yet important, task mainly because there is no central device controlling the medium access. In this thesis we propose EDCA with Resource Reservation (EDCA/RR), which is a fully distributed MAC scheme that provides QoS guarantees by allowing applications with strict QoS requirements to reserve transmission time for contention-free medium access. Our scheme is compatible with existing standards and provides both parameterized and prioritized QoS. In addition, we present the Distributed Deterministic Channel Access (DDCA) scheme, which is a multi-hop extension of EDCA/RR and can be used in wireless mesh networks. Finally, we have complemented our simulation studies with real-world ad hoc and mesh network experiments. With the experience from these experiments, we obtained a clear insight into the limitations of wireless channels. We could conclude that a wise design of the network architecture that limits the number of consecutive wireless hops may result in a wireless mesh network that is able to satisfy users’ needs. Moreover, by using QoS mechanisms like EDCA/RR or DDCA we are able to provide different priorities to traffic flows and reserve resources for the most time-critical applications

    Voice Call Capacity Over Wireless Mesh Networks

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    The goal of this thesis is to understand the voice call carrying capacity of an IEEE 802.11b/e based ad hoc network. We begin with the modelling of conversational speech and define a six state semi-Markov voice model based on ITU-T P59 recommendation. We perform a theoretical analysis of the voice model and compare it with results obtained via simulations. Using a Java based IEEE 802.11 medium access layer simulator, we determine the upper-bound for the number of voice calls carried by an ad hoc network. We use a linear topology with the ideal carrier sensing range and evaluate the number of calls carried using packet loss and packet delay as metrics. We observe that, for one, two, three and four hop, 5.5 Mbps IEEE 802.11 wireless links have an upper-bound of eight, six, five, and three voice calls respectively. We then consider a carrier sensing range and a path loss model and compare them with the ideal case. We observe, after considering a carrier sensing range with path loss model, there is a reduction in the number of calls carried by the linear networks. One, two, three and four hop 5.5 Mbps IEEE 802.11 wireless links support eight, five, four, and two voice calls respectively, when a carrier sensing range and a path loss model is considered. We also find that by adopting packet dropping policies at the nodes, we improve the call carrying capacity and quality of service on the network. In our simulations of a two hop network in path loss conditions, we find that, by adopting a time delay based packet dropping policy at the nodes, the number of calls supported simultaneously increased from five to six. In a four hop linear network we find that by total packet loss is reduced by 20%, adopting a random packet dropping policy and by 50% adopting a time delay based packet dropping policy. Although there is no change in number of calls supported, load on the network is reduced

    Packet level measurement over wireless access

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    PhDPerformance Measurement of the IP packet networks mainly comprise of monitoring the network performance in terms of packet losses and delays. If used appropriately, these network parameters (i.e. delay, loss and bandwidth etc) can indicate the performance status of the network and they can be used in fault and performance monitoring, network provisioning, and traffic engineering. Globally, there is a growing need for accurate network measurement to support the commercial use of IP networks. In wireless networks, transmission losses and communication delays strongly affect the performance of the network. Compared to wired networks, wireless networks experience higher levels of data dropouts, and corruption due to issues of channel fading, noise, interference and mobility. Performance monitoring is a vital element in the commercial future of broadband packet networking and the ability to guarantee quality of service in such networks is implicit in Service Level Agreements. Active measurements are performed by injecting probes, and this is widely used to determine the end to end performance. End to end delay in wired networks has been extensively investigated, and in this thesis we report on the accuracy achieved by probing for end to end delay over a wireless scenario. We have compared two probing techniques i.e. Periodic and Poisson probing, and estimated the absolute error for both. The simulations have been performed for single hop and multi- hop wireless networks. In addition to end to end latency, Active measurements have also been performed for packet loss rate. The simulation based analysis has been tried under different traffic scenarios using Poisson Traffic Models. We have sampled the user traffic using Periodic probing at different rates for single hop and multiple hop wireless scenarios. 5 Active probing becomes critical at higher values of load forcing the network to saturation much earlier. We have evaluated the impact of monitoring overheads on the user traffic, and show that even small amount of probing overhead in a wireless medium can cause large degradation in network performance. Although probing at high rate provides a good estimation of delay distribution of user traffic with large variance yet there is a critical tradeoff between the accuracy of measurement and the packet probing overhead. Our results suggest that active probing is highly affected by probe size, rate, pattern, traffic load, and nature of shared medium, available bandwidth and the burstiness of the traffic