36 research outputs found

    ALT-C 2011 Abstracts

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    This is a PDF of the abstracts for all the sessions at the 2011 ALT conference. It is designed to be used alongside the online version of the conference programme. It was made public on 1 September, with a "topped and tailed" made live on 2 September

    How to procure flexibility services within the electricity distribution system: lessons from an international review of innovation projects

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse and evaluate the deployment of smart platforms (operated by distribution system operators—DSOs—or by independent parties) in key jurisdictions that facilitate the trading of flexibility services—primarily by DSOs. We look at key innovation projects/initiatives from seven jurisdictions, including Australia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, The Netherlands and Norway. We have deliberately selected 13 use cases that operate under different regulatory frameworks and market rules, and have been recently implemented (from 2017 onwards). With the selection of key use cases this study seeks to discuss the different smart architecture solutions and main capabilities across different demonstrators and their relationship to business as usual. It also analyses flexibility market designs, identifies main characteristics, and compares different price formation schemes and procurement methods. The value of flexibility for DSOs is also discussed

    ALT-C 2012 Abstracts

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    This is a PDF of the abstracts for all the sessions at the 2012 ALT conference. It is designed to be used alongside the online version of the conference programme. It was made public on 7 September 2012

    Adoption Of Green Building Practices And Rating System In Kenya: Potentials And Barriers

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    This research study was undertaken to identify (a) green building rating attributes that could be adopted for Kenya, and (b) barriers to initial adoption of green building practices and a green building rating system in Kenya. The study was primarily built on the premise of select rating and adoption attributes in existing green building standards, especially Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). A pilot phase of the study was conducted using a combination of focus groups and personal interviews. The pilot findings became the basis of a questionnaire that was utilized to survey a sample of 608 registered building professionals in Kenya with a view of understanding their perspectives and awareness towards green building adoption. End line data was interpreted using a combination of descriptive statistics, content analysis, and analysis of variance. Among other findings, this study revealed that ‘energy and atmosphere’ green building attributes have the highest potential, or likelihood, for adoption in Kenya. These were followed by ‘water efficiency,’ ‘indoor environmental quality,’ ‘materials and resources,’ and ‘sustainable sites,’ in that order. Further, the study revealed that lack of institutional support was the greatest barrier to adoption of green building in Kenya; followed by lack of regulatory and policy tools, socio-economic factors, and inadequate technical and awareness interventions, in that order. Statistically significant differences were noted in the mean responses for the demographic categories of (a) primary occupation, (b) sector of occupation, and (c) years of experience. This mixed method study was timely in providing a preliminary platform for developing green building guidelines and best practices that would be meaningful to the Kenyan building industry. Also, the findings would inform stakeholders about barriers that need to be overcome in order to accelerate green building adoption in Kenya

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation

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    The 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) was held on November 2-6, 2015 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. There were 327 delegates from 22 countries. The program included 12 long papers, 15 short papers, 33 posters, 3 demos, 6 workshops, 3 tutorials and 5 panels, as well as several interactive sessions and a Digital Preservation Showcase

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation

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    The 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) was held on November 2-6, 2015 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. There were 327 delegates from 22 countries. The program included 12 long papers, 15 short papers, 33 posters, 3 demos, 6 workshops, 3 tutorials and 5 panels, as well as several interactive sessions and a Digital Preservation Showcase

    Building with Nature perspectives

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    This publication offers an overview of the latest cross-disciplinary developments in the field of Building with Nature (BwN) for the protection of coastal regions. The key philosophy of BwN is the employment of natural processes to serve societal goals, such as flood safety. The starting point is a systems-based approach, making interventions that employ the shaping forces of the natural system to perform measures by self-regulation. Initial pilots of this innovative approach originate from coastal engineering, with the Sand Motor along the coast of South Holland as one of the prime examples. From here, the BwN approach has evolved into a new generation of nature-based hydraulic solutions, such as mangrove forests, coastal reefs, and green dikes

    Building with Nature perspectives: Cross-disciplinary BwN approaches in coastal regions

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    This publication offers an overview of the latest cross-disciplinary developments in the field of Building with Nature (BwN) for the protection of coastal regions. The key philosophy of BwN is the employment of natural processes to serve societal goals, such as flood safety. The starting point is a systems-based approach, making interventions that employ the shaping forces of the natural system to perform measures by self-regulation. Initial pilots of this innovative approach originate from coastal engineering, with the Sand Motor along the coast of South Holland as one of the prime examples. From here, the BwN approach has evolved into a new generation of nature-based hydraulic solutions, such as mangrove forests, coastal reefs, and green dikes