10 research outputs found

    On the Role of Hash-Based Signatures in Quantum-Safe Internet of Things:Current Solutions and Future Directions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining ground as a pervasive presence around us by enabling miniaturized things with computation and communication capabilities to collect, process, analyze, and interpret information. Consequently, trustworthy data act as fuel for applications that rely on the data generated by these things, for critical decision-making processes, data debugging, risk assessment, forensic analysis, and performance tuning. Currently, secure and reliable data communication in IoT is based on public-key cryptosystems such as Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC). Nevertheless, reliance on the security of de-facto cryptographic primitives is at risk of being broken by the impending quantum computers. Therefore, the transition from classical primitives to quantum-safe primitives is indispensable to ensure the overall security of data en route. In this paper, we investigate applications of one of the post-quantum signatures called Hash-Based Signature (HBS) schemes for the security of IoT devices in the quantum era. We give a succinct overview of the evolution of HBS schemes with emphasis on their construction parameters and associated strengths and weaknesses. Then, we outline the striking features of HBS schemes and their significance for the IoT security in the quantum era. We investigate the optimal selection of HBS in the IoT networks with respect to their performance-constrained requirements, resource-constrained nature, and design optimization objectives. In addition to ongoing standardization efforts, we also highlight current and future research and deployment challenges along with possible solutions. Finally, we outline the essential measures and recommendations that must be adopted by the IoT ecosystem while preparing for the quantum world.Comment: 18 pages, 7 tables, 7 figure

    A Server-Assisted Hash-Based Signature Scheme

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    We present a practical digital signature scheme built from a cryptographic hash function and a hash-then-publish digital time- stamping scheme. We also provide a simple proof of existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen-message attack (EUF-ACM) in the random oracle (RO) model

    The Viability of Post-quantum X.509 Certificates

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    If quantum computers were built, they would pose concerns for public key cryptography as we know it. Among other cryptographic techniques, they would jeopardize the use of PKI X.509 certificates (RSA, ECDSA) used today for authentication. To overcome the concern, new quantum secure signature schemes have been proposed in the literature. Most of these schemes have significantly larger public key and signature sizes than the ones used today. Even though post-quantum signatures could work well for some usecases like software signing, there are concerns about the effect their size and processing cost would have on technologies using X.509 certificates. In this work, we investigate the viability of post-quantum signatures in X.509 certificates and protocols that use them (e.g. TLS, IKEv2). We prove that, in spite of common concerns, they could work in today\u27s protocols and could be a viable solution to the emergence of quantum computing. We also quantify the overhead they introduce in protocol connection establishment and show that even though it is significant, it is not detrimental. Finally, we formalize the areas of further testing necessary to conclusively establish that the signature schemes standardized in NIST\u27s PQ Project can work with X.509 certs in a post-quantum Internet

    Lightweight Post-Quantum-Secure Digital Signature Approach for IoT Motes

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    Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications often require constrained devices to be deployed in the field for several years, even decades. Protection of these tiny motes is crucial for end-to-end IoT security. Secure boot and attestation techniques are critical requirements in such devices which rely on public key Sign/Verify operations. In a not-so-distant future, quantum computers are expected to break traditional public key Sign/Verify functions (e.g. RSA and ECC signatures). Hash Based Signatures (HBS) schemes, on the other hand, are promising quantum-resistant alternatives. Their security is based on the security of cryptographic hash function which is known to be secure against quantum computers. The XMSS signature scheme is a modern HBS construction with several advantages but it requires thousands of hash operations per Sign/Verify operation, which could be challenging in resource constrained IoT motes. In this work, we investigated the use of the XMSS scheme targeting IoT constrained. We propose a latency-area optimized XMSS Sign or Verify scheme with 128-bit post-quantum security. An appropriate HW-SW architecture has been designed and implemented in FPGA and Silicon where it spans out to 1521 ALMs and 13.5k gates respectively. In total, each XMSS Sign/Verify operation takes 4.8 million clock cycles in our proposed HW-SW hybrid design approach which is 5.35 times faster than its pure SW execution latency on a 32-bit microcontroller

    Oops, I did it again -- Security of One-Time Signatures under Two-Message Attacks

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    One-time signatures (OTS) are called one-time, because the accompanying reductions only guarantee security under single-message attacks. However, this does not imply that efficient attacks are possible under two-message attacks. Especially in the context of hash-based OTS (which are basic building blocks of recent standardization proposals) this leads to the question if accidental reuse of a one-time key pair leads to immediate loss of security or to graceful degradation. In this work we analyze the security of the most prominent hash-based OTS, Lamport\u27s scheme, its optimized variant, and WOTS, under different kinds of two-message attacks. Interestingly, it turns out that the schemes are still secure under two message attacks, asymptotically. However, this does not imply anything for typical parameters. Our results show that for Lamport\u27s scheme, security only slowly degrades in the relevant attack scenarios and typical parameters are still somewhat secure, even in case of a two-message attack. As we move on to optimized Lamport and its generalization WOTS, security degrades faster and faster, and typical parameters do not provide any reasonable level of security under two-message attacks

    Mixed Certificate Chains for the Transition to Post-Quantum Authentication in TLS 1.3

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    Large-scale quantum computers will be able to efficiently solve the underlying mathematical problems of widely deployed public key cryptosystems in the near future. This threat has sparked increased interest in the field of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) and standardization bodies like NIST, IETF, and ETSI are in the process of standardizing PQC schemes as a new generation of cryptography. This raises the question of how to ensure a fast, reliable, and secure transition to upcoming PQC standards in today’s highly interconnected world. In this work, we propose and investigate a migration strategy towards post-quantum (PQ) authentication for the network protocol Transport Layer Security (TLS). Our strategy is based on the concept of “mixed certificate chains” which use different signature algorithms within the same certificate chain. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of our migration strategy we combine the well-studied and trusted hash-based signature schemes SPHINCS+ and XMSS with elliptic curve cryptography first and subsequently with lattice-based PQC signature schemes (CRYSTALS-Dilithium and Falcon). Furthermore, we combine authentication based on mixed certificate chains with the lattice-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) CRYSTALS-Kyber as representative for PQC KEMs to evaluate a fully post-quantum and mutually authenticated TLS 1.3 handshake. Our results show that mixed certificate chains containing hash-based signature schemes only at the root certificate authority level lead to feasible connection establishment times despite the increase in communication size. By analyzing code size and peak memory usage of our client and server programs we further demonstrate the suitability of our migration strategy even for embedded devices

    Digital Signature Schemes Based on Hash Functions

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    Cryptographers and security experts around the world have been awakened to the reality that one day (potentially soon) large-scale quantum computers may be available. Most of the public-key cryptosystems employed today on the Internet, in both software and in hardware, are based on number-theoretic problems which are thought to be intractable on a classical (non-quantum) computer and hence are considered secure. The most popular such examples are the RSA encryption and signature schemes, and the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key-exchange protocol employed widely in the SSL/TLS protocols. However, these schemes offer essentially zero security against an adversary in possession of a large-scale quantum computer. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop, analyze and implement cryptosystems and algorithms that are secure against such adversaries. It is widely believed that cryptographic hash functions are naturally resilient to attacks by a quantum adversary, and thus, signature schemes have been developed whose security relies on this belief. The goal of this thesis is to give an overview of hash-based cryptography. We describe the most important hash-based signature schemes as well as the schemes and protocols used as subroutines within them. We give a juxtaposition between stateful and stateless signature schemes, discussing the pros and cons of both while including detailed examples. Furthermore, we detail serious flaws in the security proof for the WOTS-PRF signature scheme. This scheme had the feature that its security proof was based on minimal security assumptions, namely the pseudorandomness of the underlying function family. We explore how this flawed security argument affects the other signature schemes that utilize WOTS-PRF

    Digital Signatures from Symmetric-Key Primitives

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    We propose practically efficient signature schemes which feature several attractive properties: (a) they only rely on the security of symmetric-key primitives (block ciphers, hash functions), and are therefore a viable candidate for post-quantum security, (b) they have extremely small signing keys, essentially the smallest possible, and, (c) they are highly parametrizable. For this result we take advantage of advances in two very distinct areas of cryptography. The first is the area of primitives in symmetric cryptography, where recent developments led to designs which exhibit an especially low number of multiplications. The second is the area of zero-knowledge proof systems, where significant progress for efficiently proving statements over general circuits was recently made. We follow two different directions, one of them yielding the first practical instantiation of a design paradigm due to Bellare and Goldwasser without relying on structured hardness assumptions. For both our schemes we explore the whole design spectrum to obtain optimal parameter choices for different settings. Within limits, in all cases our schemes allow to trade-off computational effort with signature sizes. We also demonstrate that our schemes are parallelizable to the extent that they can practically take advantage of several cores on a CPU

    State Management for Hash-Based Signatures

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    The unavoidable transition to post-quantum cryptography requires dependable quantum-safe digital signature schemes. Hash-based signatures are well-understood and promising candidates, and the object of current standardization efforts. In the scope of this standardization process, the most commonly raised concern is statefulness, due to the use of one-time signature schemes. While the theory of hash-based signatures is mature, a discussion of the system security issues arising from the concrete management of their state has been lacking.  In this paper, we analyze state management in NN-time hash-based signature schemes, considering both security and performance, and categorize the security issues that can occur due to state synchronization failures.  We describe a state reservation approach that loosens the coupling between volatile and nonvolatile storage, and show that it can be naturally realized in a hierarchical signature scheme. To protect against unintentional copying of the private key state, we consider a hybrid stateless/stateful scheme, which provides a graceful security degradation in the face of unintentional copying, at the cost of increased signature size. Compared to a completely stateless scheme, the hybrid approach realizes the essential benefits, with smaller signatures and faster signing