10,572 research outputs found

    Applying Formal Methods to Networking: Theory, Techniques and Applications

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    Despite its great importance, modern network infrastructure is remarkable for the lack of rigor in its engineering. The Internet which began as a research experiment was never designed to handle the users and applications it hosts today. The lack of formalization of the Internet architecture meant limited abstractions and modularity, especially for the control and management planes, thus requiring for every new need a new protocol built from scratch. This led to an unwieldy ossified Internet architecture resistant to any attempts at formal verification, and an Internet culture where expediency and pragmatism are favored over formal correctness. Fortunately, recent work in the space of clean slate Internet design---especially, the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm---offers the Internet community another chance to develop the right kind of architecture and abstractions. This has also led to a great resurgence in interest of applying formal methods to specification, verification, and synthesis of networking protocols and applications. In this paper, we present a self-contained tutorial of the formidable amount of work that has been done in formal methods, and present a survey of its applications to networking.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Eliminating the call stack to save RAM

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    ManuscriptMost programming languages support a call stack in the programming model and also in the runtime system.We show that for applications targeting low-power embedded microcontrollers (MCUs), RAM usage can be significantly decreased by partially or completely eliminating the runtime callstack. We present flattening, a transformation that absorbs a function into its caller, replacing function invocations and returns with jumps. Unlike inlining, flattening does not duplicate the bodies of functions that have multiple callsites. Applied aggressively, flattening results in stack elimination. Flattening is most useful in conjunction with a lifting transformation that moves global variables into a local scope. Flattening and lifting can save RAM. However, even more benefit can be obtained by adapting the compiler to cope with properties of flattened code. First, we show that flattening adds false paths that confuse a standard live variables analysis. The resulting problems can be mitigated by breaking spurious live-range conflicts between variables using information from the unflattened callgraph. Second, we show that the impact of high register pressure due to flattened and lifted code, and consequent spills out of the register allocator, can be mitigated by improving a compiler's stack layout optimizations. We have implemented both of these improvements in GCC, and have implemented flattening and lifting as source-to-source transformations. On a collection of applications for the AVR family of 8-bit MCUs, we show that total RAM usage can be reduced by 20% by compiling flattened and lifted programs with our improved GCC

    On the limits of probabilistic timing analysis

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    Over the last years, we are witnessing the steady and rapid growth of Critica! Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) industries, such as automotive and aerospace. Many of the increasingly-complex CRTES' functionalities that are currently implemented with mechanical means are moving towards to an electromechanical implementation controlled by critica! software. This trend results in a two-fold consequence. First, the size and complexity of critical-software increases in every new embedded product. And second, high-performance hardware features like caches are more frequently used in real-time processors. The increase in complexity of CRTES challenges the validation and verification process, a necessary step to certify that the system is safe for deployment. Timing validation and verification includes the computation of the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates, which need to be trustworthy and tight. Traditional timing analysis are challenged by the use of complex hardware/software, resulting in low-quality WCET estimates, which tend to add significant pessimism to guarantee estimates' trustworthiness. This calls for new solutions that help tightening WCET estimates in a safe manner. In this Thesis, we investigate the novel Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA), which in its original version already shows potential to deliver trustworthy and tight WCETs for tasks running on complex systems. First, we propose a methodology to assess and ensure that ali cache memory layouts, which can significantly impact WCET, have been adequately factored in the WCET estimation process. Second, we provide a solution to achieve simultaneously cache representativeness and full path coverage. This solution provides evidence proving that WCET estimates obtained are valid for ali program execution paths regardless of how code and data are laid out in the cache. Lastly, we analyse and expose the main misconceptions and pitfalls that can prevent a sound application of WCET analysis based on extreme value theory, which is used as part of MBPTA.En los últimos años, se ha podido observar un crecimiento rápido y sostenido de la industria de los sistemas embebidos críticos de tiempo real (abreviado en inglés CRTES}, como por ejemplo la industria aeronáutica o la automovilística. En un futuro cercano, muchas de las funcionalidades complejas que actualmente se están implementando a través de sistemas mecánicos en los CRTES pasarán a ser controladas por software crítico. Esta tendencia tiene dos consecuencias claras. La primera, el tamaño y la complejidad del software se incrementará en cada nuevo producto embebido que se lance al mercado. La segunda, las técnicas hardware destinadas a alto rendimiento (por ejemplo, memorias caché) serán usadas más frecuentemente en los procesadores de tiempo real. El incremento en la complejidad de los CRTES impone un reto en los procesos de validación y verificación de los procesadores, un paso imprescindible para certificar que los sistemas se pueden comercializar de forma segura. La validación y verificación del tiempo de ejecución incluye la estimación del tiempo de ejecución en el peor caso (abreviado en inglés WCET}, que debe ser precisa y certera. Desafortunadamente, los procesos tradicionales para analizar el tiempo de ejecución tienen problemas para analizar las complejas combinaciones entre el software y el hardware, produciendo estimaciones del WCET de mala calidad y conservadoras. Para superar dicha limitación, es necesario que florezcan nuevas técnicas que ayuden a proporcionar WCET más precisos de forma segura y automatizada. En esta Tesis se profundiza en la investigación referente al análisis probabilístico de tiempo de ejecución basado en medidas (abreviado en inglés MBPTA), cuyas primeras implementaciones muestran potencial para obtener un WCET preciso y certero en tareas ejecutadas en sistemas complejos. Primero, se propone una metodología para certificar que todas las distribuciones de la memoria caché, una de las estructuras más complejas de los CRTES, han sido contabilizadas adecuadamente durante el proceso de estimación del WCET. Segundo, se expone una solución para conseguir a la vez representatividad en la memoria caché y cobertura total en caminos críticos del programa. Dicha solución garantiza que la estimación WCET obtenida es válida para todos los caminos de ejecución, independientemente de como el código y los datos se guardan en la memoria caché. Finalmente, se analizan y discuten los mayores malentendidos y obstáculos que pueden prevenir la aplicabilidad del análisis de WCET basado en la teoría de valores extremos, la cual forma parte del MBPTA.Postprint (published version

    A Processor Extension for Cycle-Accurate Real-Time Software

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    Certain hard real-time tasks demand precise timing of events, but the usual software solution of periodic interrupts driving a scheduler only provides precision in the millisecond range. NOP-insertion can provide higher precision, but is tedious to do manually, requires predictable instruction timing, and works best with simple algorithms. To achieve high-precision timing in software, we propose instruction-level access to cycle-accurate timers. We add an instruction that waits for a timer to expire then reloads it synchronously. Among other things, this provides a way to exactly specify the period of a loop. To validate our approach, we implemented a simple RISC processor with our extension on an FPGA and programmed it to behave like a video controller and an asynchronous serial receiver. Both applications were much easier to write and debug than their hardware counterparts, which took roughly four times as many lines in VHDL. Simple processors with our extension brings software-style development to a class of applications that were once only possible with hardware

    Composability and Predictability for Independent Application Development, Verification and Execution

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    System-on-chip (SOC) design gets increasingly complex, as a growing number of applications are integrated in modern systems. Some of these applications have real-time requirements, such as a minimum throughput or a maximum latency. To reduce cost, system resources are shared between applications, making their timing behavior inter-dependent. Real-time requirements must hence be verified for all possible combinations of concurrently executing applications, which is not feasible with commonly used simulation-based techniques. This chapter addresses this problem using two complexity-reducing concepts: composability and predictability. Applications in a composable system are completely isolated and cannot affect each other’s behaviors, enabling them to be independently verified. Predictable systems, on the other hand, provide lower bounds on performance, allowing applications to be verified using formal performance analysis. Five techniques to achieve composability and/or predictability in SOC resources are presented and we explain their implementation for processors, interconnect, and memories in our platform


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