18,838 research outputs found

    Efficient Invariant Features for Sensor Variability Compensation in Speaker Recognition

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    In this paper, we investigate the use of invariant features for speaker recognition. Owing to their characteristics, these features are introduced to cope with the difficult and challenging problem of sensor variability and the source of performance degradation inherent in speaker recognition systems. Our experiments show: (1) the effectiveness of these features in match cases; (2) the benefit of combining these features with the mel frequency cepstral coefficients to exploit their discrimination power under uncontrolled conditions (mismatch cases). Consequently, the proposed invariant features result in a performance improvement as demonstrated by a reduction in the equal error rate and the minimum decision cost function compared to the GMM-UBM speaker recognition systems based on MFCC features

    Integration of speech biometrics in a phone payment system: text-independent speaker verification

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    Integration of a speaker recognition system in a payment system by phone.Nowadays, the integration of biometrics in security systems is a prominent research and application field. Also, it is clear that speech is the most common form of communication, which makes a swell candidate. While using speech as a biometric, one could say there are two types of systems that should be analyzed: those systems which do know what the speaker is going to say upon verification and those that do not. This degree thesis offers an overview of both systems, focusing on those that do not know what the speaker is going to say beforehand, also known as textindependent systems. To be able to determine which would be the best approach to integrate speech biometrics into a security system, both types of systems are compared; and two methodologies are also analyzed for the text-independent system. To conclude, one of those methodologies is implemented in a software library which allows the creation a text-independent speaker verification system.En l’actualitat, la integració de biometries en els sistemes de seguretat és una branca d’investigació i aplicacions prominent. A més a més, la veu és un dels mitjans més comuns de comunicació, cosa que fa que sigui una bona candidata per a aquests sistemes. Si prenem la parla com a biometria, es pot dir que hi ha dos tipus de sistemes bastant diferenciats a analitzar: aquells sistemes els quals saben el que dirà la persona que s’intenta verificar i aquells que no saben el que dirà. Aquest treball ofereix una visió àmplia dels dos tipus de sistemes, centrant-se en els sistemes on no es sap el que es dirà, també coneguts com sistemes de text independent. Per decidir quin seria la millor manera d’integrar la parla com a biometria en un sistema de seguretat, es comparen ambdós sistemes i, en el cas del sistema de text independent, es comparen també dues metodologies diferents. Per acabar, s’implementa una d’aquestes metodologies a unes llibreries de software per dur a terme un sistema de verificació de locutor amb text independent.En la actualidad, la integración de biometrías en los sistemas de seguridad es una rama de investigación y de aplicaciones prominente. Además, está claro que la voz es el medio más común de comunicación y es por eso que es una buena candidata. Usando el habla como biometría, se podría decir que hay dos tipos de sistemas diferentes a analizar: aquellos sistemas que saben de antemano aquello que va a decir el locutor que intenta verificarse y aquellos que no lo saben. Este trabajo ofrece una visión amplia de los dos tipos de sistemas, centrándose en los sistemas donde aquello que se va a decir no se sabe, también conocidos como sistemas de texto independiente. Para decir cuál sería la mejor manera de integrar el habla como biometría en un sistema de seguridad se comparan ambos sistemas y, en el caso del sistema de texto independiente, se comparan también dos metodologías diferentes. Para finalizar, se implementa una de estas últimas en unas librerías de software para poder llevar a cabo un sistema de verificación de locutor de texto independiente

    Protecting Voice Controlled Systems Using Sound Source Identification Based on Acoustic Cues

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    Over the last few years, a rapidly increasing number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems that adopt voice as the primary user input have emerged. These systems have been shown to be vulnerable to various types of voice spoofing attacks. Existing defense techniques can usually only protect from a specific type of attack or require an additional authentication step that involves another device. Such defense strategies are either not strong enough or lower the usability of the system. Based on the fact that legitimate voice commands should only come from humans rather than a playback device, we propose a novel defense strategy that is able to detect the sound source of a voice command based on its acoustic features. The proposed defense strategy does not require any information other than the voice command itself and can protect a system from multiple types of spoofing attacks. Our proof-of-concept experiments verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this defense strategy.Comment: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Hangzhou, China, July-August 2018. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.0915

    Security in Voice Authentication

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    We evaluate the security of human voice password databases from an information theoretical point of view. More specifically, we provide a theoretical estimation on the amount of entropy in human voice when processed using the conventional GMM-UBM technologies and the MFCCs as the acoustic features. The theoretical estimation gives rise to a methodology for analyzing the security level in a corpus of human voice. That is, given a database containing speech signals, we provide a method for estimating the relative entropy (Kullback-Leibler divergence) of the database thereby establishing the security level of the speaker verification system. To demonstrate this, we analyze the YOHO database, a corpus of voice samples collected from 138 speakers and show that the amount of entropy extracted is less than 14-bits. We also present a practical attack that succeeds in impersonating the voice of any speaker within the corpus with a 98% success probability with as little as 9 trials. The attack will still succeed with a rate of 62.50% if 4 attempts are permitted. Further, based on the same attack rationale, we mount an attack on the ALIZE speaker verification system. We show through experimentation that the attacker can impersonate any user in the database of 69 people with about 25% success rate with only 5 trials. The success rate can achieve more than 50% by increasing the allowed authentication attempts to 20. Finally, when the practical attack is cast in terms of an entropy metric, we find that the theoretical entropy estimate almost perfectly predicts the success rate of the practical attack, giving further credence to the theoretical model and the associated entropy estimation technique
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