15 research outputs found

    State subsidy and moral hazard in corporate financing

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    This paper investigates the impact of state subsidy on the behavior of the entrepreneur under asymmetric information. Several authors formulated concerns about state intervention as it can aggravate moral hazard in corporate financing. In the seminal paper of Holmström and Tirole (1997) a two-player moral hazard model is presented with an entrepreneur initiating a risky scalable project and a private investor (e.g. bank or venture capitalist) providing outside financing. The novelty of our research is that this basic moral hazard model is extended to the case of positive externalities and to three players by introducing the state subsidizing the project. It is shown that in the optimum, state subsidy does not harm, but improves the incentives of the entrepreneur to make efforts for the success of the project; hence in effect state intervention reduces moral hazard. Consequently, state subsidy increases social welfare which is defined as the sum of private and public net benefits. Also, the exact form of the state subsidy (ex-ante/ex-post, conditional/unconditional, refundable/nonrefundable) is irrelevant in respect of the optimal size and the total welfare effect of the project. Moreover, in case of nonrefundable subsidies state does not crowd out private investors; but on the contrary, by providing additional capital it boosts private financing. In case of refundable subsidies some crowding effects may occur depending on the subsidy form and the parameters


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    A characteristic feature of the development of modern economic systems is active association, integration of enterprises into larger economic entities. A distinctive feature of such associations is the multidirectional interests of its members. The development of innovative mechanisms for financial management of an integrated structure, allowing to take into account the conflic­ting interests of the enterprises of the association, is an urgent task. Aim. To develop mathematical models and algorithms to improve the efficiency of financial management of the association of business entities by forming an optimal package of projects and coordinated distribution of profits from its implementation between enterprises. Materials and methods. The proposed approach is based on the use of systems analysis methods, optimization methods, decision theory and game theory. The paper discusses the mechanism for the coordinated distribution of funds of the enterprises of the association in the implementation of projects, which consists of two enlarged stages. At the first stage, an optimal package of merger projects is formed. Each enterprise of the association offers its own variants of projects, from which a package of projects is formed. The constructed model of the formation of a package of projects that ensures the amalgamation of obtaining the greatest profit is a knapsack problem and is solved by the branch and bound method. At the second stage, the distribution of profits from the implementation of projects between the enterprises of the association is carried out. To find the distribution of profits, ensuring the coordination of the economic interests of the enterprises of the association, it is proposed to use the methods and principles of the theory of cooperative games. The paper shows that the described problem can be formally represented as a game in the form of a characteristic function. It is proposed to choose a certain element of the C-core as an agreed profit distribution. The formation of this element is carried out on the basis of an optimization model, the function of the goal and the system of restrictions of which takes into account quantitative indicators of the activity of enterprises' participation in the implementation of merger projects. Results. A mechanism has been developed for the coordinated distribution of financial resources of the enterprises of the association during the implementation of projects, based on mathematical models and methods. A feature of the mechanism is the application of the game principle when distributing the profit of projects. Practical calculations are carried out to substantiate the advantages of the presented approach in comparison with the known methods. Conclusion. The coordinated distribution of finances proposed in the work reasonably ensures the benefit of each enterprise from the joint implementation of projects and stimulates the management of enterprises to search for highly effective projects.Характерной чертой развития современных экономических систем является активное объединение, интеграция предприятий в более крупные хозяйствующие субъекты. Отличительной особенностью таких объединений является разнонаправленность интересов его участников. Разработка инновационных механизмов управления финансами интегрированной структуры, позволяющих учесть противоречивые интересы предприятий объединения, является актуальной задачей. Цель исследования. Разработать математические модели и алгоритмы, позволяющие повысить эффективность управления финансовыми средствами объединения хозяйствующих субъектов за счет формирования оптимального пакета проектов и согласованного распределения прибыли от его реализации между предприятиями. Материалы и методы. Предлагаемый подход основывается на использовании методов системного анализа, методов оптимизации, теории принятия решений и теории игр. В работе рассматривается механизм согласованного распределения средств предприятий объединения при реализации проектов, состоящий из двух укрупненных этапов. На первом этапе формируется оптимальный пакет проектов объединения. Каждое предприятие объединения предлагает собственные варианты проектов, из множества которых формируется пакет проектов. Построенная модель формирования пакета проектов, обеспечивающего объединению получение наибольшей прибыли, является задачей о ранце и решается методом ветвей и границ. На втором этапе осуществляется распределение прибыли от реализации проектов между предприятиями объединения. Для отыскания распределения прибыли, обеспечивающего согласование экономических интересов предприятий объединения, предлагается использовать методы и принципы теории кооперативных игр. В работе показано, что описанную задачу можно формально представить в виде игры в форме характеристической функции. В качестве согласованного распределения прибыли предлагается выбрать определенный элемент С-ядра. Формирование данного элемента осуществляется на основе оптимизационной модели, в функции цели и системе ограничений которой учитываются количественные показатели активности участия предприятий в реализации проектов объединения. Результаты. Разработан механизм согласованного распределения финансовых средств предприятий объединения при реализации проектов, основанный на математических моделях и методах. Особенностью механизма является применение игрового принципа при распределении прибыли проектов. Проведены практические расчеты, обосновывающие преимущества представленного подхода по сравнению с известными методами. Заключение. Предлагаемое в работе согласованное распределение финансов обоснованно обеспечивает выгоду каждому предприятию от совместной реализации проектов и стимулирует руководства предприятий к поиску высокоэффективных проектов

    Impact of documentary requirements of state subsidy grants on moral hazard

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    Lowering moral hazard is possible by proper incentives, therefore we examine the elements of the documentary request of the contract and the application of the state aid process. We conclude that the aim using administrative constraints is rather detecting fraud than fighting moral hazard issues. If the documentary requirement would aim treating moral hazard, it would shrink the number of companies eligible for tendering. Due to the second effect of documentary requirements lowering moral hazard is only possible if adequate quality measurers can be defined in form of an incentive for the tendering process and are rigorously controlled in the standstill phase of the development projects

    Moral Hazard Assessment in State-subsidized Renewable Energy Investments

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    This paper presents the impact of state subsidy programs on moral hazard in renewable energy investments. The purpose of the research is to build a theoretical model which is able to handle the borrower’s behavior under asymmetric information circumstances, thus creating a new aspect in the debate about the choice of the financially ideal incentive structure. The general conclusion of the article is that technology based subsidy mechanisms which provide great protection to the investing companies (ceteris paribus), increase information asymmetry and agency costs. While these systems improve predictability of revenues, they block effective lending or otherwise, the market dependent subsidies moderate the moral hazard, which reduce the risk of fluctuating market prices

    L’aide d’État comme cause de l’aléa moral dans l’économie de la Roumanie. Étude de cas : La Start-Up Nation

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    Cette étude a comme but l’analyse et la démonstration de l’effet de l’aide d’État sur l’aléa moral dans l’économie de la Roumanie. Notre recherche est fondée sur l’étude de cas portant sur le programme Start-Up Nation et elle comporte trois parties : l’évolution du programme Start-Up Nation depuis 2017 jusqu’en 2018 par l’analyse des documents, puis une entrevue semi-structurée, et enfin un questionnaire. La première partie fera preuve du fait que Start-Up Nation semble un programme très attirant pour n’importe quel type d’investisseur, non seulement pour de nouveaux démarrages, surtout grâce à la facilité de son accès. La deuxième partie montrera la nécessité d’un régime financier comme la Start-Up Nation dans l’économie de la Roumanie de nos jours, tandis que la troisième partie démontrera le fait que la majorité des partis intéressés s’inscrivent avoir accès aux fonds non parce qu’ils auraient besoin du financement, mais plutôt parce qu’il est plus facile à l’obtenir. L’étude montrera la manière du processus d’inscription pour la Start-Up Nation d’être plus stimulant que risquant, l’asymétrie des informations disponibles et la situation de l’aléa moral qui en résulte

    How does the state destroy incentives in innovation financing?

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    We investigate the effect of state subsidy on the behavior of entrepreneur and venture capitalist in a double moral hazard and fixed investment model under positive externalities. We infer that investment subsidy and success fee improve the incentives, ease credit rationing, hence boost private financing, which explains the popularity of hybrid venture capital systems. The main disadvantage of these systems is, however, that the entrepreneur is encouraged to minimize his/her own capital investment and to ask for the maximal state subsidy available. It may happen that public sources go to entrepreneurs capable to finance their projects privately, so state subsidies increase state deficit (and private profits) without any effects on public welfare leaving other important areas underfinanced. We also prove that state guarantee definitely creates perverse incentives, hence it is not recommended in our model

    Hogyan ronthatja el az állam az innovációfinanszírozást?

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    Kettős erkölcsi kockázatot és pozitív externáliákat tartalmazó, fix beruházásos modellben vizsgáljuk, milyen hatása van az állami támogatásnak a vállalkozó és a kockázati tőkés viselkedésére. Azt kapjuk, hogy a beruházási támogatás és a sikerdíj javítja az ösztönzőket, oldja a hitelszűkét, így katalizálja a magánfinanszírozást, ami alátámasztja az állami és a hibrid kockázatitőke-rendszerek népszerűségét. Ezeknek azonban az a fő hátránya, hogy a vállalkozót a saját befektetésének a minimalizálására és a lehető legnagyobb állami támogatás lehívására ösztönzik. Könnyen lehet, hogy az állami forrásokat olyan vállalkozók kapják, akik mindenképpen megvalósították volna a projektjüket, így a támogatás csak az állami kiadásokat (és a magánhasznokat) növeli számottevő jóléti hatás nélkül, fontosabb területektől vonva el a finanszírozást. Bebizonyítjuk azt is, hogy az állami garanciavállalás egyértelműen torz ösztönzőket teremt, ezért alkalmazása modellünk alapján nem indokolható

    The Impact of Public Subsidies on Investment and Growth

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    Public subsidy, a frequently applied tool of economic development is often provided to the business sector assuming that it promotes investments, employment, and income generation. In this paper a micro economic model based empirical analysis is presented that shows the possible impact of public subsidy on economic growth. The outcomes are derived by investigating the investment decision of the enterprise with and without public subsidy. It is demonstrated that public subsidy may increase social welfare, but under certain circumstances it also may decrease it, partly because authorities deciding about them fail to consider the information on the investment projects that determines the outcome. The empirical analysis of corporate subsidies proves that both cases occur. The number of firms that performed well and presumably had not enough own resources to fund the investment was less than 10% of all subsidized firms. The programs had an overall negative impact on economic growth. We provide recommendations on how methods of evaluations, project selection and monitoring should be modified to achieve better results of subsidy programs

    Szemelvények a vállalatfinanszírozás témaköréből I.

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    A könyv kifejezett célja, hogy egy-egy aktuális és gyakorlati szempontból fontos vállalatfinanszírozási témát körbejárjon. A könyv első három fejezete a befektetési társaságok, kockázati tőke-alap kezelők szervezeti felépítését, döntéshozatali mechanizmusát mutatja be. A könyv negyedik, ötödik és hatodik fejezete a befektetések során felmerülő beruházás értékelési kérdésekkel, az erkölcsi kockázattal és játszmalehetőségekkel foglalkozik. Az utolsó cikk a crowdfunding finanszírozási termékeket mutatja be