5 research outputs found

    Customer Journeys: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Purpose – Customer journeys has become an increasingly important topic in service management and design. The study reviews customer journey terminology and approaches within the research literature prior to 2013, mainly from the fields of design, management, and marketing. Design/methodology/approach - The study was conducted as a systematic literature review. Searches in Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, ACM Digital Library, and ScienceDirect identified 45 papers for analysis. The papers were analysed with respect to customer journey terminology and approaches, the relation to customer experience, the referenced background, and the use of visualizations. Findings – Across the reviewed literature, customer journeys are described not only as a means to take the viewpoint of the customer, but also to reach insight into their experiences. A rich and at times incoherent customer journey terminology is analysed and discussed, as are two emerging customer journey approaches: customer journey mapping (analysis of a service process "as is") and customer journey proposition (generative activities leading towards a possible service "to be"). Research limitations/implications – The review is limited to analysing and making claims on research papers that explicitly apply the term customer journey. In most of the reviewed papers, customer journeys are not the main object of interest but are discussed as one of several topics. Practical implications - A nuanced discussion of customer journey terminology and approaches is provided, supporting the practical application of a customer journey perspective. Originality/value - The review contributes a needed common basis for future customer journey research and practice.acceptedVersio

    Experience unbound: The effects of coworking on workplace design practice

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    This thesis uses the typology of coworking and the values associated with it as a lens through which to look at the design of the broader workplace. It examines the ways in which people behave in these new working environments and how these designed spaces are planned, briefed, commissioned and evaluated. The study responds to a continuing gap in the knowledge around the spatial constitution and behaviours of coworking despite a growing interest from corporate organisations. Taking an inter-disciplinary approach that draws on environmental psychology, design practice and the social sciences, the thesis is rooted in both academia and industry, presenting four design studies that map the development and spatial manifestations of coworking and explore user behaviour in space. The thesis explores the values and spatial strategies of coworking through the quantitative analysis of 100 coworking home pages and 73 floor plans, and places coworking in the wider context of historical and current workplace development. Alongside this, it adopts design ethnography techniques to explore user behaviour in space at three different sites: the Impact Hub in Birmingham and Second Home in London - both coworking spaces - and Sony PlayStation in London, a commercial workplace seeking to build a more creative community. Each site uses different strategies for managing change and co-creation, but with the same aims of prioritising user experience and building and supporting collaborative relationships. In the original design study, new user-centred design tools for brief making and evaluation are developed and applied at the Impact Hub and Sony PlayStation. With relatively little academic research into the spaces of coworking, these design studies provide a platform to explore the values, infrastructures and spatial strategies associated with coworking, identify points of departure from established models, and identify whether there are central ideas within coworking that might be applied to the wider workplace. Six original contributions to knowledge are presented: a new definitional model of coworking, quantitative coworking spatial analysis, a design taxonomy of coworking spaces, an adapted framework for considering user experience, a user-centred design toolkit, and recommendations for incorporating aspects of coworking into wider workplace design. The study identifies that the success of a coworking space depends on the experience that they create. This relies on complex and evolving interactions between space, support and service infrastructures, brand identification and community management, and the thesis highlights that simply adopting the spatial strategies or aesthetics of coworking without acknowledging its careful curation of space and relationships is unlikely to produce the desired results. This presents new challenges for the briefing, design and ongoing management of the workplace, which are discussed in the thesis. This PhD concludes with insights into how the essential qualities of coworking might be used to reshape spaces for creative knowledge work alongside a set of practical tools and recommendations that relate to briefing, design and post-occupancy evaluation processes

    Impacto de interacciones en el "customer journey": un análisis en el contexto B2B

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    Programa de Doctorado en Administración y Dirección de EmpresasLínea de Investigación: Innovación, Emprendimiento y Empresa FamiliarClave Programa: DAECódigo Línea: 104Los avances tecnológicos permiten a las empresas monitorizar todas las interacciones que mantienen con cada uno de sus clientes y evaluar su impacto en la rentabilidad. Sin embargo, hasta el momento los estudios se han centrado en diferenciar el efecto diferencial de FICs (contactos iniciados por las empresas) frente a CICs (contactos iniciados por los clientes), pero no han considerado que cada uno de estos contactos puede, a su vez, subdividirse en otros de distinta naturaleza (informativos, estandarizados-personalizados, reclamaciones, etc.) que pueden impactar de manera más o menos decisiva en la experiencia y calidad percibida por parte de los clientes. Además, el contexto B2B presenta características diferenciales frente a mercados B2C. Estas peculiaridades recomiendan profundizar en el estudio concreto de esta realidad para ofrecer recomendaciones más eficientes adaptadas a las características de carteras B2B. En este sentido, la futura tesis doctoral pretende profundizar en el estudio de distintos tipos de interacciones empresa-cliente y en su impacto en la percepción de los clientes y en un conjunto de outcomes actitudinales y comportamentales tales como la satisfacción, lealtad, fortalecimiento de la relación, word-of-mouth, cross-buy o rentabilidad, entre otros. Para ello se trabajará con una base de datos longitudinal, para una ventana temporal de 60 meses, facilitada por una empresa especializada en seguros B2B.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketin

    Static and Dynamic User Portraits

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    User modeling and profiling has been used to evaluate systems and predict user behaviors for a considerable time. Models and profiles are generally constructed based on studies of users’ behavior patterns, cognitive characteristics, or demographic data and provide an efficient way to present users’ preferences and interests. However, such modeling focuses on users’ interactions with a system and cannot support complicated social interaction, which is the emerging focus of serious games, educational hypermedia systems, experience, and service design. On the other hand, personas are used to portray and represent different groups and types of users and help designers propose suitable solutions in iterative design processes. However, clear guidelines and research approaches for developing useful personas for large-scale and complex social networks have not been well established. In this research, we reflect on three different design studies related to social interaction, experience, and cross-platform service design to discuss multiple ways of identifying both direct users and invisible users in design research. In addition, research methods and attributes to portray users are discussed