5,578 research outputs found

    Statistical Approach to Detection of Attacks for Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems

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    We study the problem of detecting an attack on a stochastic cyber-physical system. We aim to treat the problem in its most general form. We start by introducing the notion of asymptotically detectable attacks, as those attacks introducing changes to the system's output statistics which persist asymptotically. We then provide a necessary and sufficient condition for asymptotic detectability. This condition preserves generality as it holds under no restrictive assumption on the system and attacking scheme. To show the importance of this condition, we apply it to detect certain attacking schemes which are undetectable using simple statistics. Our necessary and sufficient condition naturally leads to an algorithm which gives a confidence level for attack detection. We present simulation results to illustrate the performance of this algorithm

    Malware in the Future? Forecasting of Analyst Detection of Cyber Events

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    There have been extensive efforts in government, academia, and industry to anticipate, forecast, and mitigate cyber attacks. A common approach is time-series forecasting of cyber attacks based on data from network telescopes, honeypots, and automated intrusion detection/prevention systems. This research has uncovered key insights such as systematicity in cyber attacks. Here, we propose an alternate perspective of this problem by performing forecasting of attacks that are analyst-detected and -verified occurrences of malware. We call these instances of malware cyber event data. Specifically, our dataset was analyst-detected incidents from a large operational Computer Security Service Provider (CSSP) for the U.S. Department of Defense, which rarely relies only on automated systems. Our data set consists of weekly counts of cyber events over approximately seven years. Since all cyber events were validated by analysts, our dataset is unlikely to have false positives which are often endemic in other sources of data. Further, the higher-quality data could be used for a number for resource allocation, estimation of security resources, and the development of effective risk-management strategies. We used a Bayesian State Space Model for forecasting and found that events one week ahead could be predicted. To quantify bursts, we used a Markov model. Our findings of systematicity in analyst-detected cyber attacks are consistent with previous work using other sources. The advanced information provided by a forecast may help with threat awareness by providing a probable value and range for future cyber events one week ahead. Other potential applications for cyber event forecasting include proactive allocation of resources and capabilities for cyber defense (e.g., analyst staffing and sensor configuration) in CSSPs. Enhanced threat awareness may improve cybersecurity.Comment: Revised version resubmitted to journa

    Centralized Versus Decentralized Detection of Attacks in Stochastic Interconnected Systems

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    We consider a security problem for interconnected systems governed by linear, discrete, time-invariant, stochastic dynamics, where the objective is to detect exogenous attacks by processing the measurements at different locations. We consider two classes of detectors, namely centralized and decentralized detectors, which differ primarily in their knowledge of the system model. In particular, a decentralized detector has a model of the dynamics of the isolated subsystems, but is unaware of the interconnection signals that are exchanged among subsystems. Instead, a centralized detector has a model of the entire dynamical system. We characterize the performance of the two detectors and show that, depending on the system and attack parameters, each of the detectors can outperform the other. In particular, it may be possible for the decentralized detector to outperform its centralized counterpart, despite having less information about the system dynamics, and this surprising property is due to the nature of the considered attack detection problem. To complement our results on the detection of attacks, we propose and solve an optimization problem to design attacks that maximally degrade the system performance while maintaining a pre-specified degree of detectability. Finally, we validate our findings via numerical studies on an electric power system.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC

    Characterization of Model-Based Detectors for CPS Sensor Faults/Attacks

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    A vector-valued model-based cumulative sum (CUSUM) procedure is proposed for identifying faulty/falsified sensor measurements. First, given the system dynamics, we derive tools for tuning the CUSUM procedure in the fault/attack free case to fulfill a desired detection performance (in terms of false alarm rate). We use the widely-used chi-squared fault/attack detection procedure as a benchmark to compare the performance of the CUSUM. In particular, we characterize the state degradation that a class of attacks can induce to the system while enforcing that the detectors (CUSUM and chi-squared) do not raise alarms. In doing so, we find the upper bound of state degradation that is possible by an undetected attacker. We quantify the advantage of using a dynamic detector (CUSUM), which leverages the history of the state, over a static detector (chi-squared) which uses a single measurement at a time. Simulations of a chemical reactor with heat exchanger are presented to illustrate the performance of our tools.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technolog

    Learning-based attacks in cyber-physical systems

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    We introduce the problem of learning-based attacks in a simple abstraction of cyber-physical systems---the case of a discrete-time, linear, time-invariant plant that may be subject to an attack that overrides the sensor readings and the controller actions. The attacker attempts to learn the dynamics of the plant and subsequently override the controller's actuation signal, to destroy the plant without being detected. The attacker can feed fictitious sensor readings to the controller using its estimate of the plant dynamics and mimic the legitimate plant operation. The controller, on the other hand, is constantly on the lookout for an attack; once the controller detects an attack, it immediately shuts the plant off. In the case of scalar plants, we derive an upper bound on the attacker's deception probability for any measurable control policy when the attacker uses an arbitrary learning algorithm to estimate the system dynamics. We then derive lower bounds for the attacker's deception probability for both scalar and vector plants by assuming a specific authentication test that inspects the empirical variance of the system disturbance. We also show how the controller can improve the security of the system by superimposing a carefully crafted privacy-enhancing signal on top of the "nominal control policy." Finally, for nonlinear scalar dynamics that belong to the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), we investigate the performance of attacks based on nonlinear Gaussian-processes (GP) learning algorithms
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